Anyone feel bad for him?
He's a legitimately great filmmaker, and a general talent. His fall from grace was so dumb, in hindsight.
Anyone feel bad for him?
He's a legitimately great filmmaker, and a general talent. His fall from grace was so dumb, in hindsight.
it was all his fault
>Make a religious porn movie that only rednecks and white trash like
>Get drunk and when a cop pulls you over you express your love for sand niggers
>Beg your Jewish overlords for forgiveness and apologize multiple times, but they show no mercy and kill your career
>Become an even bigger alcoholic in your depression
>Your wife cucks you for a nigger
>You get caught on tape crying about how upset you are that your wife is cucking you for a nigger
>Now trying to appease his masters by making an anti-war movie glamorizing a soldier who refused to kill Taliban, starring a Jewish actor
Is there a bigger cuck in Hollywood than Mel Gibson?
It's a shame, because Braveheart was a great film.
He's not so great that people are willing to overlook his shit. There's no real reason to hire this clearly deranged guy who comes with a pile of bad press when you have similar talent available without all that.
why would you feel bad for him. Not only is he a magnificent success but he is also a hero and a martyr.
>Sup Forums full of low intelligent Millenials that make anti-semetic posts to feel like one of the cool kids on da internetz even though they have never had a bad experience with a Jewish person in real life because they hardly meet anyone
>they make a Mel Gibson thread saying they feel bad for a guy they never met, meanwhile Gibson has millions and is living a lifestyle 100 times better than the sap on Sup Forums that feels bad for him
so much bias in one image
Is this a joke? Nobody cares about Broderick and Landis today at all, and nobody has ever heard of that chick. If their incidents had happened in a more media-saturated age, they would have had more problems than they did.
You might also consider that Gibson doesn't get work precisely because he's an alcoholic with a mental disorder, which makes him difficult to work with.
You need to get back in the oven.
What good is millions if you can't do the work you love and are passionate about?
sorry about the red-pill on his controversies.
always knew evansposters were redditors
The film was a major commercial hit, grossing over $600 million during its theatrical release.[14] The Passion of the Christ is the highest grossing religious film, the highest-grossing R-rated film in the United States,[15] and the highest grossing non-English-language film of all time.[16] It also received three nominations at the 77th Academy Awards.
some DCuck is spamming Evans and falseflagging because he's so butthurt that all DC threads are derailed with laughing Evans.
pay no attention to him.
No. He's an Irish subhuman. Hating Juden doesn't compensate for it.
save me the damage control faggot
ok buddy.
>Stupid enough to ruin his own career
No, I don't feel bad for idiots. He works in HOLLYWOOD, how fucking stupid can he be? That's like working for a big oil company and telling people you hate Arabs.
There's your problem
Does an annoying experience count as a bad experience? Because in that case I've had many. Also I found out a Jewish girl I was screwing in college was fucking multiple dudes while I thought we were seeing each other exclusively
Also do you not think that an ethnoreligious group comprising 2% of the US population is so massively overrepresented in public life is a little strange? 3/8ths of the Supreme Court is Jewish for Chr*st's sake
Bi-polar disorder isn't a personal fault
It makes sense when you look at IQ, smart people are more successful. Hate it all you want m8, but it doesn't change the facts.
>redpilling someone
that doesn't just mean people should waste their time working with him.
>Also I found out a Jewish girl I was screwing in college was fucking multiple dudes while I thought we were seeing each other exclusively
Enjoy your AIDS, bro.
>I've never met a person suffering from bipolar disorder
Consider yourself lucky.
This guy makes a lot of good points sadly.
I'd like to see Mel get more work because he makes quality films, but I don't like him as a man and I admit that he has completely fucked up his own life.
The kids on here that whine about 'muh jews' and how they've fucked him over just see a reflection of their own failures in Mel.
>He has a 25 years old qt
He should be feeling bad for me desu
Even with higher average the number of smart white people should out number the smart jews. Where are all the asians?
>Also do you not think that an ethnoreligious group comprising 2% of the US population is so massively overrepresented in public life is a little strange? 3/8ths of the Supreme Court is Jewish for Chr*st's sake
You guys whine when blacks want proportional representation in media but then complain about the jews being overrepresented.
So, what is it that you really want? A government mandate to see that everyone in the industry is represented to their specific portion of the general population? Or do you want people succeeding by the merit of their own achievements and ambition?
Sure, there's a lot of nepotism in showbusiness as well, it can't be denied, but that isn't just a jew thing and isn't just a Hollywood thing either.
I like some of his films and roles, but I'm not going to feel bad for someone because suddenly they don't get millions of dollars to play make-believe.
The smart White and Asians are in plenty of sectors of the society, the Jews have a higher average IQ than both hence why they beat out both of them at the top echelons of society.
The part that you're missing is that there aren't infinite CEO, producer, etc. jobs to go around, they're very few and hence why Jews still beat Whites to those spots.
>RT critics
Wouldn't trust them if they were handing me a life jacket while I was drowning
Are you seriously comparing the casting decisions of private, for-profit companies with for-life appointments on the most powerful decision-making body in the Federal Government?
Jews are overrepresented in the upper echelons of law generally. What can you expect? Like 30% of Harvard Law is Jews. There's probably a similar percentage at Yale and Stanford, the only three schools where SCOTUS nominees originate with regularity.
3/8ths is actually low when you consider the percentage of Jews among top law schools and legal scholars.
People saying stupid shit when they're drunk is so goddamn common that I really don't understand it. Then I realize it was antisemitic in an industry where that is the kiss of death.
There are a lot of roles I'd still like to see him in and I don't really give a fuck about the drunken ranting.
Since when has Mel been a cuck. I though he cucked his wives.
>say anything negative about jews
>career over
>hate speech against whites
>get cheered
You guys should probably wake up.
You either die a cucker, or live long enough to see yourself become the cuckold.
Unfair because many American Jews are Pro-Palestine
Most American Jews are like Alan Dershowitz. They never met a pro-America policy they wouldn't fight to overturn, but when it comes to pro-Israel polices they're to the right of Genghis Khan.
I'd like to have a beer with Mel.
>the Jews have a higher average IQ than both hence why they beat out both of them at the top echelons of society.
I just explained that even with the higher average there's a larger number of high iq whites.
>It makes sense when you look at IQ, smart people are more successful
Is that why every country on the planet kicked them out and genocided them until they managed to latch on to the United States?
There's a reason the Jew is the worlds smallest minority. Funny how those so called "smart" people were slaughtered by the goyim they hate so much.
Bell curve, m8.
There will be a larger amount of the highest IQ Jews.
Do you really believe Pagans evil because the church said so?
Do you think in cohorts with the devil because people believed it? Did you know most European countries had laws banning Paganism?
This, lel.
Being kicked out of countries doesn't really tell you if they actually did anything bad or not.
Jews got lucky they weren't exterminated like Pagan peasants when their governments became Christianized.
Anyone looking forward to Dad Max?
Why should I feel bad for him?
He's fucking based telling it like it is and not giving a shit
He became a terminal crazy.
Apocalypto was amazing, and Mel is a hero