Leave Musclekino to me
Leave Musclekino to me
Why even live if you can be this
>Leave dick to me
isn't he like 5ft 4
steroids work folks
they work really fucking good
>Be consumer instead of creator
ayy lmao
Would Sup Forums suck his dick?
looks a bit dehydrated.
how the fuck does a person look like that. just just
mfw he probably has a big dick too like the bieb does.
With all of the roids, nah
now post the rock
body of a 45 year old
That's one of the most aesthetic roid bodies I've ever seen. However it still is weirdly uncanny valley to me.
>how the fuck does a person look like that. just just
test and dbol. or anavar. or turinabol. or whatever the fuck else.
shut up faggot
was a genuine question you triggered manlet
by dedicating your life to maintaining your body.
Fucking kill myself, how does someone get genetics that good. Dont even care if he uses roids to get that extra 10% what the fuck
I would suck his dick. No homo
Hardly. Maybe in Sup Forums fantasy land. I'm 5'8" and my friends that are girls compliment my height all the time.
>how does someone get genetics that good
here's how:
500mg test-e/wk
50mg dbol/day
250mg dnp/day
lift weight + clean diet
have fun.
Buddy I've got some bad news for you.
Just fucking go on HGH and it'll work itself out.
Shit's not rocket science. Movies don't have drug tests.
crash diet till your skinny, run a lot daily, eat meat and drink water. then start eating more like chicken and vegetables whilst lifting.
obviously some clen and some roids, protein shakes to get your mass up, in an hour or two a day of vigorous lifts for a year or so and you'll be like this
Roided manlet
This. He looked great in Paperboy, now he's liked some gross, aged European bodybuilder.
how does that help when im balding at 20?!
>i'm 5'8 and my friends that are girls compliment my height all the time.
look at this dude
nobody actually uses clen. clen is dumb shit people talk about on the internet. it does almost nothing.
diet is 10 times more important.
>Its an ugly 6'3 guy who has nothing but his height to go on tries to make fun of a more attractive but shorter person episode
Lifting right is important it's just that getting to your better body STARTS in the fridge.
If you're a skelington when you lift and eat right you'll see results in the first month
Jump on fin.
God damn! Eat a sandwich skeletor
Ignore manlet posters
>50mg dbol/day
>tips oncologist
6'3" 200 lbs reporting in
>clearly wearing a speedo
>no clear speedo shots
he looks totally weird and freakish. he was much hotter in ottermode.
most women / fags are not attracted to roided out bodybuilder physiques, just fyi
>most fags
you haven't met me kiddo
>user I'm sorry but you're just not attractive, I'm attracted to him instead
>B..BUT I'M 6 FOOT 5 GEhhghh
>Thus the spurned neanderthalus makes manlet comments to this day, hoping that maybe one day they can make the pain stop
That's insane dude.
looks like shit
someone post cavill
do you even know what that word means, son?
i think you meant nephrologist. 50mg dbol is not a high dosage at all.
Most people I meet who are above 6 foot are full blown dad gut mode with a minor in school shooting. Faces contorted/unsymmetrical, usually bald, etc.
>tfw 5'5 and fucked 7 girls
>Anything but Pumping iron
t. guy sitting on phone books to reach keyboard level
>He thinks his height will mask the baldness, busted face and constant flop sweat
>He thinks his height will help him physically in anyway when hes a fat dorito dust plastered clod
>Implying 5'10 master race isn't the best aesthetic for getting girls and drowning in pussy
Except it's a well known fact gay bbers are ALWAYS bottom.
If you want to get fucked your best bet is chubby latinos, they'll fuck anything with a hole.
>>Implying 5'10 master race isn't the best aesthetic for getting girls and drowning in pussy
Except most girls are "tall" like that and will tower over you in heels.