Argentina is whi-

Argentina is whi-

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Your name doesn't determine your race. Filipinos have Spanish names but they are Asian.

spaniards are white though, if you have a spanish name you're automatically white

You brazillians are so insecure, Argentina is white than your subhuman shithole

it may be only 40% of brazil population but it is higher than argentina

t. Argentinian immigrant

>america: 60% white
>new zealand: 69% white
ameribrowns BTFO

>59 mil population
>56 millions whites
B-b-but Italians aren't white

So technically Argentina is more white than Brazil.

in %%, yes

Those are surnames, not first names, but you are right.

Who evens cares about how white Argentina Is? It's in fact a fucking embarrassment that the country is as white as it is, but still completely shit compared to actual 1st world countries. Chile is half as white as they are, but managed to pull off creating the most stable economy in South America by far.

Argentina is full of retarded Socialist trash people.

Argentina is overwhemengly AMERINDIAN.


Also. >americans above all calling anyone insecure

didn't prisioners escape a prision in your country todaya and kill 300 people?

>spanish = nonwhite

Fuck i remember this years ago


Things will change tho

Doesn't matter. A commie is more cancerous than a fucking pygmy. Capitalism continues the process of evolution, while Communism stagnates society.

Hispanics in Texas literally have higher IQs than Socialist "whites" in Argentina.

argentina is not fucking white, it's mestizo same as mexico.

Based we with the autochthonous last name.

There are no whites in Argentina, Argentina is mostly and almost totally Amerindian which explains why we fail so hard at everything we do and our constant struggle with civilization.

Oh sorry they don't kill 300 people 200 escape and are free in the street

Why you post a jew? Post messi if you want to make fun


It does not matter, why Negro countries do this?

It doesn't matter, if argentina goes to shit, if they suddenly stopped being mostly white your shitty afro country will remain shitty, after 20 years of self sabotage argies are still the third best country in Latin America by far, the better ones are mini argentina and Chile, and out official policy is always watch argentina and do the opposite.

You are from a narco shithole, an illiterate country that doesn't care about education or safe tap water, Argentina being less white that 5 years ago won't make your country any better, or your life less of an ambarrasment. . First worlders can mock Argentina, the rest of the southern cone cam banter with them. But banana eating tropical shitholes need to learn their place.

Thanks chili for defend us~

t. Argentinian immigrant

Mostly recaptured, so don't care.


first worlders like Chileans are allowed to mock us anytime they want

They are cunts but they are our cunts :3

Colombianos, mexinarcos and huehue fuck off!

>when the booty blast transcends borders
Tell me where the monkey touched you.

El tal Rodríguez y el tal González eran dos conquistadores que se hartaron de follar como si no hubiera un mañana. A ver si eran gitanos (los gitanos son famosos por tener hijos como conejos).

El imperio español nunca debió haber bautizado a los indios con apellidos españoles. Hoy tendríamos muchos Walter Muchiquituminusticúcurú y apellidos similares.

Además lo único que consiguieron fue ensuciar nuestros nobles apellidos.

Yes Argentina got european inmigration till the 50's, Brazil only negroes to work as slaves and few in the XX century


Noble de que? Ustedes solo asesinos,ladrones,violadores etc nobles de que?

700 million spanish blood was wasted on indians, good thing is that it was all spanish man fucking indian, they had main isabella at home.

Cómete una hamburguesa, puto gordo.


What did Leafless Canada mean by this?

Make fun of my country but leave chile alone you meanie

He started it

fuck chile and argentina
all your territory are belong to us

The person of the meme "el peruano" his last name is quispe too

Allí muchos indios muertos de hambre tienen apellidos como Guzmán o Bustamante, que son apellidos considerados aristócratas aquí.

Creo que es porque eran indios que vivían en los dominios de señores ricos y por tanto se les ponía el apellido de su señor. Igual que a los afroamericanos se les ponía el apellido de sus amos británicos.

You started it making this hate thread
Not thank you

>Tfw famous druglord last name
Is not Guzman, it's a last name from the true druglords, the ones who start it all in the 40s near the mountains in Sinaloa and im pretty sure that we are related since all the men with that last name look almost the same

no need to thank u shit

and I'm ending it

Perú a hipster

un respeto a la madre patria, puto napolitano de los cojones

wena gallardo

Eh tú, indio. Tráeme las botas y mi silla de montar. A la vuelta dile a tu mujer que prepare el baño y me espere dentro.

Based Chile

this also

argentinos spreading their assholes to a chileno

Claro que sí patrón. Prefiere el strap-on de burrito tabanero o el de dragón?

Yo os puedo faltar el respeto a vosotros, pero vosotros a mí no.

Are you the indio?

based, chili is based

You are just jealous

siempre me vendieron el cuento de que esos apellidos eran nativo,
alla mucho tienen ese apellido?

jealous of a brown short ugly dude? nah

what is that moit

S-Sí, mi Señor

como van a ser nativos esos apellidos, PELOTUDO AAAAAAJJJJJJJAJAJ

Are you talking about yourself?

i am talking about you ugly amerindian

Bastantes sí, aunque García sigue siendo el rey. No me digas que pensabas que eran apellidos nativos por favor, no se puede ser tan gilipollas.

Yes you are

not him but brazil doesn't give a fuck to any south american country

Then why make a thread about us?

to trigger macaquitos and see them cry

Los cien apellidos más comunes.

yo me pegaria un tiro en los huevos si tuviera apellido gallego
que feo x dios.

Amerindians can be cute. You just have been cucked by the "white=beautiful" mentality.

>t. Barrotti


si eres un napolitano de mierda seguramente tengas sangre gallega de igual manera, que nuestros soldados estuvieron tambien 2 siglos por alla violando italianas de mierda.

asi que ancestros españoles tienes si o si, marcelo mancinni trapatonni

t. extremely self conscious banananigger

Whatever help you sleep zhe pequenio


peor es tener apellido tano

eres retrasado mental o algo por el estilo? aqui te darian paguita

%age's importance > total number's importance

> Her father is of Quechua-Huachipaeri descent from Peru. Her mother, Saskia Kilcher, is a human rights activist of Swiss-German descent, born in Alaska and raised in Switzerland

Menudo ejemplo de belleza indígena.

wtf peru

Fuck you OP, we sudacas are supposed to be friends (or neutral at least).

parece un travesanho irmão

She looks like the singer from testament

We have strong genes.

>todos los tanos son terrones
y ademas mi otro apellido es judio ashkenazi

surte la proxima gallegANO

Que me prepares el baño. Y como esté el agua fria te parto el lomo a cadenazos.

tengo apellido español y italiano,
cual es peor?

Oye idiota, todos somos mezcla, no existen las razas puras, es que acaso las últimas 3 décadas de investigación genética no te lo han aclarado? En algún momento de la historia soldados romanos se violaron a tus ancestros visigodos...y? que mierda importa

is this a man? WTF

como vas a decir eso, judío hijo de puta?

los dos son gloriosos y no dejes que el judío internacional te diga lo contrario

Is your dad

tremenda jeta tiene el trabuco

my dad is 1,91cm tall not an amerindian brown ugly shit