/got/ general

Last Jonsa thread, I promise srs

Other urls found in this thread:


1st for Azor Jon

3rd for superior sansa


kill yourself

>we can't, Jon
>i'm your sister

Reminder that the High Sparrow is based on Savonarola and only memist shitposters disagree

One or two

Wait whats a young griff?

Reminder that Littlefinger is coming for HeartsBane. Once he has it he will be unstoppable.

>I'm gonna give it to Daenerys Targaeryen, along wif my big cock!

What did he mean by 'wif'?

>that awful Jaime's CGI head

Daily reminder that if you're not a feminist, you have no business watching Game of Thrones.

its short for waifu

>May we dance wif yo dates?


Children of the Forest = Celts

First Men = Romans

Andals = Anglo-Saxons

Vallyrians = Normans

Cersei confirmed for dying this season :(

Daily reminder that Euron has




Jonsa autists are the new stannisfags

in the show, Rhaenys, Elia&Rhaegar's daughter
in the book, Aegon, Elia & Rhaegar 'son.


Why haven't you bought your official $700 Unsullied armor yet /got/?


you know he could be lying right

How is she not right? She's right.

>listening to political advice from a hunchback


1st for chaosh

because it looks like shit

yfw the High Sparrow wins the Game of Thrones

nothing in this map is canon, you autist


d&d would never be this retarded

Everyone knows who Savonarola was, you pretentious twat. "Bonfire of the vanities" is a common English phrase, and he was featured in at least two major cable series in recent years.

Get over yourself.

>There are people who take their politics from inbred British dwarfs

Do they make it in lardass size?

post only the best art itt

Eh it's time, it's bullshit that her and Jaime will separate on good terms with each other, but I can't wait to see Qyburn kill Kevan and Pycelle, Tommen kill himself, and Cersei to finish off the city with the wildfyre caches

Post you're face so we can tell you what house you're in ;^)

He is beautiful and everything that is good in this world.

Of course she's right. It's pretty embarrassing that there are people in this day in age who aren't feminist, desu.

Chapter reading from TWOW at a con yesterday or the day before
GRRM wrote it the absolute madman

I didn't say anything remotely pretentious. Some got butthurt because I even mentioned Savonarola and meme'd about it being from watching The Borgias. How about you go fuck yourself.

that arya bitch is gonna kill mah waifu aint she?


yeah nah

Valyrians are romans
First men are celts/gaelic people
Children are based on gaelic myths
Ur right about the andals tho.
Obviously bravos is venice too

you just know



Is it still worth reading the books even though we have surpassed them?

>the final battle of the five kings, between Blackfish and the rebellious Tully bannermen is coming
>bastard bowel is also coming

They could literally chop everything south of the Riverlands from the show, the quality would actually improve greatly

No need I already know I'm a wildling.

Ginger beard the lot.

kekkus maximus

Inb4 ned and littlefinger

I am a girl and i watch game of thrones AMA

Re-enabled some lovers event disabled by Way of Life DLC, including event where lovers may get married
When sending a relative on a foreign tour you can now instruct them to find a foreign marriage alliance
Custom made high valyrians can make their dynasty subject to the coin flip events
Slave children can now been force trained
Added back in shrewd and dull as traits gainable in conclave education
Any ruler can now call for aid against foreign powers using some sort of invasion casus belli
Absorption of nomadic clans can now be voted on by the council
Added a decision to build a flagship, with associated events
Added a decision to enslave the natives of a colony
Added events that inform the player when one of their relations is either blinded, castrated, tortured, forced married or kidnapped
Added a special event for the Thenn in AFFC
Can now hold a funeral for a friend
Bodyguards can now rescue captives Barristan style
Added in the vanilla introdue heir decision, amibition and events
Added a child has teenage infatuation with vassal child to introdue heir events
Ironborn salt children now start a new cadet dynasty when they marry
Characters can now petition for legal redress from their liege at a feast
Added another feast event
Added Godswood buildings to Old Gods and Wildling Gods Group temple baronies, they grow over time and give prestige + piety to liege
Added an event where a black brother or wildling can find dark sister beyond the wall after Bloodraven dies


Euron is so OP. I kind of love it

it's a hard truth, but he really isn't good looking anymore. a nosejob might fix

I'd say this fucktard is the only person who needed to get over themselves in that conversation:


>sexists/misogynists have no argument so they can only insult someone's looks
Wow, what a surprise.


I love how Jaime is fapping as he kills that kid.

So does Arya's mercy to the Cersei actress and abandonment of the Faceless Men mean that she's giving up her quest for vengeance?

Ssshh, summer child



Do you think Daenerys is a good character

Aeron is the one who sees it and says it's valyrian steel.

Wait so is Hound V Mountain this season?

This ones my favorite. Jaime is still beating off with his other hand

>still no playable Sansa

Why did Arya run from Harrenhall in the books? Roose was her brother's bannerman, so she'd figure out that he could send her to him, right?

It's a hard truth, but you are literally a pedophile. Castration might fix.

Since no one has really been posting this, here's the spoilers for most of the rest of the season. Click at your own risk.


R+L=J confirmed

>Sam goes from loveable loser to detestable loser in one scene

I was outraged at the theft of Heartsbane.

>sibel's cheek toucing Sophie's


daily reminder that chapter was written in 2010

>Not egalitarian
Sorry, I'm not siding with a team that only seeks favoring one group.


Still butthurt over getting called out on your masturbatory pseudo-intellectualism?

Meant to be here ->

what did he mean by this?

Wait, hold up. There's a bridge literally right next to the Wall?


why does the forest stop right north of the wall?

there's no way the wall would affect nature like that, it's no different than having a small mountain range

and it especially wouldn't kill off all of the trees directly south of the wall over a period of a few thousand years, not when the wall is actually keeping cold OUT of the land south of the wall

She's only right if you are a feminist woman or a faggot of a man with no self respect. You think this cunt knows anything about anything? She has been a child star all of her "mature" life.


would valyrian armor be any better than normal?

He's a big guy, heartsBANE is his by rights

Egalitarianism is a meme. You have to help women more than men because women are more oppressed than men.

No, it means that the whole test was to see if Waif still held her grudge after Arya failed.

Waif will break her promise to Jaqen and try to make her suffer, and Arya will stick her with the pointy end.

Then, Arya will present Waif's face to Jaqen and she will become no-one.

That's a bunch of nonsense

This is a collection of the real Truede leaks:




I assume this is in the next episode? I like how we got a split second of the Mad King this episode, but I assume they delve a bit further into this scene later on?

CoF = native americans
first men = highlanders / germanic tribes / normans / celts all mashed together
andals = anglo-saxon
Valyrians = Romans (incest, slavery, fireand blood, etc.)
Sparrows = 99%
Bravos = Italian renaissance
the wall = cold australia

she didn't trust him

The Watch chop down the trees within a hundred yards of the Wall, so they can see attacks coming

>I'm a fence-sitting faggot

It's a magical wall, and farmland maybe

>ywn burn them all



immune to white walker blades