Post embarrassing things about your country

Post embarrassing things about your country

>every classroom has a picture of the queen on the wall
>every morning have to say prayers
>then after prayers all have to say "god save the queen" three times in unison

Pretty gay desu

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Where do you want me to start? Alphabetically?

You mean Allah save the Queen?

majority is muslim

Literally "muh heritage".

None of those are "gay" you fucking degenerate piece of trash

Kill yourself

reminder she's also the queen of canada

>best athlete in the history is algerian
>most given birth name is Mohamed
>some schools don't have porc in the menu because it offends some people's belief

>mandatory swedish classes

>>mandatory swedish classes


We don't actually drink wine.

Nothing wrong with that


It could be worse

Way way worse

journalists have been bought by politics with special tax exemptions

all the national-size medias in France have their headquarters in a few Parisian districts, happily fraying in their own ivory towers alongside politics who live a few streets away, creating a closed environment where they're completely disconnected from the reality of the country

whatever the domain you're working in, cutlre, medias or politics, you'll never be aknowledged and recognized by your peers as long as you're not in Paris

> corporal punishment
> School start 7 AM to 10 PM
( even vacation)
> Continuing

We have too much niggers

We don't have that much niggers, most are latinos

>driving in the capital feels like driving in russia
>russian mayor of capital
>inept politicans, inept people
>retarded fuel and road tax
>we still havent decapitated every single lice ridden mongoloid living here who is only capable of speaking russian

Cala boca animal, onde é que tem latino no Brasil?

Italiano é o que então
O que mais tem aqui é senpaiília italiana e portuguesa porra

> We have a problem with North Korea brother.
> that reason why we have conscription 2 year
> Artillery in coming!!!!
> Now treated by Nuclear bomb fuck...

i know how it sounds but jews and freemasons openly own the country, to the point they publicly brag about it

Some of those high ranking people have also admitted to pedophilia with young boys in algeria or thailand such as Cohn-bendit or Mitterrand but no one really cares about it, even though they WRITE ENTIRE FUCKING BOOKS about how they fuck those children and have orgies, but apparently it's all a-ok
A few years ago there was a minister of education on tv who was like "yeah sure there is pedophilia affairs here ... i could give you names ... ehm ... let's just not talk about it" and every journalist was like "uh huh"

We are right next to the US

We have streets, squares and towns named as a homage to Franco and his henchmen.


I think thats just them integrating well into French culture

Jokes aside i expected french society to be more resilient to the "racism" card and just brazenly do what you wanted like France always has

wait do you mean in general ? or do you mean about my post, like you think we don't do anything out of not wanting to be antisemitic and we should "respect their culture and traditions" ? because jews aren't fucking savage pakis you know, they are rich white collars, it's not even close to being the same story

it's because they have the power to get away with it anyways like polanski if anything was tried against them, and the fact that such scandals are buried under a ton of other informations and entertainment and a lot of the population is just apathetic about it all

>and just brazenly do what you wanted like France always has
in general this is exactly what's happening with the chaotic shitshow known as the "dissidence" (you know, dieudonné, soral, conversano ...)
and it's all extremely brazen yes but it's also like a fucking circus and will probably end badly

>20 nukes in Germany
>not allowed to use
>owned by 'murica

And bar owners :' )

It's inhabited with tailless apes that called humans by mistake