Other urls found in this thread:
>no one dares to give it a negative review
>Audeince:" eh, it was alright"
only Armond can save us now
when are they going to make a movie on the arab slave trade or the armenian holocaust?
how about a movie about how the british ended slavery?
no? not enought white guilt.
Based Snopp Dogg did
They didn't even do the fiddling dude right
When will this era of shit remakes end?
>it's a cuckservatives whine about black people thread
The entirety of all cooperate-controlled media is composed of faggot cuck nerds who are utterly terrified of blacks and will do anything to placate and flatter into submission.
I'd like to think black people are as tired of slave movie as the rest of us are. I want blaxploitation to come back.
The only real way I see it ever happening is if any movie/tvshow IP gets scattered to the wind through some sort of massive corporate restructuring throughout Hollywood.
Let the IP stand in limbo (effectively dead) and it guarantees no reboots or any commercial use whatsoever until it becomes public domain.
>when are American's finally going to make a movie about another nation's historical tragedies instead of their own?
>it's a Sup Forums whines about a film they haven't seen and probably never will episode
>Black Tuesday special
considering Americans make movies about everything I dont really see where you're coming from
Stop misusing memes
It's as bad as the people on Sup Forums trying to force "kino"
Quit it
>delusional Sup Forums poster thinks other boards are responsible for his board's shit
Schindlers List?
Doctor Zhivago?
Killing Fields?
Blacks dont even want this shit, if anything that the market has shown us is that American blacks rather watch power fantasy or self-effacing comedy rather than depressing reminders of oppression.
Not even close to implied my illiterate friend
white liberals want to jerk off to their guilt and self hatred.
Black people want watch comedies or action movies
It's always the kikes.
Critics are so full of shit, are we fucking serious here. I bet this show isn't even diverse, how many asians are in it?
Rottentomatoes is barely decent for movies, it's complete garbage for TV series.
Based Snoop
this movie bombed
>Blacks dont even want this shit
SJWs thrive on it however. They exploit shit for their own morbid satisfaction.
Fuck yeah bruv
What world do you guys live in where blacks aren't SJWs?
The movies aren't meant for black audiences
But Amazing Grace was already made
A social justice warrior is almost always someone on some misguided, patronizing crusade on behalf of someone else.
I don't dispute black people can fit the definition but they're much more likely to be white.
I don't really get the Fresh and Rotten thing.. Its basically giving you a black and white option with no nuance and that's somehow supposed to determine the quality of a complicated and subjective piece of entertainment?
What's this about?
They're more likely to be white because they're more white people/liberals in general, not because niggers are less likely to hold SJW views.
A quick browse through Twitter reveals otherwise, in fact just Google the Black Lives Matter movement (created by black dykes) or take a quick look on tumblr.
You act as if your pet negroes aren't at all self interested
I don't get what the point of this reply is, but k, saved. Don't have that many Ash vs Evil Dead webms tebehe
and play street fighter.
Giving this a negative review will basically get you blacklisted and will end your career.
Not to mention per capita whites are far more likely to be conservative than blacks. There's always one faggot who wants to exonerate niggers from being insufferable.
Most blacks aren't, outside of college. And most blacks aren't in college.
More proof that critics now are fucking retarded.
>Innofensive Average Shlock: Ugh, what fascist created this testosterone fest? Why was there a female under the age of 25 in it?
>Roots: it's an important reminder of black people's blackness and its rich black history of black. You will never forget the blackness of black's rage as history is a gym for our bulls' rage
It's like you can imagine each critic holding a gun to the other's head like a ISIS video but in a circle
pure coincidence
I wasn't under the impression it was college educated nogs burning down Ferguson and Baltimore
Isn't Doctor Zhivago fiction?
Hey, that would require admitting that history is complicated and that's a big no in hollywood no matter the topic
If i were a black actor i would question if i actually had talent or if cuc k leftists critics are just giving me affirmative action points
In theory, a movie could get 6/10 from all reviewers and it would be a 100% rating.
Plus they put the tomato meter in large font but put the actual rating in tiny little font that you hardly notice. It's designed to mislead.
I saw that shit and I get what he's saying but he phrased it badly by implying "white" people make such movies to remind niggas of the joy they had when they beat em up. They should just make a movie of black wallstreet getting destroyed by butthurt white people.
t. kang
So how many versions of Triumph of the Will do black people need?
Pretty sure that means it's not outdated visually?
Isn't there an actual occurence in Oklahoma where an affluent Black neighborhood got destroyed by a bunch of poor white people?
>try to stop browsing Sup Forums because it makes me angry
>Sup Forums finds me
Liberals do not treat blacks like human beings but eternal victims who are to be rewarded for perceived oppression and not talent or effort.
This would especially be notable in the elitist art world.
While a lowerclass white would tell you the truth and say that nigger sucked,
I watched it and it was kino
t. Spike Lee
Does nobody care that Alex Haley made the entire thing up, plagiarized portions of it and tried to pass it off as authentic American history? He went as far as to even altering the oral history of the region in Gambi he proposed Kunta came from so elders in the village who had learned of Kunta from Haley would pass down his legacy to younger members.
>liberals treat blacks unliberal
>still call themselves liberal
We really need to take back to word to mean liberal and not progressive/socialist like it does now.
You're confusing sjw with nigger. You don't see niggers yelling about muh strong woman or being concerned about other "minority/disenfranchised" groups.
>tfw Chinese
When will americunts sort their negro problem? Its like you actually want trabble
not liking this shit is racist
You don't see nigger SJWs concerned about other proposed marginalized groups because they're primarily focused on themselves. Search "white feminism" on Tumblr and you'll see several thousand post from blacks detailing how feminism isn't sufficient enough to cover the unique issues of black women. In fact black SJWs recently became angry when artist M.I.A suggested racial politics focus entirely too much on blacks and that Asians are underrepresented as well. They're SJWs who are in it solely for their own benefits, and yes they're niggers
Didn't they do that shit during the ZimZam trial? People writing 'I AM TRAYVON' on their faces?
>12 years an oscar bait wins oscar
Never a shortage of goy guilt.
>I am Kunta
Well he's not far off; he DOES look like a cunt.
This. They're opportunists, and don't give a shit about anyone but themselves. It just so happens that liberals are more inclined to let them continue being a detriment to society, and reward them for it.
The only things really worth watching will probably be the renaming, the foot mutilation scene and proposed castration, beyond that it's just muh African culture and muh white guilt
at least the audience gets it right.
Sup Forums is right about a lot of things. But that's only because they spout so much bullshit some of it is bound to be truthful.
>it's unlikely you'll quickly shake the image of Malachi Kirby's burning manly rage-filled muscles and cock.
Wasn't the kid black though?
Its literally the only score that counts
pol is always right, people dont like to admit it because then they would have to confront reality that the world has been destroyed by globalist jews.
And tomorrow we'll find out that some Jewish dude married a black guy with 3 twin white chicks someplace. It still doesn't make Sup Forums right
That's why race got 10/10 from every critic right? Why can't you just accept that maybe a show you haven't watched is competently made?
>tfw black
Bitch, if you didn't like the film, or thought it was mediocre, WRITE THAT YOU DIDNT LIKE THE FILM AND THOUGHT IT WAS MEDIOCRE.
If I wrote the review they'd say I'm affected by eternalised racism.
This bullshit is going on for too long.
Its shit like this that makes me hope that DT becomes president. Maybe it'll be a wake up call to these regressive left faggots, and shatter the barriers of PC once and for all, allowing people to FINALLY speak their mind.
Sorry for the rage and poor spelling and grammar, shit like this just pisses me off.
Fight the powers that be.
RT once again proving it's a piece of shit website.
Saying things like that is pretty fucking racist.
snoop hasn't been good since the late 90's
Eternalised racism? It's everlasting?
12 Years a Slave was really good
It was good, but it didn't really need to be made. Some other show with a black cast would've been better.
>missing the point this hard
It's doesn't matter if it's the greatest movie ever made in history of mankind or if it's the shittiest movie ever. No non-black can give it negative reviews no matter what.
>movie or show stars black people
>avoid it at all costs because it's about white devils being racist or is just a bad movie about poor ghetto people
That being said I really only liked Boyz N The Hood and never cared for Spike Lee.
Also the only character I felt bad for in 12 Years A Nigger was Paul Dano's.
as fyi I'm a chink.
Please tell me how that wasn't implied in your original post.
also everyone is always poor "blackie" but any time asians are brought up it's the minions joke or ha ha small dicks etc.
Fuck black people they get away with so much shit.
Yes. Tulsa riot
>it's a 'critics dare not give black films poor reviews for fear of being branded racist' episode