what does tv think of this movie?
What does tv think of this movie?
I really enjoyed it. Solid WWII movie.
Not bad. Brad thinks he's tougher than he is though, actually more of a puss. Lehrmy was a shit at first, but he did a bit of a transition which felt believable,
American propaganda movie with Star Wars laser beam effects
pretty good except for the ending. ending was badass but went full retard.
starts off good then is ruined in the final act when Brad Pitts character decides to suicide his team which goes 100% against what he's about the whole movie. could have been 7/10 but it ends up 5/10
>le good nazi spares life of american marine
Fucking Nazis.
It could literally have the entire middle 40 minutes removed and still function as a movie.
The "imminent rape" scene was 10/10, the rest is just an average war flick.
Pretty over the top and ridiculous; all the tank warfare scenes were unrealistic, especially the final standoff. Wish they'd move away from shooting every war movies with that gritty blue filter.
Yeah I can't take Brad Pitt seriously as a tough guy in anything he does. Even his role(and horrible accent) in Inglorious Bastards was a distraction.
On the plus side, it makes foreigners like this faggot asspained, so I guess that's worth the $70million they spent.
Nonexistent plot, just like End of Watch. Great scenes make up the movie thought.
>le traumatized 15 year old conscript decides not to kill a fellow teenager to save a little bit of his humanity
>le armoured pillbox ambushes an infantry force and inflicts numerous casulaties
>le directed fire with tracer rounds
Youre a moron if you thought any of those things were unrealistic.
6.5/10 overall for me
Some very good scenes, some very bad ones.
It's as good as it is bad, if that makes sense.
I kept hoping for some in-the-trenches gay stuff with Logan Lerman and that twink lieutenant with them at the start but it never happened.
They used the worlds last functioning Tiger tank.
Instant 10/10
Plus the fact that the movie also had a Greyhound and Pitt using a STG44 make it a 11/10.
And that one guy who was on fire and shot himself to put himself out of misery made it 12/10.
Shit was SO cash.
start squirtin that tree line
Pretty great film about war being hell nomsayin. Very effective images and very effective soundwork.
>Dramaticized WWII movie #237
Once you've seen Band of Brothers and Saving Private Ryan there's literally no need for WWII movies (in Yurop at least). The overacting and bizarre laser beam looking bullets sucked too.
Mediocre. Tone and mood is perfect; the long middle scene is good, but long with very predictable conclusion; elite German troops armed with panzerfausts charging against tank just to be knifed by Brad Pitt are awful.
Solid WWII movie, i hate that so many faggots got the Brad Pitt hair cut though
went to see it with friends with about 30 minutes notice. Had zero expectations but it was actually really enjoyable
would have been really good if the nazi who found norman shot him
Never seen it but I did use a picture of Brad Pitt in this movie once when getting a haircut
I enjoyed it, it got the testosterone pumping, but I'll admit I had a little bit of a "why is Sup Forums always right?" moment when the credits started rolling alongside pictures of emaciated prisoners in concentration camps.
They managed to make a whole movie about the European front without a single mention of a gas chamber, then they went and shoehorned it into the end credits.
I'm starting to think it's no coincidence that my hands-down-favourite WW2 movies are The Thin Red Line and Kokoda.
annoying bad
shoulda been called white trash on wheels or something
brad pitt plays one character in every movie
Can I get that again in English?
the last act was fucking dumb and took me out of the movie completely. just weird continuity errors that made no sense and were really obvious too.
>Waffen SS unit in 1945 has no idea how to disable a lone tank in the open
That really bothered me
Shitty American handjob.
>kid out doing whatever the fuck he's doing when he sees them
>camera directly shows at least 10 soldiers pass him within the march carrying shoulder-slung panzerfausts ready to fire
>okay they're fucked
>no mention of ANY of the panzerfausts when he gets back to the tank
>crew inside the tank talking shit for 10 minutes
>no one seems to think to grab the .30 cal sitting on the back of the tank
>big fight happens
>germans zerg rushing a fucking tank
>where did the rest go??
>continue zerg rush
>frag grenade goes into a closed tank
>brad pitts body is perfectly composed except for some blood on the side of his head like he fell of a skateboard
the entire thing was an absolute disaster
You didn't see the movie right? The only good, moral person was a nazi. It shows that Brad was only blindly hating the SS. If anything the movie is pro-nazi or at least the movie with the least Germany hating meme in recent memory.
Besides that. It's a very stupid WW2 movie with lasers for some reason. Worst actions scenes in decades.
>dumb euro nogunz that dont know what tracers are
You didnt see the movie apparently.
Also yes tracers really do have that effect
>reality is unrealistic
Friendly reminder that the people that use LE LAZER XD argument are ignorant faggots, and their opinion should be inmediately discarded
>new recruit fucks girl for the first time
>some semblance of normalcy in the war
>house gets fucking bombed right after
>Bernthals talk with the boy
>what cha gonna do bring her back to life?
Damn that shit was pretty good
>executing prisoners
>attempted rape
Was the audience supposed to not sympathise with the main characters?
I loved how they had the balls to insert the obligatory war romance as a "well if I'm gonna get raped better be raped by the wink" situation
And then the big ugly jew taunts the poor guy calling him a faggot for thinking he'd find love in a fucking war
They did nothing wrong.
>numerous casualties
Nigga it was at least an entire platoon of Waffen-SS with multiple panzerfaust weapons, and they decided to spend the entire day running across the tank's line of fire instead of just blowing it to shit. The very fact that you picked your wording so carefully shows that you know exactly how retarded this is, you're just in denial.
Fuck you in your mothers ass if you say they were tracers. Why the fuck colour them red and green? It was just so the audience knew whether they were good bullets or bad ones.
Did that really happen? I'm not sure that was in the credits when I saw it, maybe it was just in the American release? You guys are so Jewcucked you mutilate your own dicks so it makes sense
Because the germans actually used green tracers, and the allies used red tracers.
George Lucas got the inspiration for his fucking Star Wars blasters because of that you dumb cunt
Germans at the end seem to suffer from "Lets run around in circles all uselessly so the heroes can gun us down" that's common for bad guys in American action movies, which was kinda grating to watch, but overall I liked it.
People bitch about the Tiger tank rolling forward, but I honestly can't be fucked to be bothered. I actually felt sorry for the tank commanders almost visibly shitting their pants and the Tiger blasted them to bits one by one. I quite liked how they went for the spoopy nazi bad guy theme during that scene. Reminded me of playing Wolfenstein back when I was a kid and had to hide from minigun duel wielding dudes in blue or orange budy suits and robot hitlers because I accidently proceeded to next level without finding the minigun first.Seriously, dat spoopy Tiger theme.
Best movie I ever had
This is bate.
Enjoyable up to the last 20 minutes or so when the tank is stranded and the Germans seem to want to stab it to death instead of engage from afar with anti-tank weaponry.
Don't have the gif now but the Germans missed with AT weaponry from 5 meters from the tank.
It all made for a very laughable scene.
you mean tracers.
don't get mad with me son
this is clearly a load of shit, you expect anyone to believe both sides met and where like "hey I like red" "oh ok i will have green"
>Germans were zombies with guns: The movie
You're a pretty dumb guy. Makes sense to use a different colour even if it wasn't by mistake after the fact.
I know you're baiting, but for those that genuinely don't know the reason behind this, it comes down to the chemicals used in each country.
The germans used Barium compounds to manufacture their tracers, which gives a green-yellowish light, as seen in . The allies used (and still use) magnesium and other shit to make their tracers, which gives a bright orange light.
I wish i saw it on the theaters
Great job at portraying desperation and grittiness, top notch music, but it fell apart because despite all the atmosphere and themes they threw it out to have one big battle to finish the movie, and made sure they portrayed one group of Germans as comically villainous as possible just in case anyone felt even a bit of sympathy.
I seriously want to slap any American anytime they open their mouth about anything related to the "SS"
>it's another jew propaganda
Aaand I fucked up the quote because I am too a fucking retard, I meant this post where you can see different kinds of tracers in action
As far as complaints about the movies, I'm more concerned about the tank fights happening at less than 100m and the continuity errors at the climax other anons have already pointed out
>info on tracers
good shit.
>jew propaganda
>allies presented as war criminal monsters
>german people presented as victims
>no mention of concentration camps
you're dumb, when they used the tracers it was still daylight plus they were wasting ammo anyway, wtf
you're still mad probably because of your medulla oblongata being small on account of your dumb
>tracers only get used at night.
Dumb guy.
>it was still daylight plus they were wasting ammo anyway,
... even more reason to fucking use them
the decided that at the same meeting they decided to wear different uniforms too.
you fucking moronic fool.
I'm not American, although I watched it online for free so it's possible I saw an American release. 100% for real though, I distinctly remember having a little chuckle and wondering what Sup Forums would make of it.
language is too modern
pacing is unbalanced
laser beams! but really tracers were too bright and too often. lacked projectile spiral/wobble
back end of fights approached too far into the absurd action reasons instead of describing the absurdity of tired untrained conscripted children fighting on after the end of war.
at some point after the lasers i started wishing it was more of a sci-fi reinterpretation where its a group of survivors clinging on to an amoeba like existence inside a tiny ship lost deep inside hostile territory trying to make back to demilitarized space.
just so you know, every 10th or so bullet is a tracer, they're put on the belt/in the magazine that way deliberately. you silly fuck.
I think we used every 7th or 5th
you must be fun at parties.
Chemistry 101, different metallic oxides when burning give off different colors. Europe and North America by nature of geology have differing mineral deposits.
Pretty great 2bh
Shia is GOAT
Kill yourself
Was really enjoyable up until the third act where it devolved into whackamole with 300 veteran SS soldiers who forget they're carrying boxes of panzerfausts as soon as they run into an immobile M4E8. Absolutely ruined the rest of the movie.
That and the over the top tracers (they're fine in the night scene if I remember, but when they first start firing upon the German trenches by the tree line during the day in the first act they look like stormtrooper blasters)
Reddit you have to go back
>friend tells me its a movie that doesnt glorify war
>glorifies wst
pretty good movie up until the end.
I liked it a lot more than I expected.
I thought it was a really weird mash up of straight up 50's War Pulp and the aesthetic of Eastern European art-war films like Come And See.
Maybe it sort of didn't work, but it was still interesting as hell to see.
Like something Peckinpah would have made back in the day if the studio made him make a John Wayne movie.
>76mm guns now fire tracers
>the nazi doesnt tell that there is one hiding under the tank
Makes sense to me.
It's like someone said;
>I want to make Bad Boys
>But I want it to be in the style of The French Connection
It's such a weird mix of concept and execution.
It's at once kind of too serious to enjoy as a blood soaked action flick, but way too much of a gore filled dumb action flick to be serious.
I'd still say it was really enjoyable and well made though.
>wanting a film that doesn't glorify war
christ austists like you who just want "muh dark edgy war is hell ;_;" are the fucking worst and why we don't get fun war films anymore, kys reddit
The thing is, didn't Audie Murphy get his Medal Of Honor doing something similar to what happened at the end of Fury?
Took out dozens of guys while on fire while firing the MG from a burnt out tank?
>tracer tank shells
Neck yourself
>Tracer tank shells
This doesn't happen in the movie.
Pretty good, shows how we've won the war.
How can you tell those were Waffen, not regular ss?
They aren't used universally. They do get used as an aiming aid on coaxial MGs and for target indication generally, but they're not always used because they work both ways.
Western Front teenage conscripts at the tail end of the war.
Not really SS.
yes, it does
They made a fuckton of movies about bad americans doing bad things to civilians in Iraq during Bush era, perhaps you should be watching those.
No they didn't, you brazen bullshit artist. I challenge you to name one single Hollywood movie about Iraq where the Americans are the bad guys.
I haven't seen either though.
>yes, it does
>proceeds to post a video in which they clearly do not
Wrong link?
General consensus for Fury seems to be:
>Most of the movie is bleak, atmospheric, accurate (inb4 laser tracers)
>The ending is typical Hollywood
Okay, I'll concede the point, but that's still only two barely-watched movies out of a crop that includes Three Kings and Jarhead.
Hardly a "fuckton of movies about bad americans".
the cgi looks like direct-to-tv vfx.
Think you might have your wires crossed. Those are set in the Bush Snr. era.
The two I listed are Bush Jnr era.
Hilarious Three Kings was made in the Clinton era, and seems to argue for a stronger middle east intervention, and particularly that Bush Snr. was a bitch for not "getting the job done".
Which Hollywood liberals like Clooney certainly weren't fond of during the Bush Snr years.
I wasn't the guy you were arguing with, but during the Bush Jnr years we got lots of morally ambiguous American War movies, like Lions For Lambs and Brothers and shit.
The Ra Ra Kill Em All period was the 80's and even into the 90's when no one actually had to deal with real wars except Iraq 1.
You do realize that every anti-tank round used by the 75mm M3 equipped Shermans post 43 were tracer rounds? I am not so sure about the 76mm ammo Fury would have used though.
Worst part of the film was the duel with the Tiger. Bad tactics on the part of the Tiger would be unlikely from a crew assigned to a Tiger. Also Fury's high velocity 76mm would have had no problem penetrating the Tiger's armor.
I keep hearing that what we see in the movie is impossible.
Yet Tigers got destroyed.
So someone was killing them.