Ok Sup Forums fags you've just been brutally murdered. What fictional detective would you want solving your murder and why?
Sherlock is off limits. It's cheating.
Here's mine. Because he's an obsessive little asexual that won't stop until the jobs done.
Luke Young
Austin Edwards
Columbo. Or Robocop Maybe a team up?
Owen Russell
Jack Reacher
Carson Myers
Owen Scott
Sam & Max
Andrew Moore
He will torment and trick the perpetrator into admitting guilt
Andrew Bennett
>freelance police isn't a real occupation Why live
Dylan Barnes
Blake Bell
Why would I want a detective on them? If someone killed me, they did me a favor.
Jason Butler
so do yourself a favor
Logan Sullivan
Anthony Myers
Just one more thing, this.
Jackson Diaz
Sherlock isn't cheating. He wouldn't be a brilliant detective IRL. He's a good detective because the guy who is writing him has written him to see things that aren't there. Sherlock is probably the worst detective and a shitty character.
Columbo on the other hand is a great detective. Sherlock's got nothing on Columbo.
Jordan Clark
Why does revenge matter once you're dead? Unsolved or solved, you're still dead.
Jace Price
because you're a ghost and can't move because you swore vengeance on the person who killed you
Chase Nguyen
Adrian Monk
Oliver Perry
Christian Allen
If I had the means, I'd arrange the most elaborate suicide masked as a gruesome murder that implicates a bunch of people
For fun
Oliver Sanchez
Like Gone Girl?
Jace Richardson
Raylan Givens, he gets shit done and there is a chance he'll do it off the book.
Charles Brown
Nero Wolfe.
All my family would have to do is bribe Archie with milk.
Isaac Diaz
You mean "Midsummer Murders" Barnaby? Man, expect additional 4 corpses before he finally catches the right suspect.
Jordan Martinez
I would hope my family hired Encyclopedia Brown, he always solves the crime and he works for cheap.
Jordan Sullivan
Isaiah Long
Brenda from The Closer
Matthew Jones
will graham
Leo Bennett
Luke Miller
Nolan Murphy
Asher Miller
How's my corpse? I already told my family I want to be stuffed and I want to be sitting at the table with them for every meal
Charles Williams
Inspector Clouseau
Ryan Ward
Lenny Brisco
Jack Sullivan
the true detective: rust
Nathaniel Lee
Data Holmes
Ryan Edwards
pushing daisies guy
Carson Hill
Conrad or Christine
Colton Nguyen
Monk because hes the only tv detective I know
Jack Evans
Only correct answer.
Levi Lopez
I want to listen to Higgins's war stories.
Joseph Long
Fuck sake, I read over the part where I'm already dead. I don't care any more. Let me rot in peace.
Jason Collins
Meldrick Lewis.
Lucas Brooks
Joseph Morris
Nice. Didn't think of these two.
Logan Stewart
Nathan Ross
Fuck. Beat me to it.
Adam Carter
>not picking Colombo
Austin Watson
Faacking noice
Owen Gray
Damn kid. Ole skool herr.
Lincoln Anderson
Top kek
Jack Fisher
He'd avenge me in some sort of wacky fashion and that's all I could ask for.
Joseph Phillips
Colombo, given he's literally a demon borne from the manifestation of guilt that the murderer feels, driving them slowly insane one step at a time until all the pieces come crashing down around them.
Alexander Cooper
Harry Hole
Kevin Fisher
Maybe this Will Graham. But the new one would end up making out with the killer.
Charles Cook
No nig nogs please. The killer would just leave some fried chicken at the scene. Confuse the fuck out of them.
Robert Martinez
Nathan Cox
Fantastic. 20 years from now it might be solved. Maybe.
Elijah Adams
as long as its cathartic for everyone involved
Adrian Flores
You'd kill yourself again if you had to watch him drink a cup of tea inside every goddamn manor with every goddamn mysterious old spinster On the other hand, his wife and daughter were fine as fuck