>Past a certain age a man without a family can be a bad thing
How do you respond?
>Past a certain age a man without a family can be a bad thing
How do you respond?
Other urls found in this thread:
most of the greatest artists of the world had no children
you give up on your full potential when you decide to start a family, and that's okay for some but not for others
I think a family is what can make a man happy
What about the other percentage of men who not only have no family but also did not exceeded in proving their worth to the world?
Like all the other nobodies like you and me?
I believe that statement is correct i am part of it and i feel the fact that the suicide ghost is visiting me more often every day only means natural selection is trying to tell me
>delete this save
>restart the game
i think i should listen.
I don't think that the game gets retarded.
having families make a lot of men unhappy. It's a huge financial burden, not to mention the waste of time. and for what
I agree. That's why past a certain age I'm going to blow my brains out.
Don't listen, go seek professional help, love you user
I think that pros outweigh the cons though. I'm only 20 years old, but I certainly want a family when I am older and financially secure.
Travel the world instead of doing that. If you're feeling suicidal, visit Iraq, Iran, Syria and volunteer.
I know, I'm living that now.
It really goes both ways. Some people have kids cause they weren't careful not because they planned to. As a result they sometimes have to make compromises and sacrifices and dont get to do the things in life they would've liked. As a result they can make bad choices or habits like alcohol or drugs.
Ah crap, dude, I just reread my post and realized how depressed it sounds. But I do enjoy traveling a lot. I'm getting and education and have career plans. But I'm 99% convinced the family life will be a terrible idea. Maybe medicine and tech will make quality of life so good that I won't an hero when I get older, but until then, I intend to live and have fun. You're a good user for posting that reply tho, so thank you
Its hard to 'seek professional help' or even 'travel the world' if you are beyond broke.
suicide is free (for now) gee, if they ever monetize disney will probably buy it.
I wonder if he's talking about ISIS when he says "volunteer"
Rust had no family is was arguably a better man than Marty
You're born alone and you die alone, and this world drops a bunch of rules on top of you to make you forget those facts
And I'm on the opposite of the spectrum you mentioned. My parents took my sister and I with them when I was as young as 4 and we went on road trips, vacations to other parts of the world, and in different continents. Everyone's situation is certainly different. I agree that some people have no business having kids, and in countries like India and China this is a leading problem.
He seemed pretty depressed though.
>The entire species should stop reproducing and just die out
it's true. doesn't have to be a wife and 2 kids but getting past 35 without a solid family support system will take its toll.
Just follow your dreams man and I'm sure you'll be fine. I read an article from a famous psychologist that said, and I paraphrase, traveling can lead to a happy life and greater insight into how other people live.
Not everyone has the money or ability to travel the world, but starting small and volunteering for a few causes in your community/town/city can lead to bigger things and help build a sense of purpose and worth.
How you planning on doing it senpai? I can't think of anything more terrifying than an attempt turning you into a vegetable or something fucked up like that.
happiness is an illusion
id agree with him even though thats where im heading
Medical technology in current times can old fix so much. A point blank shotgun blast the to head is pretty much incapable of being healed.
Happiness is a very real thing, just like every other human emotion.
>born alone
>literally come into the world by exiting another human being
i'm inclined to agree with you but i know that's the depression talking. pure happiness as a permanent state isn't achievable but i think most people would settle for feeling content.
you're right. think of all the ass games you'd miss out on.
As an infant incapable of thought or memory, you are alone in that sense.
"A man without a family can be a bad thing"
"My family's been here a long time."
Most of the major "pseudo-philosophical" quotes can be attributed both to Mary and Rust, as well as the Yellow King cult. The cult is a family, and without it, what is Errol Childress doing? He's killing people, which is obviously bad, but he's making it public, he's trying to get caught. So "without a family" his "bad thing" is revealing the murderous history of the cult.
i'm 40 and have no family
everyone thinks your weird
I was just trying to get some fedora pictures but I agree that happiness is temporary at best. Your brain can't give off happiness chemicals all the time. Even if it did you would always be looking for more. Hence it being an illusion.
"("lol" "what" "?")"
no, if we go with your concept of as an infant you have no concept of anything due to the inability to think or remember
that doesn't point to being alone or not alone, it points to nothing
If you get to your early thirties and you've done something that will ripple through the ages, then you might have a point.
If not, by far the best thing you can possible do with your time is have children.
You might think "but I won't have time to level up my battle hammer" but that's not true.
You could still level up your battle hammer, you'll just realise that it was a complete waste of time.
I'd think at that point most people just grab whatever they can find and try to have kids with it just to avoid that feeling.
>How do I respond
breeders are dumb
expendable income > a fake family that will milk you dry
All the dudes I work with constantly bitch about 'my wife this, my kids blah blah blah.'
You know what sound like more fun than that? Keeping the money I work for, and doing whatever I want, whenever I want.
There is always some stupid nigs that proclaim how great having kids and a wife is, yet they are just rationalizing the indentured servitude that is their miserable, thankless life.
Seems like a shitty deal to me, I don't see why anyone would be compelled to do it, aside from it being a societal norm... and that's not a good enough reason for me.
Nothingness is like aloneness
>I don't see why anyone would be compelled to do it
This is it, exactly. You do it because you're compelled to. Your biology dictates what makes you happy, and one day you wake up and realize
>this is the only thing that makes me happy
You don't understand it, until you do.
You have to appreciate that your entire purpose in nature is as a vehicle to replicate your DNA.
Just b urself. Call a suicide hotline
I don't like being around people
I never have
I never will
no, nothingness is nothingness
if we take your idea as true, you have no concept of anything, let alone being alone
It's like thinking about what happens to you after you die assuming you are an atheist
it's pointless and a stupid analogy
>Seems like a shitty deal to me, I don't see why anyone would be compelled to do it, aside from it being a societal norm... and that's not a good enough reason for me.
I can understand this feeling from single guys in your 20s.
Your viewpoint changes as you get older, though. Your mom or dad die, sisters and brothers and friends get married and you start feeling very lonely the older you get. A family seems like a burden in your 20s, but if you keep that mindset, the window closes and being single at middle age makes you feel horrible.
>You have to appreciate that your entire purpose in nature is as a vehicle to replicate your DNA.
I choose to acknowledge and disregard this fact, humans should ascend beyond instinct at some point don't you think?
unfortunately we will never reach that point
I agree completely, but at the end of the day, all anyone wants to be is happy. And if your switch flips and your brain decides
>this is the only way I can be happy
Then there isn't anything you can do, except be miserable and try to compensate for it.
I got you covered famlam
In my 20s, i wondered when id have my family.
In my 30s, I was upset tyat it wasnt happening and getting concerned I was missing out on what my friends had.
Now in my 40's I discovered the full story of ehat it is my friends have, how fucked their lives and their kids lives are, and what they meant when to date, each and every one of them has said in confidence that they're envious of my decision to break it off with my exes rather than have kids. None of them are happy with their decision, none would do it over again, which reflects the polls on the matter that economists have compiled (which more than one has brought up): most happy lifetyle: single, but attached, 2nd place: Single unattached; 3rd place: single w.kids, (Loooong gap in percentage points) dead last: married w/kids.
42 now. As for recommending anyone have kids, I would never do that to the kid, or to the fucking world. It's completely ethically unsupportable.
You get a few short years of hormone buzz & fun out of the deal when theyre at the right age, and the price you, them, and the world pay in exchange is not worth it.
>not responding ">he fell for the family meme"
family is literally propaganda. everyone does it not because of a conscious option, but because they "feel like it". they are emotionally, unconsciously compelled to. literally brainwashed to.
>42 now.
wew lad.
Yeah, fuck that. That's not happening. I was in long term relationships when I was younger so I am not a closeted virgin fag. I am much happier now not having a girlfriend. They really aren't worth it. I don't care how good the sex is. The cost benefit analysis is not in their favor. You can literally jack off to a different girl doing whatever you can imagine, every day for the rest of your life... for free. You can't get a disease from your hand, your hand doesn't play emotional games, you don't have to take your hand out, you don't have to placate your hand, you can't get your hand pregnant... Did I mention free, easy, and accessible 24/7/365. Women are on the verge of becoming obsolete, as soon as they build a robot that can realistically fuck, it is a cheaper safer alternative to the real thing. Sex is the only thing they have to offer me, because that is all they can offer me that I would want. Otherwise they are annoying, illogical nuisances at best.
So much this.
I tried to force myself to be social and date, and be 'normal' growing up. But fuck that, for what. I hate doing that shit, so why should I. I get that most people are social creatures and like to be with other people, but I do not. I prefer to be alone. fagchan for a couple hours a day is about as much social interaction as I want...if that. Aside from dealing with the faggots at work. I don't particularly mind it at work, since I am getting paid to do it.
[euphoria intensifies]
I'm 30, cutting the retarded bullshit out of my life was the best thing I ever did. Will I regret it and be sad and lonely one day, I doubt it. It has been about a decade and I still think it was the right decision.
Fucking A! this
It is a shitty deal, why would I do it, it is self-defeating at best.
The solution is to do something worthwhile, not to give up. It's never going to be easy, but it's worth doing.
did you even watch the fucking show? woodys life was ruined because he started a family when he clearly shouldnt have.
His life was ruined because he's a fucking idiot.
Did you watch the show?
lmao what a fuccin granpa
I enjoy my daughter, it's certainly different strokes for different folks. It's hard work and most people that have kids aren't ready for the effort involved. I wasn't when she was born but she helped me grow up so much and that helps me appreciate her even more. All of this is anecdotal, the stories of people regretting their kids or not regretting them. It means nothing.
You realize in the OP that is a direct quote from the character?
Not as a whole no, an individual however can do whatever he/she wants as long as they can withstand the peer pressure I believe.
Hey though, I'm 21 so I guess I'll see.
>she helped me grow up so much and that helps me appreciate her even more
so you were too poor for therapy and opted for the cheaper option: having a kid.
people are weird.
All the "I never want to have kids" fags I just assume are younger than 22 and their brains haven't fully developed.
yeah and now his daughters captain of the varsity slut team
how you suppose to ascend if your intlighted self and therfore genes, arnt spread smart-guy?
LMAO kill ure self wortless nigger
Not at all. Still got therapy. Christ, why are you guys so cynical.
How was it ruined? For everything that went down he looked pretty happy when they came to visit him.
How's that alimony cuck?
What's the point of comments like these? Do you think you're smart and blowing him out or something?
Fucking retard.
>inb4 autistically responds back to me trying to 'win'
about to get into my 30's in a year. I'm feeling like I should have kids now but have broken up with my last few girlfriends.
Went to a friends get together last week to all couples and kids. Feels batman.
Society puts the pressure on people to have families.
Its frustrating, because I assumed as a teenager if you acted like a nice guy, talked to women in a unconditional way, that you would naturally find a good partner. But all through my 20s women were not interested. I m not overweight, i have alright looks. Everyone around my age getting married and having kids, and people look at me single and go "What's your problem?"
What's my problem? I don't have a problem. Don't make me out to be some weirdo loser who is still single when I'm normal and always treated women fine. Why should I be made to feel like the defective one for that???
It's not like in a different country in a different time being a kidless single guy in adulthood is looked favorably upon.
You have a victim complex, and other people can smell it, especially women.
You need to be confident and not give a fuck.
You reek of desperation.
I meant that the infant is alone in himself, from it's point of view. Obviously there are people near him in the room, but from the viewpoint of the infant it doesn't even have consciousness.
I can't understand what you're typing drunk-guy.
I am pretty sure the consensus is that raising kids and maintaining a family is hard, thankless work. The hell with regret, that fact should make any sane person avoid it like the fucking plague man.
>How many married/Dads are really going to admit if they regret their marriage/children even if they really do?
I'm 30. I bought a dog instead, it's a better investment.
>implying this gay earth isn't getting worse over time
>sparing your descendants from having to deal with that faggotry
Behind every cynic is a disappointed idealist.
Supreme Gentleman. I can smell the self-confidence issues through the internet. That basically makes pussies slam shut, just an fyi dude. Stop doing that or you will never get a female.
Again, who cares what other people think. Do what makes you happy.
I bet you enjoy your daughter.
I bet the whole neighborhood does, in the neighbors yard shed, while you think shes busy in school lol. Knicker round her ankles, bent over the stack of dirty flowerpots, getting quite literally "doggied" in frot of all the boys on your street for their pocket money to buy sweets with later on.
Has no family
He did have a wife and daughter, it's not by choice he's single
>everyone hates you if you're not Chad no matter what age you are
>get rejected and ignored
>dude start a family lmao
Fucking normies I swear
>This entire thread
I sure hope you are a bunch of Bernvictims or Shillary supporters.
White people need to make more children.
contentment as a permanent state isn't achievable too. your brain is too dynamic to stay one way for too long. stay angry, afraid, or happy too long you'll start being apathetic. desensitization is inherent in everything you feel, because dopamine receptors get destroyed a little bit every time you get emotional and it takes time to regenerate. for this reason there's no pleasure in this world that isn't addictive.
Well shit, if all I gatta do is buy em candy i could get behind that 'wink wink' usually they want houses cars and rings...
>I don't want to pass my genes on because I'd rather be a manchild all the time
>I'd have to buy stuff for my child instead of buying the latest vidya
>Internet Psychologist: The Thread
lmao totally right.
>You have a victim complex, and other people can smell it, especially women.
Stop acting like every woman in the world wants an alpha Chad. I don't have a victim complex because I never dump my frustration on women. If I was to be one of those guys that goes on a date and just complains to a woman all night "No one understands me waaahhh" I could see your point, but I am not that stereotype.
He's not wrong.
I just hope one day I will earn enough to build myself a house in the middle of nowhere and live there alone for the rest of my days.
>What's the point of comments like these?
wow calm the fuck down. i commented on that cliche user threw to the wind "muh kidz helped me grow". so the guy was a jackass piece of shit before the kid and the kid put pressure on him to become more or less a decent human being.
how about being decent for a start, without using kids as therapy or some sort of ordeal? yeah thats very tough it seems.
Instinct, by definition, is hard to break.
You sound like a loser, not gonna lie.
Although I'm sure the no children part for you doesn't come from a choice from you, instead women probably don't want to settle with you
>shower minorities with welfare for having children
>punish whites with higher taxes to support this
>be confused why whites can't afford children
Obama pls
>Stop acting like every woman in the world wants an alpha Chad
Everyone wants somebody confident. That has nothing to do with being a Chad, just being confident.
Again, you have a victim complex.
Yeah pretty much, do you not see my point?
That is verbal pussy repellent right there.
so much this
So are hymens, but you know.
>White people need to make more children.
With who? White women aren't loyal
We aren't even discussing politics yet you somehow snaked you're way in here. Please fuck off back to your safe space.
>With who? White women aren't loyal
With who? W̶h̶i̶t̶e̶ women aren't loyal
>this thread
Nahh, you came across as a faggot.
And you are one.
Bitter faggot that's watched too much porn
>their brains haven't fully developed.
The irony in that statement id precious. If anyones brains "havent fully developed" it's those who only maje it as dar as obeying their base animal instincts to eat, sleep, and reproduce, snd think its some amazing feat. Wow, congratulations. What an achievement. You bred. Ants and snails do it.
Meanwhile, the most intelligent individuals in every society on earth are famously, choosing not having kids, giving rise to fears the entire species is dumbing itself down to death by only the dumbest, least developed people outbreeding everyone like fucking rats without any goddamn sense.
>muh genes
>muh children
>muh legacy
Bit selfish imo.
I don't enjoy living very much, why would my offspring do?
Ok bud, don't have kids I don't care. You sound like a fucking angry loser anyways lmao
>Nahh, you came across as a faggot.
>And you are one.
quality rebuttal my friend.