
No bully edition

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To understand the relationship of Monarchism, Socialism, and Laissez Faire Capitalism we must first understand them not as political positions but part of wider philosophical traditions. Laissez Faire Capitalism is an outgrowth of liberalism (in the original sense), that is, the supremacy of individual rights and individual interests. Democracy and Laissez Faire Capitalism were both spawned by Liberal ideology, i.e. that individuals acting purely according to their own rational and material self interest will result in the best government (Democracy) or the most prosperous economy (Capitalism). At the other end of the spectrum is Socialism, in which any private ownership of capital is tantamount to slavery, and therefore the state must necessarily enforce egalitarianism and a totalitarian economic system to ensure the "liberation" of the masses. So where does Monarchism fit into all this? Monarchism does not sit on this "spectrum" but rather on another plane altogether. A monarch has no reason to follow any economic philosophy. A economic policy maker in a liberal or socialist state is ultimately beholden to their native ideology because it serves as the justification for their own authority. A Monarch is beholden to no one but God. The monarch turns this conundrum on its head. The Monarch is able to use any economic policy as a tool rather than being a slave to one ideology. Different circumstances require different responses; the Monarch will use the best policies of both laissez faire and interventionist economic schools.

Monarchy is not pro-Capitalism nor pro-Socialism. Monarchy is pro-prosperity.


Playing football for the first time in about 3 years tonight


*sets the jany on you*

sic him boy!!! get that nonce!!!

*megs you*
oop, embarrassing haha

why did we ally with the soviets during ww2 again


Don't forget to use your hands

I am the best looking, most charismatic and toughest person on /brit/ with the best body and most intelligent

bow down

necessary to win

the enemy of my enemy is my friend

also a 3 way war would be silly

Girl from the other thread confessed that she's à lady boy after talking to her on line for 2+ hour. Ah yes.

>gravitational waves module
>have to give a 45 minute presentation

sick of this gimmick

matched with this absolute runt

worried that after a bit of voddy I'll be drunk enough to go and shag her

>ally with the nazis
>steamroll the soviet union

wish i was a cat

same haha x

>I am the best looking, most charismatic and toughest person on /brit/ with the best body and most intelligent

same haha x

Should have listened to the ânon who said her face was 'butter' tbqh. Sharp eye my friend

munchy munchy lads haha


is that guy on the right trolling or making autistic screeches on purpose

>ally with anti-semites

alri rasheed only pakis hate jews it's TWENTY SEVENTEEN


why would we ally with them?

I thought that was worms and I was disgusted but then I saw it was only toenails so I'm not arsed

Sup Forums has literally sent more than a dozen people there and they keep coming. They've done everything from interrupt their chanting to showing pictures of pepe and holding signs calling them an insane cult

It's quite funny.

better than a 10 minute one or something. at least with 45 minutes you can ramble on a bit and say everything you need to to maximise marks.

/ex-yu/ thread:

because the soviets were 5x worse than the nazis...?

post middle class slags


what on earth are you meant to say about gravitational waves for 45 minutes
might just change modules


powerful you say?


this is an argument for fascism

This lad makes great videos


making chicken mushroom pasta lads

what's for din dins for you?

the soviets and the nazis were allied at the start of the war
then the nazis attacked the soviets

logic dictates that we work with the soviets

ok den watch what I say den
if you like champagne come my way den

>I..I don't know how drunk I want to get, Sarah

Seems like a pretty massive topic mate.
But im not a physicist so what do i know.

I was currently listening to this

imagine watching one of these runts 10+ minute videos

A banana for breaky


The only reason the experiments of so-called """""communism""""" have failed is because of corrupt leaders, and human nature.

Real communism has never been tried

A Lithuanian in another thread just made me laugh through innovative use of wojak reaction images


dragon age origins or no lads

in the middle of a poo at a work and someone's just perched in the cubicle next to me

ahh yes, now I can't continue to the poo until they're gone

they weren't allied they had a non aggression thingy that was tentative at the best of times

perhaps you should also consider that people were planning ahead

after world war 2 it'd be inevitable that there'd be a cold war between two factions


who would you rather have a cold war with? the nazis or the soviets?

Repost or link pls tbqh

>tfw no Toot

Pics of their feet

the proposed space based detector is cool as h*ck but everyone'll want to do that one

true redpill: realizing that all ideologies are flawed because theyre conceptualized and carried out by flawed humans

big no from me. especially if you're looking to replace mass effect with it. you'll be sorely disappointed. pretty boring, generic and bland 2bh.


is this phd level or is this idiot level Gravitational waves?

one is very easy to fill up 45 mintues with, the other, impossible

What did you dream about last night?

>alternative facts


why do they kiss?

is this like the arab thing where they hold hands


you have to follow the replies for the full experience

your mum

which is why you give yourself to god to rule over the people. one country, under god.

it's official lads

i'm on the bennies

You're not the real thailad

masters level
and it'll be at the end of an 11 week module so some depth required

Quoi de neuf ânon ? Tu prends toujours des drogues synthétiques ? Ça te dirait de casser les burnes aux angliches en causant céfran ? Ça pourrait faire un fameux gummick, tu crois pas ?

fuck sake but there's nothing else

Go for an upskirt

I'm so fucking lonely lads

>chats shit

le whatevaaahhh

cheltenham looks nice

>why do they kiss?

>he thinks americans and brits hated the nazis
haha oh boy you're in for a big wake up call lol

what are bennies like in america
don't you just get food stamps

What are Yank benes like?

so write 5 mins of presentation each week

not hard

>tfw no ultimate wise benevolent autocrat to lead the western world

wonder if places like Bath have chavs

>he thinks americans and brits hated the nazis
I didn't say that you idiot


chavs don't exist any more

discovery of element zero when

>go abroad
>everyone confuses me for wh*te and wants to have sex with me

Every town and city does. Saw chavs in Exeter once.

>bennies in america


there anti and pro nazi camps in both countries

most richfags liked the nazis tho

1944 calle

bath has some very deprived areas mate. lots of chavs.

context clues


whenever I leave London I see thousands of them crawling about