His country isn't a constitutional monarchy

>His country isn't a constitutional monarchy

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I don't think anyone really knows what the fuck your country is any more.

B-but your king is retarded, an alcoholic, and does only weird stuff.

It is

>His country isn't even a "Full Democracy" anymore


At least our king is based

So how come germans love him?

Stay jealous, kraut

>several countries in Africa has sub national monarchs, because the borders were drawn by Europeans but some of them let monarchs retain their status during colonialism

Sweden has a king?
What does he do?

Mostly blame the Brits for that one.

The same as all other constitutional monarchs. Basically nothing other than eating some fancy dinners, appearing at some award ceremonies, and other celebrity stuff.
We keep him around because the money we get from tourism related to the royal family makes more money than they cost.

Hunts moose

>his king is a corrupt cuck and so is his pm

I guess two thirds of Germans love idiots because they are idiots themselves. They believe everything the mass media tells them. They voted for Hitler, and even Merkel. Whatever a German thinks is good must be bad.

Maybe of he had any power
He mistakingly once said he's happy Sweden doesn't take all of the refugees or something similar. Not that cucked thing to say desu

>We keep him around because the money we get from tourism related to the royal family makes more money than they cost.
It's only when foreign TV stations buy transmission rights for your Disney-style weddings that your royals generate a little money.

It is though

It's a complete fucking non-issue. Even if they didn't make money the amount they cost is virtually negligible compared to the rest of the state budget. There are PLENTY of other things to cut, before getting rid of the completely harmless version of monarchy we got.

Not him, but i hope we forever keep the monarchy. Too many people want to strip Sweden from Its culture and it would be a Huge success for them if the monarchy was abolished.

>have any monarchy

Step aside for the best Monarch


I'm republican but ok

excellent post

I'm a cuck for not wanting SJW:s to strip Sweden of all of Its culture? Retard

The US was never a full democracy. We're a democratic republic.

Did you know SJWs are also against theft? Are you pro theft now?

If I tell you they need oxygen to survive will you hold your breath until your retarded ass dies?

You are right, but that's not what full democracy means in that context.

>man är hanrej om man vill bli av med sin kultur
Bokstavligen häng dig själv mohammed och åk tillbaka till vilket skitland du nu kom ifrån. Om du inte gillar att ha en svensk kung kanske du skulle uppskatta en somalisk kung som tar in hela din familj som slavar.

Om man INTE vill bli av med sin kultur till och med.

Avsluta digsjälv din jävla Alban

hehe mm kom tillbaka när du fyllt 18 kalle

bokstavligen inga argument. Är monarkister alltid såhär efterblivna?

muh sjw boogeyman
sverigetråden plebbitor

Soon you'll be a caliphate.

>when americans start posting canada tier posts

King of Sweden is constantly bullied by Swedish Parliament by making the King do unnecessary stupid shit and such. For example that time the parliement were mad at the King for visiting some country parliament disliked and they ended up bringing the king back like if he was a little kid.

does she even have a-level and a college degree?

The parliament is superior to the king in all but formal rank and it's their job to keep him in check.

I think it's stupid though if you are going to have a king , make it a proper one. Not a symbolic one that everyone else in country bullies.

You wont be saying that once our queen dies.

No, but she does have the providence and divine ordination of God Almighty.
Also, a great authority on Constitutional law and Anglican theology. Plus she trained as a mechanic during WWII

Our Queen is best Queen

>His country doesn't even require a minimum of bilingualism for it's political class

Vous sont les plebs ou quoi?

What monarch will you have then?

It's 2017

It's not bullying, it's just making sure he doesn't do stupid shit that isn't in line with the parliament, i.e. the will of the people. He already enjoys rights like not being prosecutable under the law.

>Current year
Compelling argument, icenigger

>his "canadian" queen is a german that lives in england

She is Queen of Canada. She is Canadian

In the Netherlands the King is actually part of our government. And can sack all the ministers, judges, mayors, the parliament and the senate.

A king must be the will of people , the force to carry the people to greater good , as Aristo says.
Does he need a reason to abolish the parliament or can he do it for the fun of it? For example Putin can abolish the Russian Parliament the second he desires and he doesn't even need a reason for it. It is what their Constitution says.

A special forces graduate who did the sirius patrol, runs marathons and shags a Tasmanian devil.

Also, his brother sucks.

Our King has more powers than in most European countries.
But the last time our monarchy abused them they got stripped of a lot of them.

We had one occasion in 19th century where the King constantly kept disbanding the parliament.
And as a response the parliament refused to agree with any government budget.

It almost led to a revolution, so our King had to give in.

And to answer your question: yes, he can do it for the fun of it.

my country shoudlnt exist

Your king needs to gather support so that he can get himself to be more powerful against the parliament. Democracy is a mistake and it only worked in Rome because democracy there was a minority democracy.

You're right. The USSR is what should exist

t. erdogan

New ottoman empire w authoritarian monarchy when?

No he can't. What are you smoking?

We actually had a similar thing a few years ago.

There had been elections. And the parliament quickly decided who they wanted as ministers.
But - normally it's procedure to ask the King for a person who will try to mediate between all parties and select suitable individuals for the role as minister.
The parliament had skipped that step entirely.

The result? The Queen at that time refused to swear in the new ministers. And told the parliament to look for some new ones.

Our parliament had to find new ministers. But afterwards the parliament changed the law so that ministers can be picked without the help of some guy appointed by the King.

>His country is a neutered constitutional monarchy
Charles XII was the last king of Sweden

Erdoğan is a fool , he believes in a democracy where he would have the majority but you can never control the minds of filthy peasants. An election among the high , noble and intellectual class shall be made to elect the King , for sure they are the ones that could elect such a man to carry the people to greater good.
Not an authoritarian monarcy , the title of King shall not pass by blood but the common decision of the classes I have mentioned. An assembly shall still remain , just like the Roman Senate.

It's all done by royal decree. If one minister agrees he can do whatever he wants.

And technically ministers aren't allowed to disagree with him once he has stated something in public.

The roman senate didn't elect kings

>noble and intellectual class
>greater good


They actually did elect the Rex during the Roman kingdom era but that wasn't what I was meaning to tell. Senate will be there to balance so that monarcy would not lead to tyranny.

The only reason that raving lunatic is popular is because he also happened to [probably] be a genius. He did some impressive stuff but all in all he fucked Sweden to the point of no recovery.

They also set up all the Arab monarchies as well

Plus the ministers are appointed by him.

According to former prime ministers the former Queen had favorites and persons she didn't like. And they always took that into account when forming a government.

personally prefer the big boys of Wasa.

Swedish monarchy ended in 1523.
What you have now is the remnant of a rebellious military commander.

>be denmark
>virtually own all of scandinavia
>be dicks and randomly murder people
>gets BTFO up until the 1800s by the uprising caused by itself

Why the fuck isn't Scandinavia a country lol

I blame the Danish.

Swedes couldnt handle the bants

Gustav and co. would rather have Denmark rule over Sweden than arabs.

Because Denmark are murdering turncoats.

You get no disagreement from me. I'm Scanian and I would much rather be ruled from Copenhagen than Cuckholm.


