Will we ever see an adaptation anywhere close to the standard of The Lord of the Rings?
>amazing casting
>amazing music
>amazing writing
>amazing cinematography
>amazing performances
>amazing special effects
Will we ever see an adaptation anywhere close to the standard of The Lord of the Rings?
>amazing casting
>amazing music
>amazing writing
>amazing cinematography
>amazing performances
>amazing special effects
This has been answered a million times just in the past month in this board. The answer is "no".
Jackson sold his soul to the devil, which is why he became skinny after the trilogy ended
Literally 10/10 movies
Watch it in HD and look at all the fucking details, every battle looks so well done, when the Ents sack Isengard every individual Ent is doing something, it looks more real than the Hobbit which was ok-ish, aside from the last two movies which were shit tier and everything looked too fake.
Perhaps its cause LoTR used so many actors, even for background roles. Hobbit is just CGI shit
No. No probably not.
I will even go as far as to say that LoTR may be the finest set of fantasy movies ever made.
I can honestly not think of a single fantasy series that has come anywhere close.
shut up fggot
this desu
Were close up shots of the armies in the last hobbit CGI or actors with actual costumes on?
And no fantasy film will ever be better.
It was made when special effect were just special effects. CGI is not bad but its easy to lost the "soul" of the movie when everything is done with computer.
Fellowship of the ring is the only Kino fantasy film.
A combo of both
The Arwen subplot alone drops LotR from a 10 to a 9.
Peter Jackson is not a kinographer.
I think it's time for a female Frodo.
>implying this isn't just a catalyst to start a comfy lotr thread
whenever you have a conversation with someone do you get all autistic at the beginning when it's just small talk?
Maybe in a few decades. It's a once in a generation kind of thing
What does a lot I think is the fairly realistic and down to earth props, sets and costumes.
Compare this thing to Aragon's Elf dagger for example. It looks like it came straight from some high level World of Warcraft gear.
When most stuff in the film is believable it makes the narrative a lot more believable along with it.
The only correct post ITT. No one will, in our lifetimes, capture the essence and the adventure-feeling of the LOTR series. These movies deserve all the praise they get.
Don't forget turning Gimli into comedy relief in EVERY FUCKING SCENE HE'S IN.
The LOTR trilogy, even the soundtrack by itself is one of the few things that stirs up positive emotions in my cold, edgy heart.
Not the scene with Legolas on the small boat.
Most of them were actors looking at the Appendices.
Honestly I think Sup Forums is being a bit unfair to the CG in the movies.Most of the time they are just the same as it was in LOTR's.
I would say the biggest difference is that the Orcs were more CG than in LOTR.
Whoever can top the LotR Trilogy, can't.
Extended Edition only
Pic related is dwarf weapons so thay have to be wierd or something. The whole point in dwarf weapons are that they are simple, effective with best quality. And the same time they nailed the design in older lotr. Gimlis weapons were perfect.
Just look at this. You can just plainly see how they just painted over some plastic sheets with metallic paint. They didn't even try.
It looks fucking more like Warcraft than the Warcraft movie.
Gimli was actually badass in the books. Regarding the elves wanting to blindfold him because Dwarves are not permitted to witness Loth Lorien:
>This was not at all to the liking of Gimli. `The agreement was made without my consent,’ he said. `I will not walk blindfold, like a beggar or a prisoner. And I am no spy. My folk have never had dealings with any of the servants of the Enemy. Neither have we done harm to the Elves. I am no more likely to betray you than Legolas, or any other of my companions.'
>'I do not doubt you,’ said Haldir. 'Yet this is our law. I am not the master of the law, and cannot set it aside. I have done much in letting youset foot over Celebrant.'
>Gimli was obstinate. He planted his feet firmly apart, and laid his hand upon the haft of his axe. 'I will go forward free,’ he said, 'or I will go back and seek my own land, where I am known to be true of word, though I perish alone in the wilderness.'
Only the first movie was good. It actually had tension.
That said, the Sam and Frodo scenes in the following films are good too.
There are a couple parts where the actors don't react so well to the CG.
For instance when Frodo is playing ring around the rosey with the cave troll in fellowship Merry and Pippin are in the background just kind of bobbing in a ready stance, not paying any attention to their friend being attacked by the giant cave troll just a few feet away.
These moments are rare though.
Gimlis and Legolas relationship in the books were great.
Those two characters were some of the weaker parts of the movies I have to say.
How do you guys feel about Tolkien's son shitting on the movies, saying it was overhyped garbage for 18-25 year olds?
He literally sounds lime he's having a strop.
Hes right. But movies and books are diffirent.
Jealous old cuck, couldn't care less 2bh
Did he refuse the paycheque from it?
man I didn't even realize how tryhard the costume design looked in that
You sound lime you're having a strop m8
Gimli was made too much of a comic relief in the films. The bromance with Legolas could also have been toned down in my opinion.
>not transgender eagle spirit dark hobbit frodine
You fucking biggot.
Don't forget:
>amazing memes
Eh. I'm so used to writers and their families being cranky and going "wah, it's not a 100% carbon copy of the source material, it's a travesty worse than everything that has ever happened in history".
The books are movie are fairly different, but that's not necessarily a bad thing. I watch the movies if I want some super intense huge story with epic moments. I read the books if I want some cozy travels in Middle Earth and interesting background lore.
Really? They bromance way harder in the books I feel like. That was one of the few things I wish they would have copied the books more in. In the movies they were more friendly rivals quipping with eachother, while in the books they seemed more like they genuinely respected each other. Hearing about how when all this is done they should go travel together and visit the caverns Helm's Deep and seeing the forests where Legolas comes from were some proper bromance stuf. I loved that moment.
The godfather which is light years ahead of the book.
Typos aside, this scene doesn't sound as badass as it does petulant.
>gimli's actor was actually the tallest
Threadly reminder:
>Mortensen thinks – rightly – that The Fellowship of the Ring turned out the best of the three, perhaps largely because it was shot in one go. “It was very confusing, we were going at such a pace, and they had so many units shooting, it was really insane. But it’s true that the first script was better organised,” he says. “Also, Peter was always a geek in terms of technology but, once he had the means to do it, and the evolution of the technology really took off, he never looked back. In the first movie, yes, there’s Rivendell, and Mordor, but there’s sort of an organic quality to it, actors acting with each other, and real landscapes; it’s grittier. The second movie already started ballooning, for my taste, and then by the third one, there were a lot of special effects. It was grandiose, and all that, but whatever was subtle, in the first movie, gradually got lost in the second and third. Now with The Hobbit, one and two, it’s like that to the power of 10.
How can a man be so based bros?
>Will we ever see an adaptation anywhere close to the standard of The Lord of the Rings?
uh, no
never again
Movie Gimli
>comic relief
Book Gimli
>higher body count than Legolas at Helm's Deep and a fucking badass
Viggo Mortisen Bought not only his horse at the end of the filming because how much the two bonded but bought the horse that Arwen's stunt double rode at an auction for her because she couldn't afford it
Based Viggo is based
You will never watch lotr document for the first time ever again ;_;
What rewally impressed me was the added-in story of Faramir. It blended in well with the world as if Tolkein himself had written it. Eowyn's story and eventual link to Faramir was handled well too... they really sewed that one up neatly.
Should've sacrificed his daughter for a better hobbit trilogy
You dont bring plate armor to a council you full on pleb.
You have no idea what youre talking about.
wish we saw more of these guys
Their king shows up as one of the wraiths in the Hobbit fight.
LotR is boring.
Too much slow motion and aerial views.
It tries to be so epic that every scene looks like the flick is ending in a cliffhanger anytime.
What's your favourite moment out of all films?
To me the entire Moria sequence is amazing, from them entering, discovering what has happened, the ensuing fight, then finally the escape sequence from the balrog with the amazing score and then finally the balrog appears
I remember my sister once said "in ten years LOTR will look shit once the technology advances and we will laugh at how fake the orcs look"
(You) are wrong, kys.
it was fuckin horrendous m8
don't even get my started on the bloom effects
>Dwarves make impenetrable shield wall that the orcs will be crushed against
>Come on Elves, let's jump out in front of it
So many retarded things happening in BoFA
No, normies have already tasted this and they don't care about quality as you can see in GoT
he also used to walk up the mountains in full costume to get more authentic travellers look
Are you a nu-male, independent critic?
>Not liking GoT
He clearly isn't
but for me it will always be the speech and charge of rohan at pelennor fields
got goosebumps just thinking about it
1. Rohirim charge on the Pelennor fields
2. Theoden leading the last pack of riders down the ramp into the swarm of Uruk-hai.
3. Gimli in the Morian tomb: when he mourns his kindred and takes up arms to face their slayers
5. Aragorn and Gimli mowing assaulting Uruk-hai in front of the gates.
6. Treebeard discovers Saruman's treason and calls on Ents to march on Isengard
7. Aragorn's speech before the gates of Mordor
8. Legolas standing up for Gimli when surrounded by Rohan riders
9. Legolas, Gimli and Aragorn chasing after Uruk-hai
10. Gandalf instructing Pippin to shut up before the audience with the Steward
The trilogy is all awesomeness. I don't know any other movie series that would combine epic, grandiose battle scenes, heartfelt moments and genuinely funny bits.
anything with Rohan and Moria.
Theoden and Aragorn here.
The last march of the ents.
Hell every scene with treebeard in it was great, I love the way he talks.
But last march of the ents was legit beautiful and haunting, watching these walking trees slowly emerge from the forrest on to the blackened earth while the music sweeps up.
The anger and sorrow in treebeards voice.
Utter shit.
Now The Haradrim charge and horn, that was deadly.
you missed
>lighting of the beacons
always 1 pleb trying to be edgy
fuck off lad
Memes that has stood the test of time. How many movies have that?
>gandalf telling pippin death doesn't mean the end as trolls and orcs beat down the gate
>i can't carry it for you, but i can carry you.
>frodo realises they have accidentaly stumbled onto a road and they do that freaky camera zoom trick
>at dawn look to the east.
fuck too many great moments
>All 3 Saruman vs Gandalf confrontations
Will there ever be another movie where all of the protagonists are white people without a mandatory chimp-faced pooskin shoehorned in?
not in our lifetime
>tfw LOTR was made before any SJW shit could taint it
>tfw forever etched in history, unable to be touched
Angry bird movie was the first good adaptation of a video game.
Meet the standard and all.
Wait until they release a got feature film to end the series, then we'll talk
>"I am no man!"
Wait, you seriously believe GoT is, or will be anywhere LotR? Seek help.
If Dany, Jon or Tyrion sit on the throne it will be shit. Also the writers hate powerful males at middle/old age. The kill them or make them evil.
LoTR is way better, it keeps the realistic medieval male characters.The only powerful females are the elves which is ok.
The behind the scenes and cast get together were just as great as the movies themselves. The levels of comfort associated with lotr is beyond insane
not even SJW bullshit, just another great scene from another good character
Your sister sounds hot. Any pics of her pit?
It's an isolated moment of 10 seconds in a 12 hours kinographic experience. You barely notice it on first viewing because you are more concerned about the rest of the battle, what happens with Gandalf and the death of Theoden.
It's not even SJW-y. The Witch King isn't overpowered by a stronk womyn but just appears impious in his defiance of danger because he think he is protected by an ebin prophecy.
just off the top of my head:
>Sam & Frodo too fucking gay
>ROTK spider queen too underwhelming and small
>Arwen subplot
>Galadriel the most beautiful bitch in the world, really? like a 6/10
>Eowyn's ugly fucking pigface
>No Bombadil
>sorry no time for Saruman's defeat in theatrical release, rly?
>Stupid looking orcs like the ROTK general
>this triggers the beckbeard
Eowyn was better in the animated version
>I would have followed you my brother
>My captain
>My king
God damn these films ;_;
Who's sword is that?
He's a cranky old britbong. I would be disappointed if he had any other opinion
And thank fuck for that. It's his disdain for hollywood that we haven't had a butchered silmarillion