Ancestry / Heritage General

No Edition Edition.

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And the template.



It's quite boring, but here's mine

you've found yourself some old fedora ass m8...

what's up with your greatgranma's eyes?


she had heterochromia
and then my grandpa inherited green eyes while the rest of my family have shit eyes



Not too exciting.


Here we go again...

Why are you going to leech off Finland's beauty?


>tfw everyone else has interesting heritage


Why the Norman lions? Is it meant to represent people from Normandy or?

Buenas tardes to all, how you doing this beautiful european winter tuesday?

english, I just used pieces of this

>of course the Swede mates with the black man

Hey lmao. I remember seeing you in the other ancestry thread way back. Wanna join?

you should've used the english flag

yeah I should add more dead relatives to make it more interesting but I'm too lazy to look it up.

The english flag is ugly, Hence why I used the royal crests.

Look it up?


Like add more generations to my tree like this twat over here The thing is that requires investigation and I'm too lazy for that.

What's being Scottish like?

Also is that actually you?

Pretty gud.


I'm happy for you



pfft, if it was real the blackness would've been BLEACHED decades ago

Who, the tree I posted? Yeah. The pic? Yeap also mine, I just added it to make the template a bit more original-looking.

By the way, I didn't put it in the pic but several of my cousins from my dad's side in Chubut have Cymraeg ancestry.

No, the picture which showed you (or was meant to). If it is, you look fit.

That makes sense, considering the Welsh spread out from their colony and literally thousands came. What about Irish?

I shared the same classroom for like all highschool with a girl called O'donnell but I'm not sure if that's scottish or irish, I'm not very good at telling apart anglo surnames though I know there are strong differences.

hey I've been waiting for this thread for so long because I have a question:
basically it is almost impossible for me to retrace my ancestors origins (french era, law passed renaming most of the population in cities for easier profiling)
now I tried some research on my father's father family which turned out that he may have turkish roots, so it checks fine this far, but my father's mother family is interesting because my grandmother is full blown ginger, same with my uncle and two aunts and my great grandmother was also a ginger(know from old picture and grandmother told me too)

So I want to know where do ginger genes originally come from ? I know for a fact she or her family aren't kabyles

Interesting. That's an Irish surname and normally Scots/Irish aren't considered Anglos. Did she speak Spanish fluently or was there still some sort of accent? Was she overall assimilated?

So is that you in the photo?

>insert family tree only consisting of Germans until the 19th century where one French dude fucked
it up.

Took me some times to find some of them.
Blue flag is Reunion Island
Orange is Pondichéry
Some of my great grand parents were cousins.

I'm retarded, never mind

Still though, was she assimilated?