After the white walkers have Seized the entire land as every city has crumbled (now that would be some awesome visual effects to see), Jon Snow will turn into something miraculous which destroys the thing which makes all the Walkers exist (similar to the Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion ending).
How The Show Might End
I like the idea of on screen walker devastation shown all across Westeros. The edgy part of the that likes trump wants to have the series end there with no redemption.
Not with a bang but a whimper
Random wizard falls in love with Dani and tells her he created a spell to turn white walkers into ice cream.
He loves her so he gives her the magic for free or whatever.
She proceeds to liberate Westeros by consuming all the different Ben & Jerry's flavors of white walkers and then taking her place upon the iron throne
Yea i bet there will be no survivors.
John Snow will turn into a snow dragon.
Even better: dragon white walkers vs daenerys's dragons
As the Night's King plunges his spear into Jon's heart the light seeps out of the world like the blood from his chest.
The darkness opens up as if someone has opened their eyes. We see Melisandre sitting in the corner of a dimly lit room, she turns towards the camera.
"So how was it?'
The camera pans out to show Stannis in a cold sweat staring intently at his hands. " truly was A Game of Thrones."
End credits.
This KEK
>"I have become the snow".
White walkers are macguffin. You stab them with dragon glass and they die. And there's what 3 left? Wights explode when you punch them. What exactly is the big that they pose?
>I am now the matrix
>Cerseia blows up the Sept of Baelor and creates fucking chaos in King's Landing
>The People (TM) rise up again Lannisters and Tyrells alike because they're "The Maaaaaaan, maaaaaaaaaaaaaan" and the imperial capital goes up in flames
>While the Boltons are getting REKT by the Northmen, the White Walkers destroy the wall (hopefully with one of those barbarian torch bearers like at the Battle of Helm's Deep) and they murder and add troops as they move south with the glorious cold and darkness behind them
>Mereen goes to shit and Dany has to pretty much flee that mess with the hope of "liberating" Westeros, but when she arrives, everything's fucked
>By this point, Jon has murdered the Night's King and has himself turned into the next Night's King, the ultimate irony
>Dany and Tyrion and some other dude go dragonback and, along with the Khans, clash with the fucking White Walkers led by the Bastard King of Winter
>Arya goes around murdering people in the dark along with her Zombie mum, this all transpires in the background but it's the best part of the whole affair
>Fucking everybody dies and the illiterate peasants have to figure out how shit works
>The series ends w/ some dope telling the story of the Fall of Westeros except he gets all the details wrong and sets the last remaining people up for failure in another 10000 years
/got/ general--->
>black people complain about diversity
>white walkers become black walkers
>destroy King's Landing by lowering property values and making flea bottom unsafe
>sequel series set 40 years later tackles the gentrification issue as humans try to move back into King's Landing due to low rent prices
>also there's a dragon
Also keep in mind the writers may use more "time travel".
>Bran teleports back to episode 1 where he saves himself from falling to the ground and stops all the wars from happening as they ban together to defeat the white walkers.
Screencap this
>Before departing to the Tower of the Hand for a good night's sleep, Tyrion turns around and looks at the royal couple, her grace Queen Daenerys and Prince consort Jon Stark, and says, "truly, it was a song of ice and fire"
>"more like a Game of Thrones", says Varys who had been hiding in the shadows until then
>both laugh
>Varys turns to the damera and winks
>Tyrion resumes his walk and begins whistling the Rains of Castamere as the credits fade-in
>and who
They're gonna have kill another wolf.
>Suddenly a TV screen shuts off as camera pans to show CIA man putting down the remote".
"Eh I cant stand to watch a show with an actor who likes identical to me".
>Jon lets Wildlings immigrate from the North and Dany lets literal barbarians rape and pillage from the south.
>they get married and hipsters cheer because of diversity.
That's a Lost-tier ending
do you actually say "mongoloid" IRL?
never met a person in my entire 27 years who did.
kek i hate this fucking website
if GoT is going full sci-fi trope meme with time travel, they might as well make the Night King responsible for the continued existence of all White Walkers, and if you kill the NK then all of them die simultaneously
>Things that will happen
>your post
Pick two.
>King's Landing gets nuked by Wildfire via Faith Militant or crazed Cersei
>Dany shows up and is surprised that KL is a desolate shithole, violent snowstorms roll in
>White Walkers invade, Dany realizes what's going on, fights encroaching WW's with dragons
>Rendezvous with Jon, who is King of the North after Bastardbowl
>Team up and kill WW
>Series ends with dispute about who is the real king/queen...uh oh, here we go again!
He then stands up, and starts walking towards the plane.
I dont want it to happen, but everyone seems to be doing the hive thing nowadays to kill off overwhelming enemy forces
The Dragons, Red Witches, Bran, The Children of the Forrest, The White Walkers, the Wights, Giants, Dire Wolves, and basically every other remotely magical thing will all die killing each other in various ways.
There will be no Iron Throne left standing, and all the would-be heirs to the throne will have died, including Danyeris, Euron, Yala, LittleFinger, Ramsey, The Lannisters, the Tyrells, The Tullys, the Baratheons, etc.
It will be Tyrion, Jon Snow, Arya, Varys, left to rebuild a society with few remaining people.
Nah Arya will be kill unfortunately
>Starks take back Winterfell. Next season is Sansa vs Jon with Littlefinger getting involved.
>King's Landing is weakened due to shit going on with the faith millitant, possible attack from Dorne and Tommen dying.
>Dany easily takes King's Landing when she arrives.
>But as soon as she does White Walkers start posing a threat and the end of the series starts with the Seven Kingdoms vs White Walker/Undead.
>At some point Tyrion becomes Lord of Casterly Rock.
>Jon becomes the "prince who was promised," a vessel for the red god. The show has already heavily forshadowed this because they've tried to show us that Dany might be this person as well, but she is another false prophet in the world of men.
>The red "one true god" is actually EVIL, this is why all their worshippers are creepy, all the magic is blood magic, etc. Jon turns evil. His appearance is already darker, resurrected by this power.
>The White Walkers as we've seen were created to defend the magical beings. When we begin ASOIAF White Walkers haven't been around in a long time because man "won" and evil man pushed back and killed not only the walkers but all magic and nature.
>The story is an allegory for man vs nature, the reason everyone comes across as such pieces of shit in their jostling for power is because they are. They are evil and the white walkers are the only ones who can stop the "one true god" which is a true god of MAN.
>The show will end with a truce between some of the surviving less shitty people and the white walkers after the fire god is killed/contained again. Magic has returned to the world and humans will no longer fuck over everyone and everything trying to rule.
>Magic has returned to the world and humans will no longer fuck over everyone and everything trying to rule.
Hmm what if the COTF got Bran to create chaos in the realms of men by using his time travel shit so that they could purge men from the continent using their white walkers? Seems reasonable.
Wrong. Caloreesi will survive to the ending as confirmed by the original outline. Meaning she will be queen & saviour after sending her immigrants to Westeros / Europe to defeat the white walkers / white race.
but they already established time travel doesnt work like that in the show
Magic really only exists because there are Dragons. It's no joke the White Walkers are powerful enough now because 3 dragons have hatched, the most there have been in a generation or two.
Simply read the last page of the last book, stupid.
The dragons only exist because Caloreesi hasn't crushed them under the weight of her fat ass yet
sounds dumb and cliche. that last bit about magic returning and humans not fucking other humans over for power is the opposite of how grrm says he likes to write
Cercei will burn down KL, jon will die fighting the white walker and be ressurected hence fufilling his song of ice and fire, Danny will use her dragons to defeat jon and whitewalker army the battle will happen and end at winterfell, cause that is where winter will lose "winterfell"
No there is no way Jon Snu is going to oppose Caloreesi. They are going to join together against the white walkers and possibly marry. In the show there won't be any human force behind the white walkers because they are just a mistake gone wrong which Caloreesi needs to defeat for her to be a saviour in Westeros like she was in Essos with the slavers. Caloreesi wins.
>never met a person in my entire 27 years
> Iceborgs invade the kingdoms
> Jon snow knows nothing
> Benjen teaches jon snow
> Benjen and jon is kill
> Glorious danaerys burns them all
Nah i dont think she'll marry her brother's son, seems out of sorts
You guys are fucking retarded, the series will obviously end with Sam as the God-Emperor of the entire world.
Where does this meme that white walkers/others are the good guys?
They aren't. They are the bad guys.
Seriously doesn't even matter anyways. They're fucking ice zombies. They all need to be put down. Maybe if they didn't fucking raise the corpses of all your friends and family...
Kek, is that frog supposed to be winking or does he just have a fucked up lazy eye?
Why not? Stannis was the only person in Westeros who took a stance against incest and who opposed Cersei / Targaryens and no one listened to him. If Daenerys & Jon want to have an aunt / nephew marriage I am sure no one will be able to do anything about especially if they have dragons.
I know most answers are joke answers but here's how it goes down.
This season ends with Dani stepping onto a boat and a pan out to tons of ships courtesy of the slave cities and the free cities as well as some later aid from the Iron Isles.
Cersei loses Tommen in the scuffle with the Church and goes mad Queen Cersei. She steps on the throats of the poor, kills the church and unifies the city in complete martial law lockdown. Snow wins the north and progresses south. Dani comes from the south and they pincer attack Cersei. Arya assaults Cersei gravely wounding her. Jaime finds her poisoned and suffering and puts her out of her misery by smothering her. His second major betrayal but with contrasted motive. After an uneasy alliance they turn their focus North as the snowmen sack through the wall and work their way down.
reven better black walkers take back their land from the white walkers that have opressed and enslaved them for all these years
I mean caloreesi, to meetup with jon snow, become intimate and marry him, etc. For that to happen in two seasons of the show or even two books seems farfetched
Targaryen's have done this before.
In the middle of an impending zombie apocalypse
It won't happen to the very end though. Two seasons is sufficient time to get them together. And as I mentioned an incestuous relationship is not far fetched in this world. Even if they don't marry though they will definitely ally. The point is that Jon and Daenerys are one in the same and they always have been.
Jon wants to send in wildling invaders and economic migrants into the land. Daenerys wants to do the same with Dothraki invaders. The wildlings and the Dothraki mirror each other and they both fall in love with one of these foreigners at one point and they both later take a pro-immigration / pro-invasion stance. So they are one in the same.
there's no reason to do that during. They'd just do a few years time skip assuming Jon doesn't kick the bucket.
Warcraft 3 Blackrock n' Roll mission
Game of thrones is an allegory for the Jewish backed destruction of the white race. The war of the five kings is WW2. Stannis is literally Hitler because he killed a homosexual which is the worst thing you can ever do and he opposes the mass migration of wildlings into the realm. But he loses. Jon Snow and Daenerys are the heroes of international jewry because they support the mass migration of wildlings / dothraki into the realm. In the end the mass migration of dothraki shitskins into the seven kingdoms will result in the destruction of the white race.
>muh white race
Sup Forumstard begone
Show WWs will barely get past the Wall
D&D don't have enough budget for it
If there's a better time to fuck a closely-related family member I'd like to hear it
>heros of international jewry
Everyone relax. I'm here from Sup Forums. I'll handle this....
In what way would pic related benefit from the destruction of the current status quo in Westeros?
Nuclear winter is coming
The bankster Jews of Braavos recognise that Westeros was hard hit by the war of the five kings making it hard for it to pay off its debts. The increase in migration could create a new pool of cheap labour to revitalize the economy so they can pay back their debts.
>destroy society
>revitalize the economy
Which is it?
whats the WW's endgame?
so they conquer the world ... then what? what do they intend to do with it? how will the world even function in any sustainable productive way if they're just going to turn the whole population into mindless zombies?
They want to destroy the white race not society. They still want there to be a labour force so they can make shekels obviously. For the bankers its all about the shekels.
lol either that or he had a stroke
>inb4 the Walkers are beaten back at Winterfell due to the walls being filled with Dragonglass or some stupid shit
>Daeny burns Casterley Rock to the ground and all the Lannisters die
>Daeny becomes queen, Tyrion the Hand
>Jon becomes the king in the north
>Show ends with the Dothraki no longer being afraid of water, and now openly mixing with Westeros
>Last shit is going to be Daeny coronation, with the camera pointing to a mixed Dothraki/Westeros/Wildling LBGT family unit as the Wall is torn down to signify anti-Trump shit
You just know.
>he thinks the Iron Bank does it for the shekels
>he thinks the jews do it for the shekels
You know nothing Stormnigger Snu
Dany is retarded
>lets bring a barbarian horde to nation and see what happens
At least they obey her.
She'll be seen as a saviour anyways because they made the white walkers be her throwaway antagonist she can defeat and then be seen as a hero for it. Same thing with the slavers. Daenerys will only ever face the phony opposition of slavers / white walkers well getting free armies and dragons and she'll win in the end. That is how this story goes.
>the walkers never make it past the wall
>dany never makes it to westeros
>sansa gives birth to bolton's son and rules the north after jon snow kills him
>Tommen rules without the Lannister influence
>Dorne because it's own country
>The North becomes their own country
If you people think this won't have anything other than a tragic ending, then I don't think you were paying attention.
Sup Forums tards are the most faggiest fucking posters on any board ffs
>Dorne because it's own country
>The North becomes their own country
>Dorne becomes its own country
>The North becomes its own country
>the Walkers never make it past the wall
>Dany might be this person as well, but she is another false prophet in the world of men.
kaleesi and the mongols will arrive just when the wall breaks down.
they are forced to work together with the other forces to fight the snowzombies.
>you suddenly realize "White Walkers" are stand-ins for white men and they're going to be killed by the eunuchs, dragons and dothraki and dany rules over the entire world and there's peace
Bran figures out how to destroy the White Walkers. Tells Jon how. Jon must meet with Daenerys and convince her to help before she eats him. Doesn't work. Bran takes control of one of the dragons to prove he means business. Dany is then on board. Arya and Nymeria's wolfpack also help. Tyrion rallies the Westerlands. Mace is fucking BASED. Walkers are kill. The end.
Nope. This theory leaves out a lot of moving parts. Bran is the Lord of Light, the Red Priests sprung up in response to his tinkering with things. The religion they built around him isn't actually important. Jon is his "chosen one." He brought the Dragons to life knowing they would be necessary. It's Bran. Bran Stark. He's the key.
>Dany invades
>Takes Kings Landing
>White walkers invade
>Jon and Bran on White Walker side now
>Jon sends Arya to assassinate Dany
>Arya takes Danys face
>Bran wargs the Dragons
>Danys army lead by Arya, Bran/Dragons, Jon leading weights and White Walkers
>Westeros BTFO by fire and ice
>Everyone dies the people of Essos sing songs about it
>A song of ice and fire
Screenshot this
White Walkers have taken over Westeros. Everybody's dead. Jon, as a secret Dayne, picks up the sword that is his birthright and makes a stand against the darkness.
There's a promise of spring.