>try to make a "truly lonely" and socially anxious character
>have him get laid with no effort as women fall into his lap
Can normies seriously not comprehend that this shit doesn't happen? Completely immersion-breaking
>try to make a "truly lonely" and socially anxious character
>have him get laid with no effort as women fall into his lap
Can normies seriously not comprehend that this shit doesn't happen? Completely immersion-breaking
He's a hacker. He has skills.
It's attractive to have market value.
is he emma stone's brother?
you are just confused OP because the actors are not ugly
you just have to imagine everyone is actually ugly
At least he was friendzoned by the blonde girl who was going out with the faggot Chad.
it's literally one girl. yes, big surprise buddy even spergy retards can get laid once in their life.
that would just make it more unrealistic
Its just that no one really believes that a man that age has never been with a women or can't even talk to one, that would be unrealistically patchetic right guys lol
It's really not hard to bed a damaged drug addict man
that's what I mean. I don't think some exec or something really understands what being alone is like. they got a lot of it right, but they had to add this shit in
no he's some arab scum
I found his acting absolutely appalling.
It's like the actor thinks the more he opens his eyes the more he will convey social awkwardness.
not like it mattered much, shayla did all she could to get into those robot pants of his
When you look like a male model girls will have crushes on you even if you're aspie as fuck
Elliot isn't a fucking incel, because he's socially maladjusted you projected your failings with women onto him. Elliot is clearly good enough with women, and the scenes with him as Mr Robot show that he can be alpha. Elliot getting laid in the first episode was purposeful to show you that he wasn't a complete sperg.
>supposed to be the most 1337 hax0r
>has sixpacks
>deep philosophical inferences
>gets laid easily
>drug usage
>not a neckbeard
>not watching anime or has weird fantasies
>doesn't have quasimodo back
So? Didn't George Costanza have something like 80 girlfriends during Seinfeld?
he had money though
and when he didn't he lied about having money, and that only takes things so far
This is the definition of projection. Many coders do drugs, for instance.
My only real problem with the first season is the whole fight club thing even though I saw it coming. It's a tech haxxor version of Fight Club if you really think about it.. trying to take down the man an all that. I'm wondering how the second season will go, I did enjoy how the first season was filmed and how it progressed but I try not to get hung up on trivial shit like most of the people here do.
Honestly I know at least eight 1337 hax0rs IRL who have sixpack abs, most of which get laid frequently. Being a computer engineer doesn't automatically make you a neckbeard
y-yeah r-real pathetic bro bags of sand and all that hahaha
Elliot would have been pretty rich if he didn't waste his money on drugs and computer components, computer engineering is a pretty well paid profession
kek your friends probably work on an iMac for his web development projects.
drug usages are mostly weed and ritalin (ADHD pills) for CS majors
>being so autistic you don't know she planned on fucking him before they took the mdma
He's not exactly some ripped bodybuilder tho, he's just really lean, if you sat around snorting morphine and eating almost nothing you'd eventually get sixpack abs too
>doesn't explain where he keeps his piss bottles
fucking DROPPED
Elliot is a computer engineer, not some CS major peasant, if he was a CS major then I agree that it would be very inaccurate for him to not be a disgusting neckbeard Quasimodo weeaboo
>CE CS meme
fuck off, the global name is CS and they both have the exact same curriculum. and they both are shit majors.
CE is mong-tier bullshit you can learn at ITT Tech
CS is actual maths and requires more than a double digit IQ
Calling yourself a computer engineer when you only have a degree in CS is literally illegal in most countries user
That's the point user, they show him getting laid and having his friends invite him to a party to show that he's "truly lonely" because he's too schizo to truly connect with the people around him, not because he literally has no friends
Thanks OP I couldn't remember why I stopped watching but it was exactly that
I knew from the moment i heard normalfags praising this show it was just another casual shit-fest
i managed to get laid and used to go out but i still consider myself to be more of a robot than most manchildren here
If you make a character truly lonely, nothing fucking happens. Welcome to NHK would be 26 episodes of a dude masturbating. The only purpose to these characters is to break their mold by having them not be shit anymore. Basic fucking character arc
arabs and egyptians are two very different people user.
He already had his dad, sister and work colleague to make stuff happen.
The series is mainly shit for the shameless Fight Club plot and "lol expecting people to pay back money is evil".
egypt is full of dark-skinned muslims. most of north africa is. it doesn't matter.
Egyptians are 95% Arabs
The concept of debt isn't the issue, it's the income inequality and corporate profit margins that drive people to severe debt. Its Enron.
If you have to try to identify with characters to become interested in something, I can understand where you're coming from.
Me, I enjoy gaining different perspectives than my own.
these threads are my favourite
"wah, if I have social anxiety then that means I can't do anything and I am forever trapped by my fears. as such, I have the authority to criticize any depiction of social anxiety inauthentic if it doesn't meet the standards of my own version of the illness!"
you guys are seriously fucking sad
We just want to be clones of us, everywhere.
Then the Earth will feel like a safe place.
Elliott has a good job, m8, he also does drugs
>implying having sex fix lonelyness
spotted the virgin
Hey virgin!
I don't think he was friendzoned by her, she still wants that dick and it wouldn't surprise me by the end of the 2nd season he hasn't given it to her.