What *precisely* makes females incapable of being funny?

What *precisely* makes females incapable of being funny?

there are funny women out there, just not most of the women that hollywood tries to push on us.

Give me some names

this is simply not true

Dee is funny

The worst part about it all is how it's only a pretense to post that highly photoshopped (not to mention, with an absurd amount of makeup, and the lighting being gauged precisely to perfect her looks) picture of herself with looking non-humble.

The female brain is not suited to be funny.

Any women who are actually funny might be transsexuals in denial.

Yeah I don't get the "teenaged girl on instagram" thing of "everyone around me is being profound and I have no idea what I'm doing". Surely the point of the internet is to make it seem like you have everything figured out while belittling others?

Nothing OP, you are just being retarded in thinking that somehow sex has something to do with humor levels like this is a DBZ episode and you have a scouter.

See . Dee is a man in a woman's body

Hello tumblr!

Honestly, I found this post funnier than most female comedians.

Female comedy pretty much revolve some person telling a joke(most likely a bad sex story) and people laugh on how loud and fucking annoying her tone is.

>Tumblr post

Go back to /fa/.



The vagina inhibits the humor gland, as shown by numerous studies which you should have Googled. Next question.

It's all about how we're conditioned.
Men are usually socially rewarded for being the loudest and the funniest, and women are usually socially rewarded for being quiet and agreeable.
So when a woman tries to be funny, she emulates every man she's ever seen.
Only problem is, she hasn't had a lifetime to perfect it, so she gender-flips the jokes and thinks she's a fucking genius.

Fuck off with your autist tumblr memes, if being a rational fucking human and admitting that a person is funny when they are funny, unfunny when they aren't and that it has nothing to do with a penis or vagina, then what honestly does that make you?

female skeleton doesn't have the funny bone

Ellen is actually pretty funny desu but she's a dyke so that kinda doesn't count, right?

Yeah it's a shame, I watched that Ali Wong special on netflix and she has flashes of being decent before ruining it all by talking about her hand breaking through single ply toilet paper and getting shit all over it for about 5 minutes, or mucus in her vagina. She seems smart enough to not need to go to that lowest common denominator tripe.

Don't know why anything I said has to do with a website I didnt even mention...

Rule of thumb: if you mention tumblr, you are probably tumblr, faggot


Its not bait. Nothing I said was "tumblr"

People say she's an absolute cunt in real life.

>Hes still trying to force this bait

My friend Charlotte. My sister Beth.

Differing opinions arent bait you fucking sperg

shes the least funny of the 5

Lack of personality/individuality.

It's just dumb luck that women are conscious at all, their consciousness isn't very developed and they're more comparable to lizards than men because their intellect wasn't very selected for.

>Ellen is actually pretty funny
Are you fucking joking right now?

Almost fell for it, bud

Tina Fey wrote Mean Girls

She took four completely unfunny women and made them funny.

That's impressive.

What made you like this?

>Implying your "opinion" isn't the Internet's popular one

Alright, if you really are bring unironic, you are just new and I understand. Though you're still a huge flaming faggot.

You got a problem with fried chicken OP?

I'd fuck her tbqfhwuf (to be quite fucking honest with u familia)

Yep. That's basically female comedy in a nutshell.

>Makes a disgusting unfunny middle-school level joke
>"But im a woman! So it sounds funnier coming from my mouth since you're not used to hearing other women talk about such things!"

That is funny in the context of a teenage girl engaging in mild banter with her friends. I'm sorry Maisie didn't give you a side splitting monologue like Richard Pryor, but we can't have absolute perfection all the time.

le quirk, lay the quirk


That wasn't completely unfunny, though. I'm not saying it was funny, but maybe lightly humorous? It registers on the funny Richter scale, at least

Not a newfag, mate. Been here for years. I don't give a shit how popular or unpopular an opinion is, people have different ones. The whole "reddit and tumblr" responses to everything that isnt your opinion adds to the already high levels of cancer here.

You are being part of the autism

I'm so sick of when women think that being forced quirky and passively showing a snowflake attitude with terms like "when everyone else.. but you're" is funny or unique

>Been here for years
>Speaks like a new friend
>Cant understand basic chan terminology or concepts

Sure. Its a bit different from Reddit, yeah. You'll get the gist of it soon

Did she actually say that? Because if so, she's an idiot with no understanding of nuance.

This. They are their friends until they get a man, then when they get a man they take his opinions, unless they want to spite him then they pretend the opposite. And what does a group of women talk about? Other women and men. It's a vapid feedback loop incompatible with progress of any kind, let alone humor.

Human societies survived better when the their main childraisers (females as it's often the case with mammals) did not distrub the preestablished order. Natural selection ensured this to be the norm.

As a result, if we take the example of western societies, women tended to be very conservative and religious in the past, while now they are usually liberals despising the extremes. It's not some change in society, this is just women following the stream.

Humor mainly comes from defying the established order, being subversive with wit, even shocking. On the whole, women aren't genetically predisposed to that.

This. It's simple evolution. Women wouldn't need to attract mates by being humorous.

I'm not sexist or anything but why are females so pathetic and hollow?

I knew this one whore who was hilarious. Awesome sex too.

I wish I could be a lazy cunt

Being funny isn't something most people are born with. It comes from a desire to make others laugh (which you can be born with) but what makes people funny is that over the years they've cracked jokes and they failed hard, and people let them know they failed hard through painful silence or ridicule. People don't want to ridicule women so they fake laughter. If they never know when they've failed, how can they improve? I make people laugh often enough, especially when I was younger, I've always enjoyed making people laugh but it took absolutely painful years of repeated silence and mockery of failed jokes before I could consistently be funny when the opportunity arose. Even so far as being ostracised from groups because I was the cringe faggot who made shitty jokes. It's all good now though because it shaped my understanding of humour whether I was aware of it or not. So now people laugh when I make jokes because I know when to make one and what is and isn't funny.
If you don't fail you'll never succeed


Do you remember a time when newfags who coined the autistic "hur, you reddit" meme werent polluting boards with basically nom-responses? You probably don't. It was you newfags that made this already degenerate shithole even more shit crusted with your reddit, while most of you were secretly reddit and pretending to shit on your own site.

Fuck off newfag, nothing wrong with adults actually wanting to have a real discussion that is less sperg-filled. Make sure you get those ebin points tho faggot

Humor is more about pointing out things that are terrible, and women make all their jokes about themselves because they know that they are the most terrible thing to ever exist, but none of them will ever change and will gladly doom the world for personal gain so it just ends up being more ominous than funny.

>Tfw had a racist intellectual grandfather who would say years ago that socialist philosophies would rise in the years to come and that I should never believe their fairytales
>Tfw he prevented me from ever believing that men and women are equal in ways like this

Feels good man.

I'm sure *some* are funny but I dont know any.

Well, to be funny, you have to be intelligent.

you're so pathetic. I pity your life that lead to pretending you aren't new on an anonymous image board

Writing credits don't mean too much, she probably had a team of writers

Because I'm not, dont need to justify anything mate.

This is a spot-on analysis.

>I've always enjoyed making people laugh but it took absolutely painful years of repeated silence and mockery of failed jokes before I could consistently be funny when the opportunity arose
nail on the head m8

it wasn't funny
it was basically american humor, which isn't funny

I would put Dee ahead of Denis at least if not also Frank.
Sure Denis is the glue of the group, the Leonardo of the turtles, but he his the least funny IMO and serves to enhance everyone else more than himself.
Standing alone, Dee is funnier than Denis or Frank by themselves.

She writes the show you idiot

To be fair to the guy, accusing someone of pertaining to reddit reeks of you desperately yearning to pretend that you're from here. "Hehe for them not to know that I'm new, I'll play along with calling everyone 'reddit'. That's what oldfriends do, don't they!".

A genuine oldfag never really would care that someone be new so long as he's pre-emptively lurked to imbibe himself in the culture from here. You pitifully sound like an newfriend that thinks that oldfags wearing their status as Sup Forums veterans as a badge of honor :/.

Humor is a survival instinct.

When you have a vagina you rarely need to develop humor or a personality because you literally have a built in survival system of letting a dude fuck you.

Women at MOST will develop some type of sarcastic humor, the only type of humor they can grasp.

back to r*dd*t newfriend


Underrated post of the day.

Fanks lover :3!

It's not always I'm bequeathed a chance to publish something semi-unretarded in here.

you neckbeards are just not around enough women to meet funny ones

So why are you?


They're social creatures. I don't want to come off too /r9k/ but women have never been expected to achieve anything significant. They're a supportive role. So while females are drawn to men who have accomplished great things and succeeded in life, then that creates a desire in men to do the same. But men do not desire females of accomplishment, they desire someone soft and warm to come home to.
The competition among women for men is more intense than most people think, it's just a different form. A woman doesn't conquer nations, she conquers communities by climbing the social ladder via her looks, her usefulness to a man, or by sabotaging those above her.
So this social battlefield leads to women developing (or trying to) the ability to manipulate others in order to climb the social ladder.
To a woman, drama within the group is like a brawl, and she desires to come out on top. Maybe not with heavy punches as a man would do, but with knives to the back, as stealthily as possible, to maintain her appearance as someone soft and warm to come home to.
Ofcourse this varies and there are some women who are genuinely soft and warm to come home to, so don't be discouraged, they're simply doing it because that is how they succeed, it's not their fault.

One woman(who's not even self proclaimed a comedian) not being funny on her twitter means that every woman in the world is not funny?
Nice logic there.

exactly what my experience was. People generally say I'm a very funny person, but it took 7 years-ish of me being the faggot that everyone hated before I painfully learned to nuances of group-humor.

The point is that she THINKS she is funny, because nobody in her life has told her that she is an unfunny cunt.

Kaitlin Olson, Kathryn Hahn, Jillian Bell. All way funnier than any other female "comedian" currently being pushed on us.

That would be mean. Why would you want to discourage someone like that? She's not hurting anyone

Biology. There is no evolutionary incentive for women to be funny or have divergent thoughts.

She's hurting good taste

Maisie Williams is an idiot. Not a suprise considering she has FAS.

Joan Rivers... till.obama had her killed

Adding to this, it's very evident in your younger years when you're first encounter with side splitting laughter induced from others is in group banter. Where everyone will routinely roast each other with savage jokes. Women don't have banter with their friends. Try and make a joke to a woman that slightly insults her or touches a nerve, and almost always she'll get offended or hurt, or force some fake laughter, whereas a male would laugh at himself, and then return with a joke about you. So if they never have this group experience, moulding their understanding of humour on a routine basis, and enjoying it, they're unlikely to develop the ability to make jokes.
Plus I've noticed that I know plenty of lads who make savage jokes about themselves, stuff you wouldn't even say to them, and everyone including himself will laugh their balls off. Women don't make those jokes, and even when comedians do, it's always got a slightly sad "feel sorry for me" edge to it.

Because all the best comedians were depressed as fuck and its what made them funny
Women dont get depressed like Men do


The best comediennes are the one's who play to their strengths. Julia Louis Dreyfus and Kaitlin Olsen are great in sitcoms but you don't see them trying stand up to prove that theycan be funny all on their own. They stick to what they're good and, in my opinion, become way more funny than people who try way to hard to prove that they're funny.
This is also completely applicable to men but we're talking about women here so whatever

>women can't take jokes because they're too busy being offended over everything
>actually so are lots of men too

makes perfect sense

>be egalitarian
Sexist, according to that child

Because humor is a skill, meaning women are incapable of being funny because that implies they aren't lazy fucks.

Women have two pairs of lips.
One to talk bullshit and one to make up for it.

Well so what I mean maybe all that is true and its in bad taste and she never learned or whatever, but it's not harmful and she's at least trying. Man you guys gotta cut people some slack sometimes

>actually so are lots of men too
Where did I say that?

movie scripts are usually written by one or 2 people, writer rooms are for when you're filling seasons worth of material.

she was the head writer of SNL when it was still funny, and was head writer of 30 rock. I think it's safe to say the woman has comedy chops

Perfectly legitimate to be a good comedic actress or actor rather than a stand up or writer.

No where I added that from personal experience because I know lots of guys who think they can handle the bantz but really can't handle the bantz at all and act like a woman when someone throws a jibe their way.

The entire point of the post I linked you too was that if she's never ridiculed or told she's not funny, then she'll never learn to actually be funny. So telling us to go easy on her and cut her some slack is exactly what leads to her and everyone else never learning to be funny.
If you make a joke and I don't find it funny, I won't fake laughter for you and I do not expect you to do the same for me.

why do you guys hate women so much? you guys have girlfriends and hate them or just no girlfriends?
