There's someone out there right now writing the next Star Wars, Back to the Future, Alien, Terminator, Ghostbusters...

There's someone out there right now writing the next Star Wars, Back to the Future, Alien, Terminator, Ghostbusters, Matrix, Die Hard, or Indiana Jones.

No studio will give a shit because it isn't based on a massive existing franchise.

That's why you write your idea as a book first.

Seems like an unnecessary step but that's how it is.

has nothing to do with it not being a franchise, and everything with you not being a jew.

When you consider that books are superior to movies in every possible way, the inevitable adaptation seems a more unnecessary step.

If it's the next one, then obviously studios care because it'll be in theaters

then it gets made into a shitty box office flop, like divergent and skarch

Nice meme opinion
Go see what tarkovsky has to say about that

>It's an originality is dead episode

>Appeal to authority
It's cool to just disagree bro.


I'd rather the opinion of someone who makes good movies.

I know that feel.
HBO, Showtime and Fox refused my screenplay.
It's a mini serie about a post nuclear holocaust.

Books are pretty great in this sense because with the right publisher you get to spread your story all over the world with minimal effort. The only thing you need is imagination and the skill to apply that imagination to text form.

Go back to bed, Max.

Production budgets adjusted for inflation:
>Star Wars - $43M
>Back to the Future - $42M
>Alien - $36M
>Terminator - $15M
>Ghostbusters - $69M
>Die Hard - $57M
>Indiana Jones - $53M
>Matrix - $90M

I guess the reason nobody gambles on new stuff these days is because studios insist on spending 150 million dollars one one movie instead of three because it's more profitable.

The downside is that nobody reads books and you will die in poverty.

No, hes a person with a good argument I don't feel like repeating verbatim
Nice meme opinion, go see what Bergman has to say about that

You're just the same as the women that say that they have no opportunity even though that's bullshit.

Nowadays you have thousands of options thanks to the Internet like Youtube or Patreon to get yourself noticed but instead you whine like a fucking retard. This is why I consider Youtube a failed website since nobody is original in there, you just have cheap monologues, let's play crap and reaction videos that are just cheap and quick to make so retards with no talent can make quick money.

>hurr durr but the movies OP mentioned are expensive

Nobody starts making a Hollywood movie when they start, you grow up from small projects and move on to bigger ones.


I'd rather the opinion of someone who makes good movies.

Yeah, and that's exactly what's happening in Hollywood. Plenty of new directors coming from small projects to big ones
Notice what the op said though; he only gives a shit about blockbusters. Well maybe it's a good thing that blockbusters are all shit now. It'll force people to pay attention to real movies

>Bergman and Tarkovsky are bad
Way to discredit yourself
