Huh, really makes you think...
Huh, really makes you think
>grew throughout the hour
people tuning in late because they forgot it even existed
top gear was on? when?
>insecurity: the tweet
>defending his own show on twitter
it's over already
>if I follow up my statement that has no actual evidence by claiming it to be a fact then that makes it correct
what did he mean by that?
When you write FACT is makes things true
This schadenfreude fuels my erection.
>Dat damage control
Just imagine his red, tear-stained cheeks as he furiously types that out kek
You are mad. FACT
The second episode drop is going to be at an historical high. FACT
iplayer sucks!
Oh no Chistian Weston Evans
How the fuck did this guy get to sex up Billie Piper?
Why does Captain America concern himself with how well a television show does in its time slot?
>mfw I googled her
Fuck you nigga, she gave me so many boners when she was on DW.
Rogan looks like an enormous bellend
lift real weights like a normal person you sanctimonious wasteman
He's such a knuckle dragger.
>want to see new Top Gear fail
>want to see Matt LeBlanc succeed
BBC stands for Big Black Cocks. FACT. There are too many straight white men on British TV. FACT. My tiny ginger pecker will never be as big as that shitlord Jeremy Clarkson or the other Chris Evans who has a beard and laughs at sluts. FACT.
That jaw surgery fucked it up for me desu
[functional Strength intensifies]
They should change the concept of Top Gear so that every week Chris Evans would step in the UFC octagon with a professional MMA fighter and they would fight until one of them gets knocked the fuck out. Then Joey from Friends would show us cars or some shit.