>another depp movie flopped
Another depp movie flopped
>another dc movie flopped
>another vidya movie flopped
This movie hasn't even released worldwide yet so it hasn't flopped yet.
Besides it looks really good so idk what people are saying about it
I guess the first Alice's box office record is the one thing he didn't beat
>This movie hasn't even released worldwide yet so it hasn't flopped yet.
...? Except it has. It's made almost 3x as much internationally as in the US.
And it's STILL only made about half its budget back.
>alan rickman's final film is a disaster
Depp needs to go back to tv and do like a breaking bad or something.
The age of movies riding on the name of big stars was over a long time ago.
The age of capeshit goes on.
the first one was a migraine inducing eyesore of cgi barf and the sound design was nothing less than a cacophony of demonic shrieking combined with someone tossing an orchestra down a flight of stairs so i'm not surprised
at least he didn't have to witness this catastrophy
it premiered literally days ago.
let's wait for the final numbers, ok?
>The age of movies riding on the name of big stars was over a long time ago.
I don't think it ever really was a thing. Movies make stars, stars can't make movies. Hollywood never really understood that.
I don't know what they expected. The original only made 1 billion+ because it was the first major 3D movie to come out after Avatar and rode off the hype.
That was it.
It was a mediocre movie and any sequel was a guaranteed bomb.
u /teammort/?
atleast he killed himself before he could see how a big a failure it would be
Goodnight, sweet Prince ;_;
B-but Disney always pays for reviews!
It's a red herring like John Carter and Mars Needs Moms
The sky is also blue.
Maybe it's because J. Depp has played the same character in every movie since Pirates?
I knew this shit would suck when it still wasnt a comedy. Alice in Wonderland is a fucking comedy
>fucked prime winona ryder on the daily
>has been fucking an apparently submissive punching bag amber heard for the past however many years
You fucking wish