Why do you think about spanish?


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Spain>France>UK that's why

I don't know. I guess I'm a glass-half-full kind of guy: No matter how shit my day is, at least I don't speak like a retard.

but we love your country in Spain, Tuga, you are like our little brother

Depends on the region

Castilians, Basques = Cool ppl

Andalusians, Catalans = Shit

Others = havent met enough to have an opinion

they have a nice flag.

This Guy was my childhood hero

thank you user

I don't mind you guys either, despite speaking retarded.

It does look good. Feels very Spanish with the yellow. It was a nice set with our old one, but we fucked it up. They felt similar, but not too similar like the nordics and their crosses.

Is it the colours of paella on purpose or was it the other way around?

the spanish are basically smelly brown midgets that nobody likes.
they can't even speak properly and they have no jobs.
Europe would've built a wall but there literally is a natural wall between them and Norrh Africa (Spain) called the Pyrenees

shitty language, we all should speak basque

thank you too

you're welcome

Too many open vowels. Speak Galician or Catalan instead. The open vowels is what makes Castilian so obnoxious after a while.

bit we love argentina with your autistic accent , sadly your country will be bolivia 2.0

>bit we love argentina
Kek. Everyone thinks that Argies are annoying with that superiority complex backed by their constant state of poverty and that accent.

you crazy m8
my country is already a white utopia.
in a few years we'll be running the entire world and we'll bring China on their knees, those commie fuckers.

Euskadi is the best Spanish region, but i still dont know why they hate Auzoa so much

what is the difference between castilla and catalonia

>Existinng before the XIX century
Kek. That meme language is just a colection of Basque meme languages with no wrtitten literature at all.

We have the same problem with portuguese. It's like you have your teeth glued and refuse to pronounce any vowel.

>by their constant state of poverty and that accent.
they could be richer than the rest european countries (they have good resources there) the same thing with Venezuela.

in my opinion is a good country the problem is inflation

Cucks and culturally enriched

We pronounce 1 open vowel per word. Any more than that and you're playing with it.

I like a description I saw somewhere: Spanish is Portuguese spoken TO deaf people and Portuguese is Spanish spoken BY deaf people.

Really makes me think.

>the problem is Argentinians
Galician+ terroni is a shit combo

Bretty cool history, that's it. Nowadays just EU leeches.

indepes on suicide watch

germany fucks our industry in 1980s...


>with no wrtitten literature at all

Only faggots care about that. At least it's an iberian language. We should speak basque and use the iberian script.

Such is life.

I like when they go on autistic rants about how they are white.


>Only faggots care about that
t.sudaca nigger marsupalicio

>flag is literally a collage made by a 5 year old

By Allah take that back or I will give you a taste of my shoe


>fucking superimposed crosses

>Flag doesn't have st George's cross on it

forumcars very nice place

Don't know how a people with such a good history turned out liked they are today

This. Spain cucked a whole hemisphere.


I hate the iberian languages thanks to my main contact being retarded south/central americans. I wish Spain was more harsh with the natives, didn't just fuck them all.

>I wish Spain was more harsh with the natives, didn't just fuck them all.
in southern cone

Uruguay , Argentina are like 80% 90% european but they are far away from you.

Moorish rapebabies

The language is great when its not spoken by Spanish people. Spanish people themselves are usually cunts. Theyve got a lot going for themselves.



Muslim clay :)
Post andalus music

>The language is great when its not spoken by Spanish people. Spanish people themselves are usually cunts. Theyve got a lot going for themselves.
Your crappy accents are disgusting Güey

The empire was based but now it's irrelevant the people are far better than Latinos

>Muslim clay :)
We made Islam irrelevant and a meme religion.You are welcome.

Im not Mexican, but I suppose being around them more often means Im biased. I learned a bit of Spanish, and when comparing both accents, Spanish from Spain sounds like they have a lisp and are in a hurry to say what they need to say. Take time and pronounce your words, it sounds terrible.

ty for the music, spanish clay

You fucked up with not genociding natives and not sending whole families to colonize.

>Spanish from Spain sounds like they have a lisp and are in a hurry to say what they need to say
>Muh lisp
t.Pedro Mendoza Rubio el chicano
>in a hurry to say what they need to say
Not true.We speak very slowly

>not genociding natives


>Peruvian """"warriors""""

When enough people mention it, you should consider it to be true.
Stop, youre going to make me cry

>we talk very slowly
apex kek. Ill try to find some videos for you.

Then explain why they olare one of the most native looking South Americans.

Why is it so hard to pronounce words?

If we actually killed them all, who would work on the gold and silver mines? We had to leave some of them alive, obviously. Also, we were invading empires with millions of people with 500 dudes, it's a miracle we could kill anyone at all.

They have treated me nice on here, but the majority on her are r9kish or normies from forogays

>it's a miracle we could kill anyone at all.
not when you have cavalry, cannons and steel weapons and armor

>not when you have cavalry, cannons and steel weapons and armor

Your ancestors were weak and lame, otherwise your mother language wouldn't be spanish. Assume it.

Military doctrine > Military technology

We fought better.


If the tactics were so good why "you" simply didn't use the cannons, cavalry or the steel weapons and armor?

Greetings from Holland, thanks for allowing us to be free once again.

it's alright

Because half of your ancestors were retarded and fought for the spaniards and then submitted to them.

you are a bunch of tough cunts

mucho like Spain and the Spanish

you didn't anwer the question, but nice ad hominem nevertheless

why this nigga got a snail on he head

Actually UK and France allowed them while Spain was fighting half of Europe and half of Spain.

>why "you" simply didn't use the cannons, cavalry or the steel weapons and armor?

Because we are not retarded. Why throw away an advantage?

yes that way of thinking is really what fucked us, we used to be great but after the Napoleonic invasion we got 150 years of delay figthing civil wars and can't develop like the rest of Europe, and now we think that all our history is shit. wich is sad.

I love the language but the Spanish from Spain it sounds so dumb, sorry dood.

> allowing
You are our most respected historical rival ever though. You fought hard and bravely for your freedom, nobody else had the balls of those kamikaze sailors aboard sea beggars. Eventually we got our revenge in South Africa 2010.

When the spanish army was against unfavorable odds, they retreated into their snail helmets until the danger was gone.

>Because WE are not retarded
>quotes half of the question
last (you) I give

Why is Catalonia so hated?

Spanish is a god tier language, spaniards talk like dog shit and the women sound so unappealing though, only chileans and argentinian "rochos" throw me off more.

I like the culture, the rich story and it's not like I hate current spaniards, they're just kinda dumb and they talk poorly but it's ok, they could do without a "king" in this day and age though.


>they talk poorly
>Says the people that can't distinguish a c or an s and commit 1000 gramatical mistakes in the same sentence

They are like Bavarians without anything to show for it. They are pretty dumb slightly above average in terms of GDP per capita and have no history to be proud of.

Spaniards are fucking based

so a special snowflake without being special?

I have this image in my head of spaniards being smelly people.

They have their meme languages and traditions like the wood that shits.

yes hello yes i lek spen

>at least I don't speak like a retard.

Is this for real? Portuguese is one of the ugliest languages in the world

You're either thinking of Brazilian, or you just have bad taste.

>Russian Spanish

they are irrelevant now.

if we are irrelevant why do we have all your gold?

Are we family?