Good night, Sweet Prince

Good night, Sweet Prince.

He was found dead in his bedroom dead from a heart attack yesterday evening.

Type 'Finland is a cold country' to pay respects.

Other urls found in this thread:

literacy who?

finland sux lol

Finland is a warm country

Pekka Eric, founder of /mämmi/


Average Pohjanmaalainen.

Finland is a yellow country

>it's actually real


But I thought Finland was the land of memes that would never perish...

He's with Tengri now.

That's what happens when all you drink is ES

finland is a cold country

finland is a cold country

What kind of Asian is he?

Memeland's a bit chilly

say that meme irl to a finn's face and get stabbed, kangaroo fucker

Are you threatening me Perkele?

Fennoswede scum

What an ugly motherfucker.

100% of Finland is people who look like him.
Don't believe the pathetic lie that "West is White". There is no European looking part except maybe Åland but I could be mistaken as I haven't been there.

based italia

this. the best you can find here is pic related

He is a good looking guy, what are you talking about?

I'm sorry mate, but what said is true. You may not like it, but this is what peak autism looks like

is that dude that made all those videos looks like him