>actors get hired for their looks
>in other news: water is wet
Of course there is. Women claim they're being treated like pieces of meat on film, merely used for being pretty to look at. Meanwhile, the same thing happens to men but they just do it because they know it's part of the job when you build a career in visual media.
What I'm saying is, this is all common sense. Something women lack.
>be shit actor
>probably wouldn't have a career if he didnt have his looks
>"im more than my looks"
thats what every dumb cunt who ISNT says
Taking a career swan dive right into the pavement
God bless him though
Will the femiists crucify him or is he too qt?
>He also said he tired of being asked perpetual questions about his hair, muscular physique and love life
>muscular physique
This triggers my /fit/ autism, Kit is DYEL
Absolute madman.
Well, another career over before it began.
lmao....he's a glorified prop
He knows nothing
God bless him, the absolute madman.
His career's over now. Finished.
WTF does he know about Hollywood. He works in Shepperton.
>wouldnt appear in the rapefugee ad that alot of other GoT stars appeared in
>calls out the fact that objectification is not a woman only issue
He's pretty fit. This is what fit people look like when they're natty. He's just a manlet
>openly going against feminisms narrative
Nice "career" you had there
He did not name the Jew though. He will be fine.
>devotes this much time and effort to having a good body
>obviously only for aesthetic reasons -this is a guy who is so obsessed with his hair he spends most of his time in a mirror
>gets pissed off when people ask about his body
What a total fucking wanker.
It is true, I mean every single fucking superhero movie has a gratuitous overly sexualized shirtless scene
Is he seriously hired for his looks? He looks like an average manlet to me, he's no Brad pitt.
sex sells. it's irrelevant what sex is being on display, despite what feminists and other equally stupid people think.
He's less than 6 feet tall. He doesn't get an opinion.
>it takes a lot of time and effort to have a good body
Literally just eat healthy and lift heavy shit three times a week for 30 minutes
>Kit Harrington wants to be hired for his "acting ability" and not his "looks"
*rolls eyes*
ugh, what a fucking crybaby manchild.
he has nothing to lose though, given he's a manlet
It doesn't matter what you think, it's about the women.
>be male human
>cry about being objectified
Pic related probably wishes someone would objectify him physically. I'm sure he has no problem getting laid but it surely has more to do with money and status than his handsome looks or physique. Kit could work at walmart pushing carts and he would still be objectified by women.
>Pic related probably wishes someone would objectify him physically.
He's probably content in the knowledge that he's one of the most underrated actors of our time and that anyone who knows film knows it.
lol what a bitch ass faggot, should have thinked about it before growing that bitch ass whiny face
He's right and lots of women will side with him because he's cute. God bless this man, Hollywood needs some people who speak the truth
His career is over now.
Ungrateful goy.
Further news Awesome Ass Kate Beckinsale is sooking on English TV because Michael Bay said he hired her because she was hot, but not TOO hot to intimidate other women.
This is apparently problematic on multiple levels.
Is it rape?
I've seen Intagram Models - Literally a career based on people pushing a button if they think you look sexually attractive in a photo - complain about being objectified.
Later that day
>Actor Kit Harrington claims he was taken out of context on his controversial comments claiming that men experience sexism in the industry.
>“I like to think of myself as more than a head of hair or a set of looks,” he continued. “It’s demeaning. Yes, in some ways you could argue I’ve been employed for a look I have. But there’s a sexism that happens towards men.”
>The actor, who plays Jon Snow in the hit show Game Of Thrones claims he was misquoted and has apologised to the fans of the show - scored of them female - and has donated to a charity helping female actors procure more roles in the industry.
>Article by Gal Bernstein
People of any side whining about sexism in a business revolving around youth and looks...
Damn hypocrites.
>contradicting the Feminist narrative
Twitter backlash in 3, 2, 1.....
DAE hate feminists and love triggering feminists?
retweet if you agree
Pathetic worthless manlet scum
He is a shit actor anyways
Brad pitt is a manlet you idiot.
>not TOO hot to intimidate other women
Prime Kate Beckinsale is one of the best looking women I can name. What Michael Bay meant to say was hot, but not slutty. Women aren't intimidated by women who are more beautiful than them, they're intimidated by women who are more sexualised because they equate whorishness with being wanted.
Oh boy...
eh he's like 7/10
pretty hairs, and not ugly
so I dunno why he's considered the spokesperson for this issue
What? Wouldn't want to rough his pretty hands up, would he?
ITT: butthurt balding nerd virgins
>“I like to think of myself as more than a head of hair or a set of looks,”
But Kit has no personality or intelligence. Watching him in interviews only confirmed the gormless meme.
>and not ugly
I think his face is utterly average, like the definition of plain. Also, he always looks chubby despite being /fit/.
I really don't care for him. Doesn't look like "Jon Snow" to me and for some reason I thought his real name was Jon Snickett
He has that Daryl Dixon appeal where no woman would give him, as he is, the time of day if he wasn't Jon Snow. They forced him to grow a beard before fimling started because he looked like such a goober.
rekt shitskin
>be good looking
Why do people do this? They do realize that is most of the appeal in movies, regardless of gender people don't want to watch someone like Steve Buscemi as Batman (I'd pay to see it though).
I like his acting in the later seasons of GoT. I hope feminists doesn't ruin his career over this
He's been terrible in every movie I've seen, I hope he and Emilia Clarke die terrible deaths
If he posted that on Sup Forums he'd be laughed at and told to go back to Sup Forums.
He probably does have a point, but I don't think it's that men are treated unfairly, just that female actors are babied too much.
>culturul dwarfism has gotten to the point it's sexist to be against white males
Hes right.
Remember that Chris Hemsworth "game" in Ellen?
When he gets groped by complete strangers?
Chris Hemsworth might be a shit actor, but even shit actors will feel demeaned if used like that.
>He's pretty fit.
lolno. It's obvious he doesn't eat much which is why he's so small.
That's a normal muscular build for someone not on roids and not a professional athlete. You need to spend more time in the real world
he just became P R O B L E M A T I C
>“I like to think of myself as more than a head of hair or a set of looks,”
Too. Fookin'. Bad.
Thanks for adding those thought provoking questions, OP. I would've never have known that was what you were looking for otherwise.
Sure what he is describing exists. Men are usually just more easy going if they're being masculine about it. Now, it's okay to show one's feminine side because it is politically safer to do so.
Sexism= Prejudice+ Power Kitty Kat
Harrington looks fit as fuck.
Not everyone WANTS to look like a roid user.
Some of us actually use our body for sports and cant just spend our youth minding gains.
>trail running
>martial arts
I will never have 90kgs muscle mass and thats ok. Id destroy my knees doing what I do.
They shaved his face in the first episode, dingus. It was an actual plot point.
ie not lifting whatsoever and eating some fucking carrots. He needs more protein, son! Although I guess it doesn't matter if he's a fucking manlet anyway. Big muscles just look weird on little people.
Shut up and sit on my face fuccboi
P+P=S confirmed.
>actors get hired for their looks
This bastrad just had a Jarmusch movie premiere in Cannes with positive reviews, he has Scorsese movie coming out this autumn for Oscarbait, he already has a lead role in Gilliams Don Quixote and a role in Soderbergh`s heist movie.
>he develops callouses and gives rough scratchy handjobs to his boyfriend
shit significant other tbqh.
t. dyel
Oh boohoo, attractive rich white man gets lusted at by everyone, someone call the wahmbulance.
How would you even be groped as a man? You can just punch a woman in the face and BOOM. She's dead. Then you have sex with some sluts that were impressed by your display of raw power.
It doesn't matter if it happened, really. Who cares.
It's just ignorant to assume that he likes it all the time. Nobody cares if he does.
Wow, being attractive must be really difficult.
>Brad Pitt
I've had enough of this meme.
>How would you even be groped as a man?
Like this.
So how are they gonna kill off jonsno in the same season he was resurrected?
thats not grope he's comparing man titties
evans gyno will always be superior though
yeah whoa looking like what the people want you to look sure is difficult and bad
>those pathetic stubby legs
kek disgusting
How come they won't ever pin me between their crotches?
Just asking.
Yes, your attitudes are wonderful to deal with.
yeah, man
*nudges elbow*
They're bros, it's fine. You always want to compare dicks and pec muscles.
>manlet is a MRA
>ywn grope Chris Evans' big full titties
why live
If you didn't live you couldn't continue expressing yourself in memes.
memes are eternal
That's another meme. Very good.
It must be a satisfying feeling.
This guy is literally parroting hate groups
He's got very masculine features. It's just his ears are a mess.
I would give up those memes forever if I could feel up Chris' chest for an hour.
>long horse face
>bad skin
>eyes too high up
>huge nose
>weirdly shaped head and triangle jaw
His whole face is a mess senpai.
...I would just go back to posting memes instead of trying to express your feelings.
It's just a suggestion, but one I think you'll be happier with.
Says the guy who is hating on hate groups.
Bradd Pitt is also a manlet, and so is Tom Cruise