WEBM thread
wow, really makes you think how safe japanese hospitals are incase of giant monster attack
>that web turning into a hand
Fucking hell
top kek
>open webbum
>IRL fuckery with pipes happens just as the webbum room starts shaking
Fuck you, OP, you psychic shit.
Maybe lewd will revitalize the thread?
man, this looks so fake
this "dirty fighter" hot look
>the nonsensical tears in her shirt right over her cleavage
Small details like this would make me mad if they weren't so small.
Who is this neon demon?
Woah this looks awesome
what is this?
The Strain.
Fair warning: it's basically The Walking Dead with vampires. That webbum is from the very first episode, where most of the budget and effort in the first season went.
I still enjoy it thoroughly, and am looking forward to the third season.
Okay awesome thanks, I'll check it out
Holy shit that cgi
which season is that?
I think it's Coven.
this is literally my fetish
Watching a foreigner equip themselves for battle?
this movie blew
Del Toro in that was so great
badass chicks kicking serious ass
Is this from the 2nd movie?
I have no idea what the context is here but that makes it hilarious (especially how Dominic West is always McNulty to me)
>MCNulty is STILL giving a fuck when it's not his turn to give a fuck
post more godzilla webms
Anyone got the Dutch "Bend over" and feet ones from The Strain?
>imFUCKINGplying he isn't a false-flagger
>imFUCKINGplying he doesn't serve the dual roles of making Jews look more terrifying to conspiritards, and galvanizing the vacuous slumber of sheeple
I bet no one here even knows who Based Terence is.
Sauce now
Sublime casting.
>looks too old for babbie forman
>still hot
Can't remember, cribbed from someone else. But the woman played Bettsie Kettleman in Better Call Saul.
If just one person is appreciating these that is enough for me.
>tfw she didn't show her tits
Which movie is that, is the fat guy in it?
There he is! Any of you guys ever seen 5 Man Army? Fun watch.
I've seen this webm 100 times and I still don't know the context.
brb definitely not hitting up a torrent tracker
Did they actually build the wall atop a cliff or is there some subtle russian trickery involved?
I actually liked that movie regardless of the cliched ending
Damages S4E2
It's complicated and assuming you're not actually just saying that as part of the meme it goes as follows:
right around the time webms became popular that clip was made from the Fargo tv series, episode 6 I believe, the chick in it is Paula Humby who is kind of cute in a next door neighbor kind of way.
Since then practically every webm thread has featured that clip becoming a thread regular with other people (or the same guy who knows) posting pics from her tumblr or whatever going on about how cute she is, it's even part of the whole gag to ask "what is this from?" like you did.
tl:dr; repetition is the key to success
>"that my briefcase?"
>druggie turns around and immediately shoots him
>ywn repopulate a new planet with Antje
Godspeed, fellow Kettlefu appreciator and connoisseur.
>the fat guy
come on now... Bud Spencer.
>5 Man Army
well, I can't actually remember if I ever watched it or not...but how can it be good with no Terence?
>Which movie is that, is the fat guy in it?
Double Trouble.
The best one IMO
Pure Kino
Ok thanks for context familia.
>antje as a superhuman
>battle armour
>face mask
Literally all my fetishes rolled into one
this webbum is shit to be dess-ooh
credit for trying though
From the webms I've seen Spencer -is- pretty based, I thought the movie was still good though.
no regrets, goddamn gingers stealing v-cards
how the fuck did they even film this goddammit now i need to watch jacob's ladder again FUCK
Good tastes, m8.
does she put the bunny in the pot