Name a show better then Game of Thrones
Pro Tip: You can't
Name a show better then Game of Thrones
Any show is better than game of assholes so yeah.
if this one had a season 4 it would have been perfect.
P.S game of thrones has had is time and is overhypped the creators are now trying to fasten the show too an early grave they really fucked it up.
It's going to end with bran changing the future bullshit paradox so Cliché you could see it from a mile away....
Shameless USA is way better that game of thrones
IMO this one is a lot better.
Whe shall see about that my friend i'm gonna watch this version also.
Wayward Pines
The Walking Dead tbqh pham
is that rawls?
is this any good?
Our beloved janitor leaves up dozens of threads about Game of Thrones while deleting threads discussing this board. Obviously Game of Thrones is the best show around.
>show about (supposed) overachievers too unique for normal jobs/routines despite being broke constantly
pandering to the highest degree, Your life isn't great because the world doesn't appreciate you: the show
Penny Dreadful is Objectively better than everything in this thread.
what is black sails?
Deadwood, True Detective (season 1), Mad Men, The Wire, Breaking Bad, Sopranos, off the top of my head.
GoT is the uncontested GOAT fantasy show. Don't confuse that with GOAT show in general.
>more consistent
>better writers
>doesn't jump wildly between interesting arcs and uninteresting arcs in a single episode
>doesn't rely on shock value to replace good writing
why are jaime bran sansa and walder frey dressed like that
i can't name one.
but i can name 20
>about to assault the citadel(fucking finally)
>so many shots of Maces army to really hammer it in
>"lol nope no fights today were allys now!"
Only 1 battle per season I see, gotta pay to keep KellyCs buffet full at all times.
that or vikings
>is this any good?
Yes it is. The first episodes may discourage you because of the slow pacing and all those different accents, but when you get used to it it's pure gold.
I binged watched both Borgia series back to back. Both are great.
Twin Peaks
This is good
>token black guy
They're saving the budget for more scenes of Khaleesi's army and her dragons and her epic speeches to her armies on her dragons.
Aren't you glad that the budget is going to Khaleesi and her dragons?
This is even better than /got/
the magicians.
he's a former slave trader from Africa who now works as a man servant for old bond.
Based honestly
the americans
That's a loyal manservant you peasant. Seeing as you can't even take care of yourself it's no wonder you can't appreciate how a man of means could pluck an unfortunate soul from the blackest, most primitive stretches of the world and install him in a position of comfort in the light of civilization, exposing him to ideas, experiences, and a depth of cultural he would have never known. Go back to the gutter and beg for your dinner, churl.
7 Slaves a Running
Name a show worse than GoT.
You can't.
The Walking Dead so far!
should i watch this user? ive seen the first epsiode and it's kinda boring. is there a remaster?