Will Season 3 be good?
Will Season 3 be good?
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Of course not, it's on Netflix.
>13 episodes
Isn't it on Netflix?
If so, no.
12 episodes
If they split it out into 4 seasons released every year or so, I think it would work out quite well.
If not, fuck that. There's a reason there's so few episodes a season.
Has a release date been set? I'm fucking hyped for the first time in a long time.
What reason is that?
They said it will start airing this year.
They take a while to write I'm guessing? Having one or two people write them and taking their time makes the episodes what they are. Same with Sherlock etc.
I'm worried if they have more writers or pressure Brooker in order to try and churn out more episodes. Doubt that would be good for the show.
I mean, it could also be due to financial issues with Channel 4, as they could afford to throw a fair bit of money at 3 episodes a season, but not for 12 big quality episodes. Netflix might be able to?
The episodes Brooker writes will be simplistic, pandering and take the easy way out. Anything he doesnt write has a good chance of doing well.
Like the other seasons.
It'll have three or four good episodes and the rest will be Waldo Moment tier because instead of having time to work everything out and get everything right they'll just be churning the episodes out to reach the 13 agreed to in their contract.
I expect one of the good episodes to be about exactly that.
Are you saying there's only one good episode of Black Mirror?
Fuck sake, don't tell me it's going to be a over branching story. and 13 episodes? I have a feeling that not every episode is going to be take damn seriously as just having 3.
What made Black Mirror so good was each individual episode is really well made and memorable. With 13 episodes, it feels like they are only going to make episode 3 or 9 the perfect ones and everything else is filler.
Fuck I didn't even think of that. I feel like an over-arching story might just be cheesy, as well as restrictive in what Brooker can write about. I really hope they don't go down that route.
Maybe not but it will have cuckoldry.
yeah a lot of cheating wives for some reason. wasn't expecting sex in nearly every episode either.
Every episode I've watched (the pig one, the google glass one, the american idol one) was built all around cuckoldry. I won't watch any more. At least Tales from the Crypt spaced out its cuck shit with humor. Fuck this show. Idk how the jews can say it's Twilight Zone's successor.
Missing out on Season 2 and the Christmas special, but it's your loss.
There are a few good episode of the black mirror the rest is shit meme
When does it air?
Which ones? For me it goes:
White Bear = Be Right Back > Christmas Special > 15 Million Merits > The Entire History of You > The National Anthem >> The Waldo Moment
Sometime this year
S1 and 2 were good m8. 3 was pretty shite though.
>the american idol one
haha oh wow
for me
15mm > white xmas >brb > white bear > tehoy >national >waldo
there is no way it will be all one story....
and its 12 episodes not fucking 13......
Cannot back up your claims?
i think the season having 12 episodes will ruin the series
i hope i'm wrong
I predict maybe 5 out of 13 will be good.
A couple of 2 parters might work.
>google glass
>american idol
I don't care. People ranting and raving about this show. so I watched it.
This juvenile fucking story-line about someone blackmailing the PM into fucking a pig.
I'm not wasting any more time on this. Juvenile crap people revering as intelligent. Fuck that.
It goes (for me) (i'm the one you replied to) 15 millions merit > National > white bear > Waldo > christmass special
Toward waldo and christmass it's getting a larger drop than between 1 and two
15 millions merit is the absolute GOAT no other episode can touch it
>waldo over anything
you clearly dont into black mirror
>millions merit
Waldo was more culturally relevant than any other episode.
Brooker is a prophet.
>Season 3
>call it a season after 2 episodes
Fuck you bongs
15mm had such a great setting. Loved that one.
What about tehoyand and be right back? arguably some of the best. you think they're the worst or something? and waldo better than the christmas special? mate come on.
Pig one was pretty relevant to the UK...
>15 million merits
My insurgent niggas who got absorbed by the system.
Sorry comparing the episodes to the brands they're based off of triggers you?
15 Million Merits is my favorite episode because it portrayed a world I want very badly to live in, and try to emulate every day in my own life.
> Charlie Brooker
> Raging SJW
> Black Mirror
> "Muh permanent recording is bad because it reveals cheating spouses"
Next season is bound to just say fuck it and its a huge black somalian guy anally fucking charlie brooker in front of a mirror
Again. What's the difference between a Sup Forumstard yelling "cucks" about almost every single little thing and feminist yelling "misoginy"?
>inb4 le tricky masked normie with cuck tatooes
Now you can't use that image. GOOD LUCK.
Inside No. 9 is the God-tier horror anthology show of the 2010s, tho Black Christmas was great.
do you take everything at face value rather than considering subtext?
>likes Black Mirror
>hasn't seen Dead Set
What a bunch of plebs.
> Look at season 3 confirmed cast
> All those attractive white female actors
> Most male names are distinctly african
Oh Charlie you dirty dog
Sup Forumstards are usually correct in their assessment of people is the primary difference
Nice meme'd familia.
>Charlie Brooker
>"Muh permanent recording is bad because it reveals cheating spouses"
He didn't even write that episode though you twat.
Too busy being fucked by his bull i imagine. #voteremain
> Owns show
> Started show
> Writes almost every episode
> Executive producer
But no that one episode he just had nothing to do with. How can you be such a cuck and still manage to type?
Every other series has been great so it'll at very worst be good tv.
And for all the SJW criticism I think he holds back a bit in Black Mirror - yeah his screenwipe is anita sarkeesian (?) levels of idiocy but he is a great writer.
>Black Mirror
Nothing about this show is "sub" anything but subpar. The writers wouldn't understand subtlety if it bit them on the ass.
15 Million Merits was an exaggerated portrayal of a world we already live in.
It's a depressing one if you ask me.
Well, you didn't seem to understand that pigfucking wasn't the theme of the first episode but okay.
>masturbate and play video games all day
>don't have to interact with other human beings
Sounds like a utopia desu.
That's not what the episode was about at all holy shit it wasn't even subtle.
Just get a minimum wage job where you don't have to interact with other people, don't do anything else for the rest of your life other than masturbate and play videogames and you're all set for a 15 million merits experience.
Just go to the Calais jungle using other people's money then give out humanitarian blowjobs to every man and you're all set for the Charlie Brooker experience.
>Just get a minimum wage job where you don't have to interact with other people
Can't afford a Vive on a burger flipper's salary, mate.
Wasn't the guy you were originally talking to.
>It's so deep! Don't you get it? It's criticizing western culture! Television and the internet and the media and shock value and our desensitization to and obsession with the ruin and humiliation of other people's lives! You probably just didn't get it is all.
The episode literally spells out the themes for you in the fucking dialogue. It's not deep, it isn't original or thought-provoking. It's pretty much the safest criticism of western culture there is and they didn't even do it well. It is both figuratively and literally ham-fisted.
> He's read the imdb message boards
Well done, bet you spark notes every book you ever had to do an exam on too.
You don't need SparkNotes or the IMDB message boards when
>The episode literally spells out the themes for you in the fucking dialogue.
I'm sorry you're so simple that Black Mirror is surprising to you.
I'm a liberal, you stupid asshole. I love Stephen King. I hate Black Mirror. It's cuck shit just like Tales from the Crypt. I magine you're in your teens, so you didn't connect with the comparison. Join us in October when we watch the hell out of shitty 90s horror shows. Then you'll see how Black Mirror is worse and Twilight Zone is untouched.
I'm so sorry. I mean I just assumed you were a Sup Forumsfag because of your gratuitous use of the word "cuck", which is pretty much their signature move.
As I remember none of those stories were "cuck" related at all. Neither of those guys enjoyed getting cucked at all. In fact the "google glass one" killed his gf after finding out she cheated on him.
Assuming you are the same guy, all of those were written by Brooker.
Thank god, most tv now would have an ending where she roundhouse kicks him and lectures him on slutshaming before converting to islam.
Most of Sup Forums is liberal mate, except the alt-right contingent. Unless you mean you are left.
Whatever you say, Sup Forumsly.
No he didn't. It's implied he just broke up with her, and then removes his eye technology after being depressed from the breakup. It's implied he might have also died from taking out the eye tech, or completely fucked his memories.
t. willing cuckold
Either way he overreacted
BGT > X Factor >>>>>>>> American Idol
Get your shit correct fool
The Voice > The Jump >> X Factor > Tipping Point > BGT > American Idol
Americunts really do not get Black Mirror....
But that is fine....
Nobody expected you to.
Next SERIES will probably be aimed at you.
Too many feels in Be Right Back
>someone missed the point
she fucking owned that performance
If you'd know anything about love, you'd know how much it hurts to be betrayed. It's so very basic human emotion but it causes so much pain 'nomsayin? Also your brain is rotten and you see cucking everywhere because you see it in here so much
I'm inclined to agree
> "If you'd know anything about love"
I don't know what your argument is about but you came off as little fucking gay boy right then and there
>tfw you will never cop a feel of Hayley Atwell's god tier tits
kill me
>god tier
average/good at best
...... You are either low test or a genuine faggot.
Ill let you decide which is true of you.
Post the one of her not wearing a bra at some premier. Honestly had a heart attack when i saw that.
Are you on a reddit excursion
Well done on samefagging btw.
Also what in the honest hell are you even talking about now.
Yeah. We're hosting a containment board for some of them on Sup Forums.
I just saw one, pretty fascinating. He said everything was cuck and gay like he didn't knew any other word. Pretty retarded, but in a new whole level.
This one?
literally r.eddit mate. Go back you cant hack it here if you are getting so badly triggered on Sup Forums of all places
This one also hot as hell
hnnnnng, delicious tier
oh, what I'd give to bury my face in those mammaries
Mommy Atwell, pls...
Go back to Sup Forums.
really was not samefagging
was taking the piss out the gay cunt you replied to....
jesus man, keep up!