/cum/ Canada United States Mexico

Me on the right Edition

Other urls found in this thread:


first for québec




tfw you eat one funyuns right before bed to get fucked up dreams

Love em

me on right

>tfw lakes and mountains ruin your city's beautiful New World grid

Why live?

"good" post.

can someone PLEASE id the girl in this pic


>bf keeps meowing at me suggestively every time he see's me

Trace amounts of psychotoxins put the fun in funyuns.


Don't visit El Salvador.

He wants your oats

>things that never happened for 100

Can't wait for the faggots here to kill themselves

mountains and lakes can be really cool
anything is better then living on a plain


Let me see your bf's peepee. I'm a government peepee inspector

No one cares, faggot.
Baja's back.
Back to your cage.

I can't wait until they get zapped




Suicide is a sin lol

Post music please.





Post peepee pics and no one will be hurt

being a faggot is a sin as well

>tfw you make your gf meow

How's the weather in your area, /cum/?

City of where?

May I get the original image of that 'gator? (to use as a reaction.)

If you don't sin thoroughly and often, then what was the point in Jesus dying

get no matches on bumble but loads on tinder

my feet are cold

France is finally in the game

geographical features make a city interesting and livable

>tons of people who voted for trump harmed by storms
>hes tweeting about his inauguration instead of adressing it
BASED as fuc

do you hate your parents?


It's """""warm""""" for January.

I miss the sun.

Can >A FUCKING LEAF redpill me on the best coastal towns of Atlantic Canada?



this place is full of foolish nobodies

lol no
Why do you ask?


pretty comfy desu.

the one where you leave and move to alberta because there's no jobs



they're all white and comfy, choose your pick based on the size and local economy

Gonna try my best to not post on Sup Forums any longer, under any flag. Really sick of this shite board, it is neither informative nor entertaining. Not even pics of Sup Forums qts will bait me back.
Call it a test to my willpower as a man.
Wish me luck, /cum/.
Farewell. (for real this time)

Good riddance, Not-Chile


>(for real this time)

See you later, I guess

>tfw mexican
>tfw legal working citizen
>tfw trump has helped me financially by getting rid of tpp already


>not tejas
who cares lol

>Be Arkansas
>Not know what cold is
lmaoing and loling

See you later Chil—

Oh, I see.

Every couple of nights it gets really foggy past midnight. I like to turn on the radio and go for a comfy drive around the area.


Eh? You've never seen a pair of breasts before? And you're HOW old?! J-Jeez! Ahahahah! W-Well, we'd better fix that, then! Just close your eyes for a sec, aaaaaaand...


AHAHAHAHA! You should have seen the look on your face! J-Jeez, user! Th-Th-They're just sacks of fat on my chest, ya know! Do they really excite you THAT much?! G-Get a look at this, then! See how they bounce up and down! Jiggle jiggle! I-I bet you want to squeeze them too, don't you, Mr. Perverted Virginboy user?! G-Go right ahead! Honk these honkin' honkers as much as you want! Take your time! Heck, s-suck on 'em too! I know you really want to~! Just be careful; my nipples are super hard right now! C-Can't imagine whyyyy...~!

I-I-I-I-I-I bet you wanna see my vagina too! You pervert! W-W-Well, we're already this far! Might as well! I'm not wearing p-panties anyway!

S-S-S-So, what do you think? ...Well, I guess that ragin' 'rection in your pants answers THAT question! HAHAHAHAHA! Y-Y-You're such a pathetic pervert, user! I-I-I-I bet it's the first one you've seen since you slid out of your mother's! L-L-Look how wet it is, too! Jeezums fucking Crikes, it's so fucking wet! I-I've never seen it this wet before! Look what you're doing to me, you freaking pervert! Y-You sure know how to make a girl all hot and bothered! Oh, lordy! Christ-on-a-stick! You'd better take some responsibility for this! A-After all, when it's this wet, it's much easier to cram something up there! And I'm leaking like a freaking sieve here! You'd better p-p-p-plug it up RIGHT NOW!

I'm gonna frick you up some day

>czechem republic threatens to leave

good luck

>all these ice niggers

Good luck babycakes

D-don't call me that

fell out've my UTE today

>lab TA has a PhD in CS

>worked in some prestigious shit

>Immigrant from iran

>half of my class is mouth breathers and theres that one autist that interrupts class with his dumb ideas and rudely asks the teachers to repeat themselves because of their accent

would it be weird if I got him some baklava at the end of the semester to make up for the shit class? He was obviously pretty pissed at the autist kid today

as of 05:48 GMT
mostly cloudy night
Mostly Cloudy/Wind
feels like 44°
H 52° / L 45°
UV Index 0 of 10
SSE 21 mph
Dew Point
29.96 in↓
no, that's 32°F
>"Atherton, CA"
aah, makes sense now.

Yesterday I saw two guys get in a fight because one of them kept licking the other

chicongo btfo

tell me more

Do any of you guys like watching bad B movies

get redditflags, loser

>tfw no qt american bf to help me be on the right side of the wall.

>last thread's news
Great job.

who doesn't desu

>gives orders from the internet

I hope they don't fix it so I can see what happens


Are you a white Mexican?

Have a good night, /cum/

And have fun with the other BajaChan.

I hope to see you tomorrow!



my nipples are brown if that is what you are asking.

I'll fuck you're mother

good night

I'm sure he'll appreciate the gesture, go ahead


I don't know? I assumed most people don't watch them.

>my nipples are brown

That's all I needed to know


Wasn't actually much of a fight desu

The one guy just approached the other and starts licking him on the hand. The guy who got licked started shoving him and yelling and then he walked down the street, still yelling, with the licker following him from a distance. The whole time, the licking guy never said anything. I couldn't see what happen after that.

It was in kensington market in the middle of the night, which is I guess the time and place I would expect something like that to happen.

Night bud



I don't think that would be weird at all