>I’d heard of it but had never played the game. I don’t have a video game player …
Can we at least agree that the press tour for Assassin's Creed will be amazing?
>I’d heard of it but had never played the game. I don’t have a video game player …
Can we at least agree that the press tour for Assassin's Creed will be amazing?
Other urls found in this thread:
>I don’t have a video game player
Is he retarded?
AC is a multimedia franchise. It has comics, books, animated movies, videogames and now a movie.
It's not only for videogame players.
It started with video games. You wouldn't make a book with a games main plot.
So he's not a manchild? Good to hear I guess.
It's called being an adult
lol that autism
No, just a normal adult.
He was born in 1977, I wonder what kind of an upbringing it'd take to have been a kid during the 80s and not know about video game 'consoles'.
>german father
>grew up in Ireland
>catholic family, was an altar boy
Oh, figures.
No he's just not that familiar with the hobbies of a child.
>comics, books, animated movies, videogames
No self respecting adult would entertain themselves with these toys
>but muh literature
Video game novels are not literature
It's called baiting stupid nerds, I'd do it too
>Implying someone who hasn't played the games would consume any of that other shit
>Implying it isn't all terrible anyway
>altar boy
So he's ggay then
>Is he retarded?
no, he's a normal healthy adult
I'm a catholic m8.
Has nothing to do with the fact fassbender is gay.
he was 18 in 1995.
the playstation1 just came out, it was expensive and he was sleeping on floors for his acting career.
Let's crowdfund sending him an xbone and set him up on twitch.
You anons expect a man who looks like this to know what a video game is?
>being stupid makes you a normal healthy adult
>>german father
what do you mean by that?
Do germancucks not like videogames or what?
yes, i'm sure he watches TV now and again and has seen an advert or two.
He's just meming, not that I care since it triggers autists.
Spending an hour or two playing video games every day is not really viable if you lead even a somewhat busy life. What little free time you do have comes in small chunks, or is much better spent having a drink or two with friends, not playing with a toy.
>i've never heard of that movie i dont have a movie machine
>Being unfamiliar with gaming makes you stupid
In most cases it's probably the exact opposite
Germans are stereotypically strict
He probably doesn't know what platform it is on or what companies own what consoles and doesn't want to get in trouble for promoting the "wrong" one. I'm sure he's familiar with the terms xbox, playstation, and nintendo, but he doesn't have a clue about them.
Then why do they let their wives sleep around?
Isn't that what's it called tho. Like DVD Player, video game player...
Hahaha is this that cuck meme that's all the rage nowadays? Mind if I use your joke dude XD
>Do germancucks not like videogames or what?
No he was too busy using his good looks and big dick his entire life to care to learn anything about vidya
Looks like currect PewDiePie or this beasts guy from Warcraft
How is it a bad thing for a grown man to not play video games?
I was just away to suggest something along these lines. He's probably been told not to mention specific companies.
He belittled something I like which make me angry so he's stupid asshole!!!!1!
Not a joke.
Get a german proxy and check out any porn site.
>I’d heard of it but had never played the game. I don’t have a PS4 or an Xbox One
What did he mean by this?
jesus christ, I want to see her slit
Would he even know that term, though, or know it well enough to be positive he was saying the right thing?
>video games are for children guis
When will this meme end.
That's a hot video in any country.
>adults quoting CS Lewis to justify their perpetual adolescence
When will this meme end?
It is. I'm still a child tho in my 24 so it's ok
Almost never, since people who play videogames are usually huge retards
Yes, if he wasn't retarded.
>Spending an hour or two playing video games every day is not really viable if you lead even a somewhat busy life.
How busy has to be your life to not have more than a couple hours of free time? Unless you're still in college of have a shit tier job.
>Can we at least agree that the press tour for Assassin's Creed will be amazing?
Fuck yes.
I remember a moment during an X-Men movie ensemble interview where someone asked him about reading X-Men comics and his response was, "Yes... of course... I read all this comic books..." and then McAvoy or someone jumped in and saved him.
They'll be no ensemble cast to save him this time. Just Fassbender and a IGN or a Kotaku """""journalist""""" alone in a room. Pure comedy gold.
Bullshit, even my dad who is an ancient fag played videogames and owned a console. His driving license alone is older than I am, and I'm already in my twenties.
Fuck I was born when he was already almost 40.
And that ancient fag had three wives, two children, a stable job, and he knows what a console is.
You'd really have to be retarded not to.
You shouldn't be playing video games past middle school.
I think you're overestimating the knowledge of the general public. Most people don't live in this sort of geeky, tech related internet bubble where even if you aren't into the specific hobby you still have a vague understanding of it. In his world people's hobbies are different sports or some recreational activities. Painting, activism, etc. He probably doesn't know many people who are hardcore into video games, and there's no reason to assume he's heard the term console or completely understands it if he has.
>It's a tv pretends to be normal episode
that's every episode
deluded niggas
It's ok to play videogames if you accept that they're an unproductive waste of time and do nothing to develop your intelligence or personality
hehe. . . meme
You could say the same of Sup Forums
>get up at 6 to get ready for work
>get home at 4:30
>cook, eat, clean, now 6pm, maybe 6:30 if you have to go shopping
>usually some chores around the house
>watch some TV with your girl
>bed time around 9:30-10
Not a lot of time there for video games. There's always shit to do in the afternoons, and this is coming from a guy who does not lead a busy lifestyle. Imagine dealing with kids and you see how that time evaporates.
Yeah absolutely
If you have a few hours free, you should be going to the gym or something. Not making up excuses that you have no time so you can stay home playing on your game boy players.
>be game dev
>pass playing vidya as research
>he is in an entertainment board and criticising vidya
So is shitposting in a mongolian basketweaving imageboard more productive?
Are movies and television more productive?
Most fags here are just college students that don't even work with anything related to the area.
>hurr durr
Are you retarded or pretending? Do you need to choose between both, I mean gym will take 1 hour at most won't it?
Are you always working and being productive anob? Why aren't you at the gym instead of shitposting on/tv/?
Fuck off.
They're too good. I can't stop myself
>So is shitposting in a mongolian basketweaving imageboard more productive?
>Are movies and television more productive?
>Most fags here are just college students that don't even work with anything related to the area.
Me too
You should read my post again. The same idea applies to all the things listed above.
Is pretending he cares about this nerd shit his greatest performance?
>Bought a ps4 yesterday on a whim to play Uncharted 4
>story makes me do mundane shit to understand Nathan's suffering
Fuck video games, I want scapism, not to play the same life I already have
ever since I started programming games as a hobby I 100% stopped playing other ones (except, of course, the ones I make)
This is common with most serious game developers - something about the process of making them really puts you off playing them
oh sure I'll just go to the walk in pay nothing gym right around the corner
Just like it is with movies, I got it.
>modern hipster cuts in a high fantasy medieval setting
Oh alright,as long as we are on the same page.
That said people pretend entertainment is bad and wasteful, but it's completely fine in moderation.
It's only a problem if that's the only activity you do.
Why do all video game devs think they're filmmakers now?
I agree, entertainment is a great thing for relaxation purposes
Due to time mostly, but while I don't play a lot I still like to keep up on interesting titles.
Ideas don't grow in the void, so every now and then it's good to see what's new.
>all the anons ITT thinking they're better for calling vidya a children's toy
As if we aren't all posting on a Cantonese knitting archive
I blame kojimbo and the guy who made Heavy Rain
>he can't afford a gym membership
>My one example means everyone is like that!
You belong on Sup Forums if you aren't already a stormweenie.
why is he so perfect, lads?
how the hell am i gonna buy my video game every month if i pay for that.
I'd say so.
So, what video game have you been playing as of lately Sup Forums? I have been enjoying quantum break a lot.
thats what old noble slavs did you retard fuck
>my one example
What I am saying is video games are already getting old.
I know married middle-aged women who used to play when they were young.
I know work and still play, fuck I know a guy whose only expenses aside from.his daughter are videogames (he must be thankful his wife pays her own shit).
Video games aren't some freakish hobby.
That said, "hardcore gaming" is still a freakish hobby.
If you're over the age of 21 and are spending more than like an hour or two a week playing vidya, you're doing yourself more harm than good.
You literally end up like this guy
Overwatch because I'm a fucking pleb shit
Although I've taken a liking to Bulletstorm as well
Battlefield 4 because it's a mundane timesink and I can listen to audiobooks while playing it.
I remember when video games used to be considered an acceptable hobby.
>you end up like a guy posting on Sup Forums
I see.
Pretty much this.
There is nothing wrong with videogames, there is something wrong with basing your life around them/spending dozens of hours a week on it.
I own Witcher 3 but haven't played it yet, been playing AC Unity. I think I'm worried I wont have the time for Witcher 3.
Counter Strike because it's the only game I know how to play.
I just pointed out a fact, I don't get what you are assuming from my previous post
You really need to manage your time better.
1 and a half hours to prepare and eat a meal? Every day no less.
And why the fuck would you not go to the shop on the way home?
Also, who the fuck cleans every fucking day?
>bet at 10
You do realize that the notion of needing precisely 8 hours of sleep per night is a myth, yeah?
>I'm a gamer