has kodi ruined tv for anyone else? I used to have a ritual or torrenting and watching my favorite shows but now that it is all in front of me i cant muster the enthusiasm to watch anything.
life is suffering
has kodi ruined tv for anyone else? I used to have a ritual or torrenting and watching my favorite shows but now that it is all in front of me i cant muster the enthusiasm to watch anything.
life is suffering
No torrenting is old school. Times are changing.
no but faggots that promote the shit out of kodi have ruined the servers that exodus uses
faggots like you
Ironic question: what's KODI ?
A media player.
It just seems like a waste of space to me. I tried it out but all I got was the ability to watch stuff I could already watch.
I've asked what the point of using it is on here before. But no one's been able to give a good answer.
Though this is right up Sup Forumss alley (they seem to be all about downloading extra software to do what you were already doing) so I'm sure it gets praised ovetq there.
It's XBMC but with add-ons you can stream TV and movies fairly easily, or just organize your collection with a nice interface
you're meant to use it with a htpc on a big screen tv now your little laptop screen :^)
Never heard of it
I use it because the interface is couch distance friendly. Plus it has support for madVR and LAV filters so it's just as good as mpc.
It's less that it's couch distance and more that it's a bitch to control with the mouse
Ok.. Installed it and got this add on called "the royal We" and stream movies with it... Seems to work. But a lot of movies aren't playing...
How do I use it?
But I can stream directly to my TV from my phone.
Well golly, it sure is lucky that this kind [regular Sup Forums user] stopped by to inform me about this new media player I've never heard of, and answer questions from other curious [regular Sup Forums users]. Without their help, I'm sure that any knowledge of this totally useful utility (which is clearly not a transparent botnet and dataminer) would have totally passed me by.
Thankyou, fellow [regular Sup Forums user], I'll be sure to transfer all my future illegal downloading activities to the service that you have brought to my attention.
I sure am glad that people provide such software for free, out of the kindness of their hearts and because they just believe in the free spread of information. No strings attached, no agendas, and absolutely no way that they're selling user data to every third party with ten cents and an email address.
Oh, what a truly joyous and wonderful world we live in, such a far sight from the gloomy dystopian predictions of Huxley and Orwell: what a time to be alive!
What's your setup that makes it so simple (in terms of getting content?)
not op but exodus is what i use and probably most other people
Please tell me I am not the only oldfag who remembers filesharing before torrents?
Who remembers getting anime off Kazaa and music off Napster? Who remembers getting .rm files ofd IRC? Well, moreso getting them burned on cd from friends who hsed IRC.
Hell, I even got some off vhs tapes from friends.
I've got an Android box with kodi coming in the mail. what would be the best way to get live channels on it? For free I mean
I remember using Limewire to download porn.
>music off Napster
Pleb. Audiogalaxy's where it's at.
To what? Please be specific and site your work.
tfw you go to Northeastern and your roommate steals your software
> House Of The Rising Sun - The Doors .mp3
> Combo No 5 - Weird Al .mp3
> Uses Of The Word Fuck - Montey Python .mp3
Exodus is a better.
>site your work
I installed it on a fire tv stick. But that also requires you to buy one.
House of the Rising Sun - The Doors Cream Rolling Stones Led Zeppelin Pink Floyd Korn
>song name and artist is correct
>it's a shitty acoustic cover
>keygen websites which always gave me viruses
Download song and it's a clip of someone pretending to be Bill Clinton reminding us that he didn't have sexual relations with Monica, but he did go to Ifreeclub and so should we.
>none of the above
This is the proper response to these threads. Also coupon bug.com
I don't use any of the Kodi addons to watch movies or tv shows, I just like to use it as my media library, the only addons that I use are to stream porn, based ultimate whitecream.
Hey fellow oldfag, I remember downloading anime from mIRC, I also remember napster, eDonkey, bearshare, limewire and my favourite Kazaaa, I even had a fileshare program that was only used by japanese and chinese people only to download hentai manga, but then Sup Forums appeared and content became more easily available and I left all that behind.
>I remember downloading anime from mIRC
This is alive and well
This chick looks just like Susan Sarandon
C'mon aunt Jena, i've always wanted it
I feel bad that I know this.
You're getting your dick sucked, kid
oldfag here. just downloaded kodi on my pc. what add ons do I get to stream whatever I want? Or is that not possible?
Kodi is not meant to be used on the pc, it should be used as media player on a tv.
>what add ons do I get to stream whatever I want
Ultimate whitecream.
How do I use Kodi?
It's not bad for watching PPV sports for free, but fuck i'm sick of the over saturation of TV and film so readily available now. My Dad got a kodi firestick and he is literally like a vegetable over the weekend watching anything and everything.
How do you use it as a media player? Wouldn't it need the software too?
You just need some kind of device that is able to run it, I use pic related.
I don't get how people only stream things these days. I take it it's moved on from ad-infested, 5-broken-streams-before-you-find-one-that-works, 480p crap?
I torrrent and use kodi to watch on the couch. Yatse app on my phone for the remote control.
What is the best add-on for Kodi?
Ultimate whitecream
For film and tv? Genesis or Exodus
Does anyone know how to make playlists? I can't figure it out.
This is my life and how I keep my marriage stable.
Download HD series and movies and hdmi that from the PC to the TV screen.
What the fuck is this guys problem?
I've got a whole raft of problems. What's interesting is that we actually share most of them, it's just that you haven't realised they're problems yet.
I guess my most relevant problem right now would be a distaste for viral marketing in general, and especially viral marketing on Sup Forums because it's doubly saddening. These are not problems that we share, obviously, but I'm sure most of the firms involved have a fast enough turnover of employees that it won't be more than a few months before you end up having an ethical crisis.
You might harden up like a clam, compressing all your guilt into a beautiful, poignant pearl, and letting the whims of the insidious depths that you inhabit wash layers of crusty cynicism onto your shell. Or, you might snap one night, after a particularly grueling shift when the VPN was playing up and the targets were abrasive, and cry yourself to sleep when you remember that your grandfather shanked a German teenager with a bayonet so that you could become a professional swindler. You call your boss the next morning and quit on the spot.
Either way, the internet will never be fun for you again, and that's kind of sad, don't you think?
Videos>files, or some shit I don't remember, it automatically creates a section called movies with movie poster that you can browse and play movies, don't forget to set up automatic subtitles download thing under System>videos>subtitles.
Same man, I have 6TB of shows and movies and somedays I don't watch a thing. Though I do use my party-mode playlist then (which is the greatest thing ever, 5K songs I like with one button, it's like my own radio, I use a comment to include all the songs I want)
Here's an idea for you: if you're watching a bunch of shows and can't muster starting one, make a smart playlist and use find items where: path contains *path* for what you wanna include (or another rule) and then "in progress: true", limit it to 25, random, and it'll select x random shows you are already watching, you have to watch one of them and there you go. You could do this for anything. I have one for unwatched movies too limited to ten.
it looks fucking awesome, all my anime/tv shows/movies/music/wallpapers in one smooth looking interface, more fun than browsing windows explorer for your media, using a controller. Especially if you got bad RSI like me.