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Best chick show of all time?
Reminds me of how I was a lonely virgin through-out high school and I still am.
>it's a Ryan's brother tries to rape Marissa episode
Was this an accurate representation of people from the Orange County?
>it's a Cohen gets to be a comic nerd AND still fuck a hot chick episode
I have a best friend from OC, she says it was pretty on the nail minus some of the ridiculous stuff.
>tfw you will never have Sandy Cohen as a father
who the fuck actually watches a show like that?
was this the last time a television show was about alphas
>ywn be Julie Cooper's boytoy
Why live?
I remember this show. First season honestly wasn't too bad for it's genre. It was self-aware at least, there were jokes about itself in it.
protip: if you remove the _s from the web address it will give you a moving gif file
It's pretty comfy, great scenery and hot girls.
Objectively best girl
well he was super cute :3
Taylor? Ew.
Have never seen the show but OC era Mischa Barton is probably my number one celebrity crush. I don't dare watch the show because the image I have of her in my mind can only be tarnished.
And yes I am aware that [SPOILER]the actress is a giant clusterfuck nowadays.[/SPOILER]
Patricians. The OC is top tier.
Nigga it was just a reference. Summer best girl but Taylor is a close second.
but thats not summer