This will happen in your lifetime and this is how you make america great again, by freeing all the states

This will happen in your lifetime and this is how you make america great again, by freeing all the states.


Very unlikely. Some states would band together like our civil war. You'd never see 50 independent countries. The only state that feasibly do it is Texas. The rest would need a massive amount of agreements for utilities, food, raw goods, etc.


Canada joins and we're all one big happy family


frig off commie

Wyoming could definitely survive on its own. Probably could invade MT and CO too

The United States and Provinces of America and Canada?

The Americanadian States?

The United Provinces of America?

The United States of Americanada?

The United States, Provinces, and Territories of America and Canada?

How about "North American Union", the fuck?



No, that's retarded because it sounds like Mexico is included and it doesn't keep any Canadian identity

The identity lies within the North American continent.

Oh, and Mexico is part of Latin America. Geographically North America yes, culturally no.

ehh I think a new name would be better rather than trying to mix the two names together

The United States of Americanada sounds ok, but none of them really work. What would it even make us, Americanadians?

great flag tbqh, would fly outside my house, and it maintains both the stars&stripes and the maple leaf. Since we both have songs titled "Stars and Stripes Forever" and "The Maple Leaf Forever" it makes sense

Americanadians will be the new most superior people of the Earth

>capital - Provo

Mormonfag spotted.

>This will happen in your lifetime and this is how you make america great again, by freeing all the states.

Giving states stronger rights would free at least some from the Negro menace.

Fuck you Europoor. If the USA balkanize, China will be the dominant country in the world and nobody that is somewhat ok in his head wants to see this.

>Capital: Seattle
No you have to keep with the north american tradition of choosing the irrelevant city as the capital.

It would be Salem or Victoria

Sadly, the process of Balkanization in the U.S. has already begun.

Who said we wanted to join? Keep dreaming on merging with a nation with existent identity like Canada.

It's not tradition, it's logic. Spread the power around so no one place has the greatest concentration of power and influence. This is the same reason why the capital of the nation is in DC and not in one state

Creddit to Leddit