>~18 year old boys are somehow able to out-strength 30+ year old men
Why do so many movies show this? Have any of these writers ever been to a gym before?
>Strongest guys there are always the oldest
>They don't know about dad strength
Literally why?
>~18 year old boys are somehow able to out-strength 30+ year old men
Why do so many movies show this? Have any of these writers ever been to a gym before?
>Strongest guys there are always the oldest
>They don't know about dad strength
Literally why?
Other urls found in this thread:
Damn. David Letterman got ripped.
>muh strength
physical well being is done through healthy food and walking. beyond this shows that you either do it because
-you are bored, aka a failure
-you are a homo, aka a failure
-you do it for women, aka a man devoted to please women, aka a failure
-you cling to your health, aka a failure living in fear of death
=>you are a pleb as soon as you lift. I know that it hurts to hear this.
>skinnyfat women fighting multiple men at the same time
Is that Thor from Kung Fury?
I would take this guy down so hard
and I mean all the way down
that beard is made for cumming in right
18 year old boys in Hollywood movies are played by guys in their mid-late 20s
Unless it's a Bryan Singer film
Old men that ripped just look weird and off.
>tfw can't grow a decent beard
Your pecs are epic.
ew, gross
Desperate sad old person detected.
Just be yourself desu.
>muh "if it doesn't kill me it makes me stronker " episode
Get off your computer, you fat fuck.
>walking does anything for health
Sad angry old boomer detected. How many MAGA hats do you own, fossil?
women don't find that body attractive, even if equal shredding were on an 18 year old.
It does though.
Im 23 and i wouldn't even be able to beat 8th grader, Your argument is invalid.
>tfw after 6 days of not shaving, my face burns like hell as my facial hair is so thick
kys my man
not that guy, but
>uuuuuarghgh! A person's value is directly proportional to how much one can move a metal bar with weights attached
I started to do push ups, but i can't see much benefits from it.
Running is the best thing you can do. Walking is just a big step down from that. Still really good for you.
Beta cucksssssss
>t. virgin manlet
Damn that guy reminds me of the Techno Viking.
Pre-2009 youtube was so good.
He looks like ripped Varg Vikernes.
In the end its vanity, but so is everything.
>tfw haven't seen someone overhead press more than me at my gym
>going to a gym for the mentally and physically handicapped
>doing 50 push ups @ 170lbs
it does nothing
running is real boy cardio
you have to be really fucking unhealthy to start getting your heart rate up from walking.
where else am I gonna go
nobody at my gym is on roids
bet your gym is part of a strip mall
Then im truly fucked
start lifting brah
body training is weak no gainz shit
there are definitely guys there that could press more than 200lbs. just haven't seen it.
probably because only fags ohp
Whilst I agree to an extent. I got fit because compulsory military service and you get awesome highs from running which becomes kind of addictive so there are exceptions to your observation, as always with generalizations.
blah blah roidz blah roidz roidz blah blah roidz roidz roidz blah
'mirrin bruh
Do them one handed.
>muh strength is defined by age
Spoken like someone who's never done calisthenics.
>implying those guys are natty
ive done purely calisthenics for 6 years before lifting.
please faggot, i bet bruce lee is your role model.
do you get your exercise plans from 7th grade PE class?
t. Tumblrite poster.
Look at pro sports, the 18-22 year old guys are always faster and stronger than the guys in their 30s.
found the overweight 20 yo
>Implying that guy is after women.
>calisthenics = body training
I'll bet you think your bicep curls are gonna pack on all the mass.
>men do things which have nothing to do with women.
do you know that men who are not noticed by women end up killing themselves ?
>I swear I do not lift for women
30 year old, 6 day a week lifter.
But whatever floats your boat, sweet heart.
Someone post the video of Julius vs the fatties
>6 year old, 30 day a week lifter.
I actually have dyslexia and find this deeply offensive
Younger men are more athletic which is far more valuable in a fight
>dad strength
>literally broscience
Human male physical peak is around 25-30.
>that pic
Might as well. Better to be exercising than spending your time on this cesspool.
you have a lot of time until 30 years old to cure it
Have you ever seen street brawlers? The ones around 35 are fucking unstoppable.
Yeah that's why all the top MMA fighters are well into their 40s right OP?
o wait
Lol, tv/ trying to shit on exercising fucken classic.
What's that got to do with an 18 year old? Kids that age who lift are still weak as fuck compared to someone doing it for 15 years. Even if they're a little slower speed-wise.
he said 30+ and yes most top mma fighters are 30+
He said stronger, not faster or better cardio.
If mma was just about how strong you were power lifters would dominate.
olds men can keep getting stronger well into their 50s or 60s
no lie this is literally what happened, i worked out the past year and now a girl and me are in love, i mean ive led an interesting life and have good conversations but i wouldnt have even gotten my foot in the door if i didnt have a nice body and confidence from that
Cause most 30+ men are fat with shitty diets and a sedentary lifestyle, 18 year old males are much more resilient and fit.
Maybe 20 years ago. Nowadays 18 yr old males are diabetics who can't climb stairs.
What is it then? It's essentially bodyweight training, no?
Some of them are. Others are fit. Funny how that works
Im 178cm and I weigh 69kg, toned with high vascularity, constantly get mocked for being auschwits and skinny by liftbros (fatbros)
>my friends wait until girls around
>all my 'fatmuscly' (fat) friends harp on about how im only body weight skinnyboi
>they say I have a skinpack
>they say I can only do push ups and pull ups
>one of them has benched 90kg and the rest cant even bench 25kg dumbells in each hand
>I show them me bench 100kg bar and they all witness it
>I bench 47.5KG dumbells in each hand after
>deadlift and squat more than them
>ohp 80kg which is my bodyweight and more
>apparently its because my limbs are short
It uses the body's weight as resistance, yes, but it incorporates far harder exercises than pushups. For chest, you'd more likely use chest dips, essentially and entire bodyweight pushup. More advanced would use gymnast rings for flies. If you can chest fly your bodyweight, it's fair to say you've got an impressive chest.
You can pack on quite a bit of muscle with bodyweight exercises. You won't be a bodybuilder or a powerlifter, of course, but most gym rats are kidding themselves that they're either of those.
>make statement about a group of people that geberalizes them
>get replied to with a similar statement about another group
>get snarky about the generalization
Wow m8
I'm not the guy you replied to
>things that never happened
Dan, go to bed. You have work in the morning and you're getting too addicted to Overwatch.
TFW loud dumb people derail the entire thread within 2 posts, an achievement on itself really.
>that belt
>Yeah because there is no such thing as walking up a hill...
This morom has never heard of hiking which is in fact just walking on more difficult terrain.
Running is a good way to have arthritis when your 60
After age 25 your fitness goes down, not up.
>this is what shits who give up at age 25 and just get fat actually believe
It doesn't. The point of running / cardio is to get your heart rate up. Walking won't do that for you, so it's a complete waste.
>a movement humans were designed for gives you arthritis
>workout to make up for my lifestyle
> co worker is buff huge
>if he comes to get something like a box he'll hold it with one hand and talk to me about some stupid bullshit while posing,
I dont now what his goal is, like i'll recommend him to someone or something
>turns out hes homeless and crashes at peoples houses
Such a strange being
>you can only do those things because you're in shape!
>awesome highs from running
I bet you think nofap's good for something too