Barron is the highlight of Trump's presidency

Barron is the highlight of Trump's presidency

Why are people so obsessed with this 10 year old?

kek what a lad

Everyone secretly fancies him I think. Including women

Because he's silly and funny

Lefties literally started punching kids in their """protests""". They don't give a fuck as long as you're the "enemy". Claim to be the moral high ground but have no morals themselves

he reminds me of me when i was 10yo

Stfu, everyone sane condemned attacks on the kid.

I'm a lefty, but I like him.

thought it would be some autismo shit which is Sup Forums poster tier but was something more serisous than it
freaked me out a bit

>ten years old and already like 180cm tall

He's going to be fucking 220 by 18

Cute kid. He's probably losing his mind having to wear a suit and stand around all the time, travelling the US. Hope Don used his weekend off to take him paintballing or something, let him be a normal 10 year old for a while

He apparently loves wearing suits and he plays golf with his dad

Richard Spencer IS childish, but let's not be rude now eh

More like 165, which is tall, but normal.

This little bastard is so cute

Literally me

there is the answer

Was it autism

He's cute

translated from arabic : "alhamdoullilah i want to rape him, allah wakbar"

trust me i'm french, i know about them

The First Autist

this. Facebook pages are popping about about him, and they're all full of /ss/ women fans

How long before he's shitposting on /balk/?

I would be thinking of the same thing as a ten year old though. Not so much being an autist as it is being a kid

Wait he elbow'd him? That's ineffective as fuck. Big swing, put your weight into it. Almost like he tried not to hurt him. Right-wing false flag?

may or may not been a hidden wrench