I love you, Ireland

I love you, Ireland.


Thanks Nicaragua

I love you, Israel.

I love you too!

I was going to say that you have no room to talk because of pic related, but I just realized that the argentinian flag has the lightest colors, maybe that's why Argentina is also the whitest country in the world. Really makes you ponder.

If flag colors represent the race of a population, then Frenchmen are the purest of Aryans


Nicaragua is super rare.

Las banderas de Nicaragua, El Salvador, Honduras y Guatemala estan inspiradas en la bandera de la Republica Federal de Centro América la cuál esta basada en la de las Provincias Unidas del Rio de La Plata (Argentina)

Our is the original

I love you, France

I love Antarctica too

t. Bernardo O'Higgins


I love you Liberia-chan

Why would anyone love Liberia? Worst country, on the worst continent. on the worst planet. There is literally no nation worse than Liberia.

t. Jamal Edward Freeman

>posting a fake map

I love you, Ukraine.

Based Monaco.

Sheep fucker.

I love you Indonesia

Hello Iceland