>that's a 50$ dollar bill all day
That's a 50$ dollar bill all day
>100,000 thousand shares of Enron
Oh yeah, that's 70 dollar bill all day
You still sore about them 50 bucks?
Show is fake
NES 001
The first Nintendo DS released
Wow, we get this one checked out, brando.
>got some broken Chinese finger traps, that's an easy hundreds, some HDDVDs, seasons 2-5 of cheers that's a half a c-note, a used pinata? Twenty all day
>ancient fossilized dinosaur shit
I could probably get 10 bucks for it in the store
>old cum rags
That's a 400 dollar bill in used clothing Brando.
My friend actually just had an auction for petrified dino shit that sold for 750k
I genuinely like Storage Hunters.
Whenever it's on, I'll watch it and I'll always flip to the channel to see if it's on.
how does a spic manlet end up with such a qt. fuck this gay earth.
Stop. You can smell that biological timer from here.
Speaking of """reality""" tv shows, I can't be the only one who really likes the comfyness of this show?
>police finds some pot in his car
>he immediately kills himself
At least he'll be remembered for once digging through garbage and finding a broken toy.
Isn't stuff like that a slap on the wrist in burgerland?
Suicide seems a little drastic for that.
>they clear out storage locker
>its all old crap. Its still worth something but not going to go like hotcakes
>they judge they will make $500 profit on the locker
>have to sell every item in order to make this profit at best
>have to spend all day clearing out and entire locker getting it back to original standard (otherwise they're charged)
>two of them
How is this profession ever worth it? I mean they'll find something rare worth 10k and celebrate like they're rich. 10k is fuck all if you find something like that once a year
From what I've read he apparently had an old drug charge on his record and was scared that a second one would ruin him.
The only thing I really can't stand about Storage Hunters is how they """assume""" sale value. It just seems a lot like guesswork, and they sometime seem to think they'll get a lot more for a product than what that product would actually be worth.
There was this one time the YUUUUUP-guy found this toaster and concluded he could get 50 bucks for it.
Holy fuck, who pays 50 bucks for a used toaster?
I swear they make some of this stuff up.
He was a bouncer at her strip club. He obviously got her coke and never judged her. Then she tasted his spicy latino balls and the rest is history.
i fucking love these threads
>small jar of pennies
Gotta be at least $20 worth of coins in there
holy shit ur dumb lmao
Usually they make a good chunk over 500 bucks though.
The trip to the lot is probably the most time-consuming, as the cleanup doesn't take more than a few hours tops.
The entire process of buying, bringing back, and re-furbishing is probably done in a day. I they make 500-1000 bucks on a couple of lockers, that probably adds up.
I'm not saying they're super-rich, but 30k a year isn't that hard to imagine.
you don't
have to add
each thought
my reddit friend
>saw a behind the scenes video featuring all the original buyers
>Darryl has found murder victims hidden in lockers
>Dave goes to hundreds of auctions every week
>Jarrod the crackhead has been attacked by people who came back after their lockers were sold
>Barry is a millionaire who just does shit for fun because the producers asked him if he wanted to
You ever shit your pants?
I'm good for that about twice a year.
>finds some kind of vintage train set
Mind posting some examples of this guy?
Wtf are you talking about? He isn't dead.
Is he smiling or frowning, Sup Forums?
she's like a poor mans Jenna Fischer but thicc also. you're lying if you say you wouldn't smash Brandi in one of the storage lockers.
Because in the used crap marked, no one wants to deal with the shady type, right?
I mean yeah, if he worked on Wall Street, or was a CEO of Skynet Industries or sold million-dollar real estate or something I could kinda' see it as a big deal for his career.
When you're in the "sell garbage to poor people for profit" industry you'd think it wouldn't matter so much.
>British antiques show
>American antiques show
America are you even trying?
>he formats in a way I don't like so he must be reddit
>Is that Darrell bidding?
>had tv running in the background
>not paying attention
>hear the word cosplay
>Brandi comes out wearing a latex Tron bodysuit they found
>suddenly paying a little bit of attention
>Barry is a millionaire who just does shit for fun because the producers asked him if he wanted to
It does kinda' sound like an exciting hobby to have, if you have the capital to spare and don't really care if shit sells or not.
What I'd do though was go auctioning and pass everything I didn't want onto charity.
guy on the left looks like Bootsy from avgn.
Thought you were talking about Daryl.
What a retard. He was the worst buyer on the show.
the nigger is the best one, his appraisals are the most realistic
Oh don't get me wrong. She's old and desperate, but my standards are ridiculously low so I'd probably hit that, yeah.
t. exposed triggered redditor
how old are you?
>ywn sniff her ass
and Brandi is old to you?
are you a cunnyfag?
30k a year is fucking peanuts when you factor in:
Loss (The undignified, inevitable days where you don't sell jack shit)
If you do this job for 30k a year you're a sucker.
Tuna did nothing wrong. Great background show.
>tfw I used to know her cousin
She said they weren't close, but confirmed to me that Brandi's boobs are fake
I like how all the other people that aren't the main guys just stand there looking bored, making an offer once in a blue moon
This is my guilty pleasure.
I know it's literally ALL fake, but that doesn't stop it being fun.
she was a stripper, they were a tax write-off
>that clip where Dave fights the auctioneer and throws his wife to the ground
That shit was hilarious
The show usually doesn't show ones that the other people buy, which tend to be units filled with junk for smaller thrift stores to sell
>not including Bernice in the marketing
It is worth it when they get paid to be on camera.
>an old heat shield panel made out of aluminium-magnesium belonging to the original Sputnik
with a little fixing thats worth like 30 bucks
That emoticon is reddit as fuck. Do you watch filthyfrank and h3h3 too, faggot?
>this assblasted redditor going full babyrage
Is there a reason you're getting so upset?
god I love Bernice
Calm down. Go watch some leafy videos, that's probably up your alley.
Fuck that's good reality tv
For those types any charge except embezzlement is nothing.
Yeah but I mean 30k after all that. And I don't think it's a too demanding job, either.
For a mostly store-oriented job, that's pretty good.
If I was given the option of doing a standard 9-5 job or running my own shop for 30k, Id be a wage slave knowing Im at least guaranteed that pittance of a wage
My white person. Bernice was a fucking goldmine for this show.
This. The handful we see are usually the good ones or the "exiting" ones. 90% of the rest of the lockers are just crap.
People don't drive 7 hours to go to an auction with 4 lockers. They go through dozens upon dozens of these things. The camera just capture the best ones.
I saw one video where they show the credits at the end and they name the company they used to set up the explosion. Tru TV is a goldmine of sadness.
>tfw use to like watching these C-tier shows
i felt like the scum of the earth after watching anything on A&E and that Detroit pawn shop channel
Did you just insult my jewish ways?
I've always wondered if owning and renting out lockers like this was a fucking goldmine?
I mean think about it:
>practically no upkeep
>very few expenses to the building
>little staff needed
>constant stream of revenue
I assume it would be a lot like cleaning septic tanks, only the shit is alive and you have to interact with it like it was people every day.
can we get some more Brandi?
Bernice carried that show.
>my boyfriend's a rapper
I'm sure he is.
I think he was saying 30k after costs but yeah my time is worth more than 30k a year. If you have a modicum of skill or smarts you can make at least 40-50k a year at a skilled labor job or office job with possibilities of raises.
Five bucks, that's the best I can offer.
Fuck that's amazing. The American spirit radiates from that woman.
I know it's fake as fuck but it's still 10/10 kino right there.
It takes a certain type, I guess, but to some people stability < gambling. And I'm guessing you gotta' be that kinda' person to be a storage hunter.
>>Barry is a millionaire who just does shit for fun because the producers asked him if he wanted to
Dude is friends with fucking Stuart Copeland, along with every damn art dealer it seems. It's pretty obvious the dude's loaded. Not to mention he's not a redneck like the rest of them.
my god thats fucking great
He's not a manlet he's 5'8
>He's not a manlet
>he's 5'8