
Goodbye girlfriend edition

Other urls found in this thread:


Fuck Britain and the British

what's his endgame?


janny will not like this

hope janny doesnt crack down on us


ive neverbeen to Britian nor have I met a Brit but its my favorite country


did lisdicki break up with his cousin?

trump says london is getting nuked

Greatest Finnish game lads

is there a market for household electronics repair or have they just gotten so cheap to where people just buy new stuff if the old goes bad?



DESPISE the left. Absolutely hate Muslims. Hate wogs. Hate foreners.Hate pikeys. Hate refugees. Hate pakis. Hate gays. Hate special needs lads. Far right nationalist and proud. EDL, PEGIDA. Love the pub and football

ah yes

based solely by my arbitrary grading standards

Why the fuck are you using this thread

>three times better at english than swedish
darn globalists



lol i don't even want a gf, i like having my options open

also i get to save a lot of money

great job lad

irish /brit/posters were in large part my inspiration

Just imagine the triggerings we'll be treated to over the next two years thanks to this election. We're only 4 days in and already witnessing classic moments like this.

He did say that we're going to get tired of winning.

Have come to realise the Jews run the world (and that's a good thing)

I'm getting a bit of yellow fever again

thats a good map

>britain almost nuked us

is this shit real?

and the reason this is getting more posts than the other thread is?

hello rasheed

no JF OPs

>tfw no comfy Hokkaido home


>Seeing isn't reality we can only see those things that are necessary for survival,
>we can see inter-dimensional beings, which are often mistaken for "ghosts" by taking a psychedelic journey and becoming woke.
>The reason why governments dont want psychedelics to be legal is because they allow people to see the reality and will reject a life where people are born for work
>instead they can be inspire each other with thought not capable in the physical seeing dimension.

How many times have you prayed to Allah today?

whoops x


i can only hope the janny will do the honourable thing now

my only regret

is that i have


>Howling at this literal Jew


Fuck off

other thread wasn't even /brit/ thicko


why did this occur?

Reminder the Jew in this thread sits on Twitter all day posting "Kill all white people"

He then returns to /brit/ and smugly denounces anyone who goes against him as Muslim


hope this works

>all that makeup


who /disabled/ here?

where do I collect my cripplebux

How come that can be 1437 years ago... Who took the photograph !! Please people.. its necessary to enquire about your deen.. before walking on it !! Bid'ah is very dangerous !!

Kill all white people desu

please do not disparage the differently abled

thank you x

I agree

Goldberg and Silverberg have arrived

>Dick - Israel
>Peter - USA

jews have star wars names

shall be printing this out and popping it into the job centre

Jews wanted to frame Egypt and bring USA into the war

>Goldberg and Silverberg have arrived

only applies to women

might have a spliff lads anyone want some?

me in the pic

me when i see your post

watching Rome and one of the women gifted another woman a guy with a huge cock

his flaccid cock was like 6 or 7 inches long lads

Hell yeah gibsmedat disability check

cheque* haha sorry forgot where I was


No you degenerate

that's a cool eye colour, bet it's fake though

it's check here

Jesus Christ the romans were degenerate

and the brits keep tumbling down tumbling down

Maybe more games later lads

>not knowing the ancient art of jelqing


prospective gf

*throws down and goes deuce on the roti*

>my colon dances

Poor yanks are overwhelmingly fat. Most of our tourists you'd see would likely not be fat.

Still fat tourists obviously though. Also, go walk around a uni in the west coast, you hardly see any fat people.

Its all the poor stupid people. Not denying that were the fattest country though


so how do i get over a rough break up we separated 2 months ago after 2 years then got back together 1st jan and no she broke up with me again aha

seriously might kms aha

lads... where are all the Mexicans?

Why haven't you converted to Islam yet? Are you a bigot?

>reddit coloured hair


>dyed hair

>physical media

so lame

*does a bloody poo

Dont go back to her and focus on self improvement, trips confirm

is she wearing pullups over leggings?

>immodest clothing

Did she get fucked by another lad during the 2 month separation?


currently experiencing what can only be described as euphoria

Lads what do I say to a girl on Tinder that I want to marry?


double penetration

Checkmate, Atheists.

lads fucking imagine having like an 8 inch cock

just the sheer confidence boost having that thing between your legs would give you

I created this thread and it became the thread even though the other was linked first. I am god.

are you enlightened by your intelligence?

>tfw 1 inch off
no wonder i have no confidence

I know a guy with a big dick and he's the most autistic social spasmo in the world

my cock's 7.7 inches