This is a good movie

This is a good movie

Fuck you all that disagree

I don't disagree, it is enjoyable.

One of the worst movies I've ever seen

Ebin. It's cheese and not violent enough to mimic the comic but it's really entertaining and holds up really fucking well to this date. Bump up the gore, remove Schneider and make Stallone wear his fucking helmet and suddenly it's a great movie.

You posted the wrong version user.

Anyone else realize she is the friend in Juno?

it's mediocre

Stallone was a phenomenal Dredd when he kept the helmet on.

I like the new one

This movie is great in a nostalgic way. Fuck is it ever terrible, though.

her in panties and knee-high socks is the best part of the movie

I saw it recently, and while not bad in any sense, it was nowhere NEAR as good as I thought it'd be.

Literally the best parts of the movie was when Dredd was explaining to us how the world worked.

When the tower shut and the movie started channeling The Raid, it really took a turn for the worst.


demolition man was the superior stallone-core

That's not the same movie.

it was awesome and never tried to be anything more edgy than just a comic book hero movie.

Besides, Dredd it's a really childish comic, they even made him fight a fatasses gang

>When the tower shut and the movie started channeling The Raid
brah, the Dredd script had been around years before The Raid

Btw Dredd and Judge Dredd are two different movies

Oh shit, you're right, I didn't check the OP properly and just projected what I'd recently seen onto the thread.

That being said, Dredd (the new one) was nothing more than "kinda' okay".

>That being said, Dredd (the new one) was nothing more than "kinda' okay".
that's 10 years in the cube, creep

Joking aside, I thought it was brilliant. Probably my favorite film of the last 10 years

Its kinda fun, but its not good. The only good is the visuals and sets, some other things like that. If it fixed a lot of stuff it could have been a perfect Dredd movie instead the actual writing and characters are bad.

I kinda' giggled at that joke.

That being said, you found it brilliant? How so?

I felt that Lenda did a good job with her role, but everyone else were mediocre. The psychic powers were poorly explained to the point where even the in-universe characters seemed a little surprised from time to time.

Hell even the gunfights turned stale after a while.

The best kinography was when someone was under the effects of Slo-Mo and that wasn't even a central theme of the movie.

The only thing I feel pulled the movie up from almost-boring was that Dredd never portrayed the situation as anything more than "another day on the job". And that really worked.

Note that this is from someone who's never read the comics.


My bad.

>That being said, you found it brilliant? How so?
While the plot might seem like just another Die Hard clone, I fell in love with Urban as Dredd and I love his lines. It's pulp entertainment at its best, with the right mix of action and humor to hit that sweet spot of cult classic.

Judge Dredd is just damn fucking cool, no other way to explain it, Anderson is likable, and MaMa is one of the best villains ever IMO. Also the slo-mo scenes (effects which took years to develop by the way) are gorgeous.

The whole film just has this infectious energy about it and you can tell everyone involved really cared and put a lot of love and effort into it. I've seen at least 20 times since it came out