Midsummer night's dream

Anyone else watching this? What the fuck is this shit?

There's doing a re-imagining of Shakespeares and then there's whatever the fuck is going on here.

I'm enjoying it desu

Whats the full name? or a trailer?

>Im interested

It's one of the simplest of his plays and they've made it pointlessly convoluted. WTF is the point of the Athens shit?

Don't know this one, but to be fair, every time I've seen ANY incarnation of A Midsummer Night's Dream (Except maybe Where the World Mine) has been a costume designer's wet dream.
Always crazy looking.

Midsummer Nights Dream. BBC are doing a series of adaptations that mess around with the plays.

Is it out yet cos i couldnt find anything on youtube

>I did only check the first page

I was just thinking that the fairy was my favourite character because her costume was so cool.

>30% of the characters are black
>all references to suicide have been written out

Yep, it's a BBC adaptation.

Has there ever been a good adaptation? It's one of my favourite Shakespeare stories.

I really liked , but I wouldn't subject anyone to it.

>all references to suicide have been written out
>Director got prissy when asked what the hell would he done if he adapted romeo and juliet
He should stick to the gay dramas

>Bondage wedding dress
Also didnt know Shakespeare invented the nazis, who knew!

How can this be so shit when the hollow crown was legit an awesome series?


Because its done by the Dr Who production team

>awesome series
>token nignogs everywhere playing historically white people

BBC a shit.

I hate that most of this cast was picked because they were black. Oh my god they are dancing now but I don't care anymore.

Make it stop...

>All these progressive partnerships
>Gay/lesbian, all interracial


Were there any relationships which weren't interracial or gay?

Theseus (Nazi Leader Guy) Assistant and the woman who was incharge of the play
thats it It was also a large age difference so still progressive

Russel T Davies is a cancerous faggot.

Why does the media elite of the West hate white people?

Until he randomly dies and she becomes gay


It was written by Russell T. Davies.
He writers nothing but shit.