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International #703
Is it true that russians don't smile to strangers?
Your favorite game?
General Opinion On this COuntry and Its people
What do you live for?
Does your country have good pizza?
Be me
/éire/ + /celt/
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
If I say ''Argentina'', what's the first thing that comes to your mind?
/balt/ + /ausnz/
What's the best sounding language ?
Feminists BTFO by white cis blond guy
Your cunt in native language
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Why are Slavic girls best girls Sup Forums?
White people in the world
Small dick
What do first worlders feel like when getting a response from a third worlder?
Ukrainian emigrating to Mexico
How can we make mexico to pay for the wall?
Spanish Learning Thread / Hilo de Aprendizaje de Español
How much is one of this in you cunt?
Are Polish genetically Germanic in denial?
1. Your country
What ethnic group of women are objectively hotter?
If I say ''Poland'', what's the first thing that comes to your mind?
His country isn't a constitutional monarchy
Kurva anyátok
His country do not kill homosexuals
Has your country ever been as politically polarized as the US is now? How was it fixed if it was?
French policians at the TV just say that France is the only country in Europe which protects the European continent and...
Why is Trump fucking us over? All of the exports we send there are going to get taxed like fucking shit
Sverigetråden - Nattupplagan
Sup Forums pub
Which region/city/State in your country generates the biggest ammount of butthurt?
/eire/ + /celt/ = /éire/
/ita/ - il filo
I'm not trying to be rude or disrespectful...
What did you learn about your nations history in school (years 1-9)
Really makes you think
Why do english always try to shadowned France ?
Rate my gedmatch results
/balk/ - Idiot Edition
What's his plan to get Mexico pay for his wall?
What other places do Sup Forums users like to visit on the internet?
Fuck / Marry / Kill / Ignore
Brazilians of Sup Forums, what should I say to a cute Brazilian girl who I am friends with in university?
Are Jews the only people who have their own religion and language (beside some small tribes)?
How can we make the planet Greek?
Would you racemix with a Brazilian girl?
/mena/ - tfw no Mashriq republic edition
How do we increase immigration to Japan...
Brazil is white
ITT we hatch a plan to destroy Russia once and for all
All neighbouring countries (this includes sea-borders now...
Why don't white people eat rice and beans? Everyone else does. Asians have rice and tofu, Indians have rice and lentils...
ITT: French colonies in Europe
He's right, you know
/deutsch/ - >>>/x/ - Ausgabe
Do kids in germanic cunts learn about traditional germanic culture or do you pick up after Romanization and...
Post embarrassing things about your country
/A-H/ - Austria-Hungary general
What would these gentleman think of the modern day USA?
/balt/ + /ausnz/
Mom is threatening to kick me out if I don't get a job again
The average French poster look like this
Sverigetråden - Mysiga Kvällsupplagan
Which country of the Americas has the best BBQ?
What went wrong for Turkey?
Is slovenia safe from future refugee enrichment?
Seize the means of production
/deutsch/ - Chältitod-Üsgäbli
Culture Pals: Korean qts edition
Why does free education suck?
1. Your tampoon
Do straights really find vaginas appealing?
Give me the closest equivalent of "WE WUZZ KANGS N' SHIT" in your language, no matter how corny...
What did they mean by this?
Kurva anyátok
Americans speaking german
Your cunt
News from france
A fucking dragon
Hilo latino
Would you racemix with a leaf?
My Travel USA France more!
I will never forget Nanjing
1. your vagina
Do you trust English people?
I want to join le Spanish army. Their uniform is so cool
/Hamburg/ ehemals /deutsch/
What's wrong with Armenians?
Sverigetråden - Eftermiddagsupplagan
Why are blond hair and blue eyes such desirable traits all around the world?
Jesus Christ, America
20 year old girl goes missing
What happened?
I saw a nigger today
Why japan's shitpost is so high quality?
I want to give hugs and kisses but there ain't nobody around. What do I do to satisfy my touch hunger?
/ita/ - Il Filo
I pledge allegiance to the flag
ITT: Show the main Island of your country
I don't like Finland
Princess Kako has plump little juicy and smelly toes...
Wat u think about Czech?
How can non-white women ever compete ?
Do people wear shoes inside their own houses in your cuntry?
Is your country linguistically diverse?
Countries that don't produce anything
Daily Japanese Thread DJT #1798
Can she pass as local in your country?
Why are the Japanese people so bloody racist?
Mom is threatening to kick me out if I don't find a job within two weeks
Corruption Perceptions Index 2016
How comes Vietnamese dont hate USA?
Why can't they finally stop fighting over history? It's been more than seven decades
What happen if I die in real life?
What is it like to live in the bad Europe?
Why are Iranian females so much better than arab ones?
Do you want to be Asian?
I'm a Japanese girl
Russia has recognized Kosovo. Your reaction?
23 years old
France replies to your post
Why do you faggots love shooting my grandparents so much? Explain
The danish nation is a failure
2nd largest nationality in each country
Please visit Spain!
Why is Portugal such a shit country? What's their excuse?
Not to be rude, but why is Tajikistan so poor and backwards...
Daily reminder that if you are not colored in this map, you speak a language that is in the same family with Indian...
First casualty of the US army in Poland
/lang/ - Language learning thread
Which cunt's (You) makes you horny?
I just remembered that Estonia exists
/cum/ Canada-US-Mexico
/völkisch/ auch bekannt als /deutsch/
I'm a US citizen. I hate the US and NATO, and I love the Russian Federation...
/balt/ + /ausnz/ = /bantz/
What would you say English sounds like?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
You have to be nice in this thread no matter what
Why do Americans hate truck driving? Among Russian immigrants in USA I would say at least 50-60% are truck drivers...
Balt and ausnz
Post 3 famous people from the country above your post
Which country would you like to immigrate if the world were vanished except four nations?
What is your favorite sexual position? I like doggystyle
Why are these countries often referred as "autistic"?
So who do we have to thank for olive oil?
Greek girls aren't attrac-
Mfw can't decide if I should go to Japan or Korea for my long-awaited Asian vacation
Ask a Mexican anything
/v4/ + friends
Thinking about moving to the US, what are the chances of an aussie staying/living there?
How do mexicans of Sup Forums feel about this picture?
Latin America
Your cunt
/cum/ Canada United States Mexico
1.- Your cunt
This land~ is mine~ god gave~ this land to me
Why shouldn't I visit your country?
Why do people living in eastern Russia look Asian?
Post aesthetic military uniforms from your country. Pic related is what we wore during the 1910's
/fr/ - Le Francofil Québécois et francophone
What do you call this in your cunt?
Jokes about Putin thread
I'm failing college miserably and it's my first ever semester
What is your reason to live?
Could I pass as a native in your country Sup Forums?
Kurva anyátok
Destabilize the middle east on purpose
Hey Sup Forums which country is the sexiest?
We declare officially war south shit korea
/balk/ - Balkan Thread
I just got fucking arrested
World meme map
What would the walll look like in your country if Trump was your president?
/fr/ - Le Francofil francophone
White God Factor Declining in Asia/Latin America
Post your cunt's footwear
We will build the Wall
How fucked are you?
Why don't you have a black gf yet user? You aren't racist are you?
Ask the Meat Baby a yes-no question
Sverigetråden - Mysiga Nattupplagan
Hey Sup Forums
A Japanese comedian called Eiko Kano tried sex with a minor
As a latin american, i have seen the state of my and other latin countries...
''''''russian'''''' reusable spacecraft
This is it, USA is now officially a dictatorship. Expect executive orders from dictator Trump every 2 days or so
What is the least cucked language you can learn?
Why are the French so rude?
Abbo takes your fairybread
West destroys countries
/brit/ + /ausnz/
Argentina is whi-
Is Colombia the economic tiger of South America?
Stereotype wojack thread?
East Asians eat a fuck ton of rice
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
This is the greatest ancient monument in Finland
/luso/ - fio lusófono
Economy collapsing, only supported by a housing bubble which is now popping
Why do people believe, the closer to north, the whiter you are...
I am proud of my country, India
Are you Asian?
Cost of a missile = 1.5 millions
Sup Forums pls remind me, what do you call this number again?
/deutsch/ und /nachtschicht/
What happens here?
Be me
Racist whitebois BTFO by based labeouf
Is Russia safe to visit today, or will you get murderraped as a forigner?
Why do Westerners proudly worship a Arab diety knows as Yahweh / Al-El(Allah)
I NEED a Brazilian gf
Nitka pajęcza 2
1) Your country ?
Is it worth moving to Hamilton Ontario?
Can Americans please tell me what this women's march thing is about? Don't they have the same rights...
Spanish Union, when?
ITT: "countries" that you would unironically nuke if you had the chance
That feel when no Job
Why are there so few Danish posters?
Could he pass as local in your country?
Sverigetråden - Bättre folk upplagan
Why did my ancestors immigrate to Argentina?
Ruin the entire continent by flooding it with shitskins en masse without a limit, constant terrorist attacks as a result
21% of Mexicans have blonde hair, study finds
Why are there so many transgender Finns?
1. Your country
/ex-yu/ - Sport
Niggers don't look human
/ita/ - il filo
Korean Language
Do you like French women, user?
Balt ausnz
What will Spain do?
Mom is forcing me to get a job again and threatening to kick me out if I don't
Which 5 languages are most worth learning?
ITT Indo-Aryan cultures
If you are not from these countries, you are irrelevant
Who is more powerful: Britain or Russia?
Kurva anyátok
/sino/ 中文
/éire/ + /celt/ = /theboys/
/deutsch/ oder auch /Hamburg/
Kurva anyátok
>you're country >is it free?
The man who saved Canada
/balk/ Balkan Thread
How common are these stereotypical names in their countries?
Already breaking my 2017 goals and it's not even the end of January yet
/cum/ Canada, Us, and Mexico
Helping lads learn English
In ten years what we now know as "Syria" will be called "Southern Turkey."
Anime in Spanish
Latin countries and The Simpsons
Brazil will lead the next phase of globalization and you literally can't do anything about it
/polska/ - edycja najlepszego wyboru podczas najwazniejszej decyzji
China calls for a Palestenian state, with East Jerusalem as it's capital
France Hate Thread
What does ES taste like?
Your country (very Sup Forums related)
They're eating warm food for breakfast in his country
Conquer 1/3 of danish land
Your moms cunt
Why do Latinos think they are white?
/balt/ + /ausnz/
/ita/ - il filo
/fr/ - Le Francofil francophone
/Hamburg/ ehemals /deutsch/
Ancestry / Heritage General
Why are the least white white people, the most nationalists like this Italian ethnic ?
Barron is the highlight of Trump's presidency
Do japanese girls want the white american dick?
Why is Portugal not a part of Spain?
1- your cunt
China will lead the next phase of globalization and you literally can't do anything about it
/ro/ - Fir Românesc
We will never allow the creation of the second fictitious Armenian state on the territory of Azerbaijan...
I just got back from a holiday in Thailand and yes, I shitposted RELENTLESSLY while there posing as Thailand
1. ur cunt
Sverigetråden - Mysiga Kvällsupplagan
You cunt
/cum/ Canada-US-Mexico
* walks towards you *
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
How does your country deal with killer sky penises?
Now that the dust has settled which first family has Sup Forums liked more? The Obama family or Trump family?
Why are romania and bulgaria in EU although Turkey is richer?
Why are mongoloid men and negroid women the least desired people?
He didn't went through the bullet ant ritual 20 times when he was a kid
Why are japs so superstitious?
Daily reminder this meme belongs to the Argentinian Meme Department™ and anyone who uses it violates the exclusive...
You wake up right in the middle
Would you country benefit form military conscription?
TFW have to work for a living
Truly impels one to cogitate
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
/MeNa/ - beauty of North Africa edishaan
There are Brits who will with zero irony whatsoever say they aren't European
So the most inteligent people(IQ) are buying skoda
Your cunt
Why are there so many McDonalds in Sweden?
I'm going to be working in a warehouse soon with a workforce of hundreds but the bulk of these people will be polish...
What the fuck is the point of this board?
Police uniform rate thread
You open your eyes and see pic related
This actually happened
What's some countries that litertally none hates?
In which cunts can she pass for local?
I am 18yrs old Japanese JK
In 3rd world, you must pay a cost to call an ambulance
Why are Brazilians here so self-hating?
That explains all the annoying Dutch here
Kurva anyátok
Wake up to Egyptian housemate playing rainbows six siege while blasting nasheed
You must delete one (1) cuisine from the world
What are these called in your country?
/balt/ + /ausnz/
Mom keeps telling me I need to find a job again
Great culture
Globalism trade offs
Our Prime minister vs your head of state
Chick i know went to some shithole in africa to do humanitarian work
His language doesn't even have its own letters
Lives in the Northern Hemisphere
Trans-Pacific partnership
/v4/ + friends
Why do you think about spanish?
ITT request a reply from another country
/alri lads/
What happens here?
Sverigetråden - Explosionsupplagan
Why don't you own a gun, Sup Forums?
How are fat people treated in your country?
Tl;dr - "racist jokes" are not actually racist
1 in 5 Australians between the age of 16 and 26 is addicted to Crystal Meth
Don't forget, you're here forever
Are there attractive women in your country?
/fr/ - Le francofil de la France avant la France
/nusantara/ - no reddittors allowed
Most Koreans think this is the most ideal country on the planet earth. Redpill me on Sweden so that I can redpill others
Good night, Sweet Prince
Tfw you're reading in your native language and you can't tell whether the protagonist is a guy or a girl until chapter 4
Trump makes date of his inauguration the National Day of Patriotism
/balt/ + /ausnz/
This country is known for
The last digits of your post - the Russian region in which you will live the next 5 years
Why don't you have a gf?
What do you call this in your cunt?
Tfw you live in the best country in the world that doesn't cheat with oil shekels
R-Russia are you okay?
It looks like I'm moving to the states soon (either Seattle or SF) and I have kind of a sensitive question for my...
Your cunt
I have an Australian professor at uni, and he literally banters everyone in the class, including me, every day...
Why are viets so angry about china even tho they are both commies?
Birth geniuses like da vinci
White People
Daily Japanese Thread DJT #1797
If I say "Argentina", what´s the first thing that comes to your mind?
When an Australian calls you a cunt
Why do Poos do this when they watch cinema? Can't they just sit down and enjoy the movie?
Why do the United States of America couldn't came up with a real name instead of wanting to reduce the whole American...
How common is this in the USA?
Why are micks the best people in the entire world?
European Union
Of all of the largest/most important nations...
I don't mean to be racist but
Just how fucked is mexico now?
Visit Sup Forums
Why Korean love Japan so much??
The south will rise again and all niggers will be enslaved
Why do my fellow gooks think im jjokbari? im not f*cking jap im 100% korean blood...
Entire month dedicated to worshipping "achievements" of one of the most cancerous races in america that commits the...
Fucking white people BTFO lmao
Tfw ching chong flag
Kurva anyátok
Rio Grande del Sur
Do you like canadians?
FINALLY! World Peace has been achieved! After all this time, we just had to-
Costa Rica Thread
His Country isn't part of Vertical Tricolour Flag master race
Sup Forumsack BTFO by based Shia LaBeouf
Show us your city, Sup Forums
I'm American and I don't like all these Asians coming to my country. Especially Chinese
I'm only 22 but I'm in love with a mexican citizen and the only way for us to be together is if I marry her so she can...
I heard that French guys in the big cities go to school and get relentlessly bullied and humiliated by Maghrebi girls...
Really makes you think
Now that USA has decided to stop being the leader of the free world, which nation should step up?
This land is mine.~ God gave this land to me~
1. you are cunt
How did they manage to become the first latin american first world country?
Well Sup Forums
Tell more about Uruguay, is it the most European country in this side of the world?
Battlestations of Sup Forums
Australians call pincybugs "yabbies"
What the FUCK is this?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Lol bye
Why is Chile so long??
US Dollar going up as Trump defeats shit bill and dollar goes up
Sitting down in lobby browsing Sup Forums on your phone
Why are Indians like this? Are they all given an autism pill at birth?
Do women in your cuntry have GOAT jawlines, Sup Forums?
Mexican """"""""""""Navy"""""""""""""""""
I love this country
Get that out of your mouth, silly!
ITT: Show us why does you country deserves to get nuked
Tell me about this man
How fucked are you?
Prostitution illegal
Do you find India to be... Incredible?
Why everything in Murrika is huge?
Have anyone of you Burgers been at every state of the us of murrica?
Why are hapas the most obnoxious tryhards and retards?
In 2017, korea overtake japan
ITT: We all wake up in a lost island
I hatsp en
Which country does this picture remind you of?
Which race/ethnicity do you wish you were?
Looking at the ancestry of American presidents
Why American teeth so white?
Sverigetråden - Nattupplagan
/Gönnen/ ehemals /deutsch/
Daily reminder
Any Tajik bros here?
When the white race wakes up. You shitskins and niggers will learn to fear the white man...
I love you, Ireland
ITT: times your country humiliated its neighbors
I just came here to say that the Sigtuna Raid never happened, sorry finno-ugrics of the world!
/baltic states and the baltic colonies of austria and new zealand/
Why hasn't the US annexed Canada yet?
Are these people white?
/balk/ - Illyrian Genes
Which one am I supposed to pick if I'm from Spain?
Is it true Norway is the most religious of the scandanavian countires? If so, why?
Why didn't you stop them Sweden?
Tell a Norwegian I use a knife to slice my cheese
Do you find our next president sexy or attractive ?
Free healthcare
Is there an actual correlation between whiteness and first worldness...
If your country has never had one of it's citizens go into space...
Kurva anyátok
/flag/tism - I miss you guys edition
Immigration to any western country should only be allowed to first worlders only
When an Hungrian replies to my post
/fr/ - le fil de la France spatiale
Hilo /ex-yu/
Which country has the chillest, most laid back people?
Small British Houses
This is Anzujaamu. She lives in Istanbul
This country is so fucking backwards holy shit
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Land of the free
/sino/ 中文 - 雷锋版
What are Muslims like?
What's the first thing you think when you see this picture?
/balk/ - Vengence for Kosovo
Brazilian '''''''''''cuisine''''''''''''
China Tackles ‘Masculinity Crisis,’ Tries to Stop ‘Effeminate’ Boys
Frogmen, i am moving to Metz in May, therefore i would like to ask you for help/advice on:
How did Denmark manage to rule Sweden even though it's so much smaller?
Be in travel fair last sunday basically for looking some nice prices to far asia
French army for now is the best army in the world
One shot at life
How do we cheer up the Finns?
You will wake up in new modern day austria-hungary
What's happened here?
This is Armenian president Tigran Erdoyan
/bantz/ - /balt/ + /ausnz/
/esp/ - hilo español
This will happen in your lifetime and this is how you make america great again, by freeing all the states
This is what I concluded with my studies
Suddenly 10% of the population of all countries neighbouring yours immigrate to your country...
Canadian """""""""""""" justice""""""""""""""
Kurva anyátok
India could nuke Europe right now if they wanted to
Why are nordic people such insufferable cunts? Not specifically on Sup Forums, but rather in real life...
Whats a good Equator country I can move to? I wanna live somewhere warm
What do you think about Sweden and the gang-rape incident that got livestreamed on facebook?
Friend: have a Look at my new car! It has a finnic pattern on it
Hometown thread
Culture Pals: Based Dutch People edition
Why are poles so bad at World of Tanks?
Japan xenophobia
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...