All they had to do was give him a long beard and ridiculously long nails and they couldn't even do that
Are DnD incapable of doing anything right?
All they had to do was give him a long beard and ridiculously long nails and they couldn't even do that
Are DnD incapable of doing anything right?
Mad king is supposed to be creepy and senile looking instead they give us this larp tier shit baka just baka
nigga looks like a meatloaf music video
literally no one gives a fuck
Does the belt symbolise something?
Ever since season 5 the show has just looked like when an original show ends then some other network picks it up and tries to continue it to appease the fans
Everything just looks so....fake. And patched together and shit. Everything is awful
They have litterly 100s of people who work for them in the 'behind the scenes' videos who look 100x more like the mad king then this guy
and that's the problem
Aerys was heavily and repeatedly described in the book as physically vile and unkempt. You can't establish an unseen character like that on Sup Forums, especially as his appearance isn't relevant to the plot. If they showed him on the show with 2 foot nails out of nowhere, people would justifiably find it hilarious
They made the right call
Thought they went out of their way to show a resemblance to Viserys, in which they're pretty successful.
Jesus christ, what the fuck is wrong with them
>people would justifiably find it hilarious
I don't think so, people would think who is this insane maniac
And why the fuck would jaime's hair be short when it's in the past?
>Are they that fucking lazy?
>Have they even read their own source material ?
Even at the start of the show it wasn't THAT long. probabbly 3-4 inches longer then it is now
it's the same goddamn haircut he's had for the past few seasons. This is him in s1. At least had some length to it. They clearly just didn't bother. nor does Aerys look mad, just a regular old Targ.
I expected him to look somewhat like Theoden atleast
good refference actually
>no dragon skulls in the throne room
>looks exactly as it does under tommens rule
Wheres the dragon skulls
Wait where is this from did I miss an ep
That's not really from the show, is it? The costume, the throne, the set, it all looks so cheap, like a high school theater production of Game Of Thrones.
I stopped watching after Tywin and Joffrey died. I'm thinking I made the right decision.
Is it possible that at some point Bran goes back in time and some how fucks him up like what happened with Hodor? "Burn them all" reffering to the white walkers, not the city.
He was on screen for less than a second.
underrated lmao
I want him to return to this hairstyle again.
I'm waiting for this desu
Fuck kekked hard, definitely underrated
Probably. And I wouldn't be too surprised if Bran was suddenly involved in even more things that happened in the past. They can literally write any historic event in a way that Bran subtly caused it to happen the way it did.
Bran the builder? More like Bran the warger
First men came to Westeros? More like guided by Bran
Red Wedding? More like Bran's revenge to Cat for leaving him alone and going to KL
Baelish teleporting all over Westeros? More like Bran warging into an eagle and flying him over the continent
Show Stannis and Roose weren't like the book ones at all. Stannis was supposed to be rageaholic and Roose was supposed to talk with a whisper. Comparing everything with the books is pointless, it's better not to even watch the show if you do.
Are you happy now?
how can you bookfags be THIS autistic?
But that would look fantastic if it was real...
Scene was filmed in 2010, possibly 2009
was cut from initial pilot
It actually does look better. The actor is way too fat though. Needs to be gaunt and decrepit.
Imagine prime Kinski as the mad king.
2bh i dont even care if he looks like the book description. it just looks like shit
This isn't the pilot scene.
It's new. They didn't even get a young Jaime to do it.
Yeah, that shit was real disappointing.
He only got like 3 seconds of total screen time had like 2 lines and they couldn't even manage a wig for Jaime or a false beard and fingernails for Aerys?
I mean come the fuck on DnD.
"I would do anything for loooove...."
"Burn them all".
It's pretty obvious the way this is going.
Bran is the person who was whispering to the mad king.
He or another person who has the same powers as Bran is also the Red God.
How have you all seen this episode from the future you faggots
>nor does Aerys look mad
How exactly does a "mad" person look like? Giving him some over-the-top make-up wouldn't go well with the tone of the show.
Bran also gives birth to himself. Time is a closed circle.
>that faint moustache
Our little boy's growing up.
Flat circle.
It's in the eyes.
Coincidence? I think not
I don't know what that Pepe is referencing, could you please explain it to me?
his benis
Fuck off bed-wetters. You book poofters will whine about literally anything.
>Tywin Lannister
>Petyr "Littlefinger" Baelish
>Sandor Clegane
>Stannis Baratheon
>Roose Bolton
>Khal Drogo
>Davos Seaworth
>Theon Greyjoy
>Jorah Mormont
>Robb Stark
>Jaime Lannister
>Robert Baratheon
>Barristan Selmy
>Eddard "Ned" Stark
>Brynden "Blackfish" Tully
>Jon Snow
>Tyrion Lannister
>Father Tarly
>Aemon Targaryen
>Tormund Giantsbane
>Bran Stark
>Thoros of Myr
>Alliser Thorne
>Oberyn Martell
>Euron Greyjoy
>Karl Tanner
>Eddison Tollett
>Benjen Stark
>Loras Tyrell
>Mace Tyrell
>Ramsay Bolton
>Tycho Nestoris
>Renly Baratheon
>Walder Frey
>Edmure Tully
>Grey Worm
>Joffrey Baratheon
>Gregor Clegane
>Samwell Tarly
>High Sparrow
>Tommen Baratheon
>Lancel Lannister
>Jaqen "Valar Morghulis" H'gar
>"Too old"
>Ink mouth wizard
> ( farts )
>Janos Slynt
>Robin "Sweetrobin" Arryn
>Qarth nigger
What? It's easily sell him as an insane lunatic. Someone that should be ranting about government mind control rays in an alley, but wearing a crown and people have to follow his orders. A total nightmare scenario.
hes supposed to be related to daenerys targaryen so it makes sense
So why was Jamie sitting on the throne? What's that about?
>tyrion in good tier
>not top tier
>hodor in okay tier
>not in door tier
> No Grenn in God-tier
> No Grenn at all
I have no idea because I'm pretty sure he said in a previous season that he "could have sat on the throne" but didn't
How is Randyll the Mandyll going to go get his sword back?
Think Cersei said he could've taken it for himself - as in he could've taken the kingdom.
>ok tier
Oberyn was a sick bloke and literally the only non shit part of the dorne plot
yeah see thats the shit i thought we were going for