Pick one.
Pick one
Half the time Murray doesn't seem to enjoy acting, while Robin Williams honestly never half-assed a performance and had a more versatile filmography.
neither, comedians make shitty dramatic actors
Robin Williams.
I can't think of a single movie that I liked Bill Murray in aside from Groundhog's Day. I liked King Pin, but I didn't like Murray in it and the movie would have been better with anyone else.
Is this the reddit thread?
Not even in Ghostbusters?
Robin. The guy used to be a great actor full of nuances when he wasn't doing the manic comic routine.
My favorite Robin movie is Moscow on the Hudson.
Williams is a much better actor
Bill murray nearly played Batman in 1989, Robin Williams nearly played The Joker in 1989. Let that sink in.
Robin is god.
Bill Murray is a faggot SNL "actor".
End of fucking story.
>the liking an actor because he's dead meme
Robin Williams
Murray is an overrated hack
What's that movie where Bill Murray plays himself? At least Williams had a character outside of the wacky guy
Bill Murray ruined Ghostbusters.
t. EctoSlimeSquad
shut upp faggot
Should have been Belushi.
Maybe even Chevy Chase
Bill Murray is as close to a living meme as humanly possible
Hes washed up, hasn't been funny in years and even his older shit hasn't exactly aged well but thats a problem in comedy.
Now he just rides the geek idol train until his probably close approaching death and is immortalized by le geek reddit culture
What's wrong with Chevy Chase?
Bill seems to be an asshole, so I choose Robin.
I don't get why they like him so much. Is it because of that Zombieland movie?
>"haha omfg Bill fuggin Murray, he's like a legend."
Every movie he is in sucks because of him.
I like Murray but Williams was a much better actor.
Murray half asses it sometimes, Williams never did.
You're right user, Jim Carrey was horrible in The Truman Show and Eternal Sunshine.
I pick the rope
they both can't escape being themselves during their performances
bill's is more understated which makes it more tolerable. robin was braver and tried more wild shit though.
>itt plebs who think bill murray doesn't like acting because he plays depressed characters
objectively Murray is the patricians choice and robin williams only appeals to manchildren with nostalgia googles.
Williams had the emotional range of a fucking continent. Williams.
You're the kind of guy who becomes a contrarian because he believes everyone else is being a contrarian.
>believes everyone else is being a contrarian.
contrarians a well known fact on Sup Forums and Sup Forums in general. people unironically think batman vs. superman was a cinematic masterpiece on this board for fucks sake
Williams played a range of characters though. These guys who are just shitting on Murray are memers, he's a fine actor and has been in some great movies like Groundhog Day, but Williams really did have more range it's undeniable.
Space Jam
maybe Williams had more range, but goddammit he hasn't been in a decent film since the 90s and even the movies he is known for are mostly kind of cheesy and for kids name one fucking good movie he was in released this century you literal retard. night in the museum? At least Murray had Lost in Translation and Wes Anderson Movies
>inb4 hipster. Grow the fuck up.
good will hunting
I got sick of Jim Carrey's "drama face" that he makes in every dramatic scene of every movie he's in
I honestly cannot stand Bill Murray's sad old man routine. Could take or leave most of his younger work too. Robin was pretty great though. He went all out for even a movie like Jack, which everyone seems to shit on. I've always thought that Mrs. Doubtfire was twice the movie that Tootsie was too.
Isn't that Murray's shtick, tho?
This pretty much. I can never take back the times that either man entertained me but if we're talking pedigree and legacy Robin Williams leaves Bill Murray in his dust.
>legacy Robin Williams
when Patch touched the glass I came buckets
Murray for comedies, hands down, but williams for dramatic roles. killed it in Good Will Hunting (fuck you if you didn't like it)
Oh whatever, what do you want him to do, stand there like an expressionless mule?
Williams and it isn't even close
Stripes? It's fucking hilarious.
How about Scrooged?
Jesus, how can you people not like Murray? He's fucking hilarious.
haven't seen Williams in any movie recently, he must be taking a break or retired
He's on hiatus in hawaii, soaking up the sun with michael jackson and a 12 year old
that 12 year old must be having the best time of his life
Who wouldn't? :P
Robin Williams easy
I don't know where the fuck the Bill Murray is good meme came from
Kill Bill
Keep Robbin
Definitely Bill Murray. He's aware of his cinematography, and still alive.
>At least Murray had Lost in Translation and Wes Anderson Movies
You forgot Broken Flowers
All these people hating murray and kissing robins dead ass
Robin comedy felt way to forced, murray is naturally funny but i'm still not a super fan of him either but I definitely prefer him over williams
Murray is a fucking cunt like everyone who was big in the 80s
World's greatest dad was a quality performance from Williams
I think Murray is overrated but he was great in Life Aquatic
It's not your fault, son.
big man bill for comedy, RW for drama. Robin Williams was not even remotely funny in film but his dramatic roles like awakenings and the majority of good morning Vietnam were some of the best performances I've ever seen
>choosing between Robin Williams or Reddit
RW is way more Reddit than bill
Great film. I enjoy both Murray and William's work and it each has its time and place. Both are funny, just the humor styles are different. Williams was more slapstick, impersonation, high energy bantz, etc. Murray has a dark, dry, pessimistic sense of humor. They are both good and have their own niches honestly.
Punch drunk love.
Reign over me
How can a person be a website
based Sandler
which comedian is Sup Forums?
>Pick one.
Fuck off. They both suck.
Well in terms of movie output, theyve probably been in about as many crap movies as they have good ones. Maybe Murray shades it. But Williams with his TV work and stand-up, although its not my cup of tea, is fairly impressive all things considered. There are rumours of them both being incredible at improvisation and re-writing work, but i have my suspicions Murray is better at that, like Williams is probably better with serious roles and parts and has more range. Its hard to choose.