A lot of good threads today, but can we take a moment to talk about the bonus situation?
A lot of good threads today, but can we take a moment to talk about the bonus situation?
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Can you just fucking die? Thanks.
niggers don't get bonuses
We aren't gonna talk about it and you're risking forfeiture of all shares.
Reminder that this negro was right about everything but no one Iistened to him
Just rewatched this last night.
Do people legitimately think this is better than The Thing?
They should of just frozen him
Yes, because it is.
>Talking to a guy recently
>Mention that I rewatched Aliens recently
>He replies 'Aliens? Never heard of it'
>I reply 'Y'know, Aliens with Sigourney Weaver. The movie with the space marines fighting the big black monsters with penises for heads. Surely you've heard of it?'
>'Nope, is it new or something?'
I was kinda surprised. Not so much that he hadn't seen Aliens, but that he knew literally nothing about it.This guys was about 20.
I feel like Alien is so deeply entrenched in popular culture I can't imagine you could go about without at least being aware of it. There are so many movies/video games/toys/clothes etc. It's a huge franchise.
I also felt kinda jealous though. Imagine seeing Alien for the first time if you knew absolutely nothing about it. What a fucking amazing experience; especially seeing the chestburster scene.
The Thing has a low budget feel to me
Did he know Predator?
They're literally on par with each other.
I didn't ask, but I imagine not. When I said Aliens was an 80s film he replied that he hadn't seen a lot of movies from the 80s
They're both up there. Which is better is hard to say, it's up to personal opinion. Let's just say they're both very good.
I was talking to a "movie buff" friend of mine and asked if he was interested in watching Frankenstein/Bride of Frankenstein. He had never even heard of mother fucking Frankenstein. I even showed him Karloff's picture and he knew nothing about it. I can understand not seeing the movie, but the Frankenstein monster is on par with Mickey fucking Mouse in pop culture.
I haven't played vidya in like a decade but my brother recommended the Alien Isolation game based on my love for Alien.
What a fucking based game. The atmosphere is absolutely incredible. It literally feels like you're in the movie if you play in the dark with headphones. The plot setup with Ripley's daughter is really contrived but if it's just an excuse to play through Alien's set pieces I'm fine with it. The thing I really loved is Aliens pretty much invented the whole space marine concept that Halo and a million games have ripped off since so they would be totally justified in making a shitty space shooter but they went full on with dick riding the first movie and only the first movie.
Anyway there's a scene where you find a recording of Parker complaining about the bonus situation and I laughed my ass off. It's new original dialogue recorded by the original actor too.
Also I just had the thought there should be a Sup Forums approved vidya guide.
I knew an incredibly sheltered girl in HS who literally had never heard of Star Wars. It was incredible. She came from years of homeschooling where she was only allowed to read the Bible and a few approved history books.
Do they live in a cave or something?
If he was around 20, then he was probably born a couple of years before Alien: Resurrection was released, so I'm not surprised
Fuck off.
It's not bizarre to wonder how someone hasn't heard of such pop culture mainstays, especially Frankenstein.
Anyway, the movie buff friend was Iranian and a huge fan of Buñuel and Polanski. So I guess he kind of gets a pass.
Yeah man, you got the "Last Survivor" DLC, right? Being able to explore the Nostromo in photorealistic detail is amazing!
One of the best games of the decade famalam
Definitely worth picking out of the bargain bin
>The thing I really loved is Aliens pretty much invented the whole space marine concept that Halo
Starship Troopers was published in 59, you jackass.
>The thing I really loved is Aliens pretty much invented the whole space marine concept that Halo and a million games have ripped off since
Tippy top kek.
No. NO. Fuck you! You will NOT turn my favourite movie into shitposting and memes. DELETE THIS THREAD RIGHT FUCKING NOW.
you are fucking right. when you 're right, you 're right.
wait, how do you know about the Weyland-Yutani merger thing? was it explained in Prometheus? also, if Yutani held 51% ownership, shouldn't it be called Yutani-Weyland instead?
Damn, you got me in an Alien mood, I 'll probably watch it right now.
Brand loyalty. They needed to keep it familiar.
In the book the marines have nothing in common with what we see in Alien, the Starship Troopers movie, and Halo. They wear power armor that launches shoulder mounted nuclear warheads and can jump over buildings with ease.
don't need to thank me, I am as stoked as you.
>half the thread is about video games
Let's get the thread back on topic.
what do you think the bonus on bringing everybody in Nostromo back alive would be?
I like this infographic, very comfy.