
Mars bar edition

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About to get a lift home from an 8/10 at work

the northern powerhouse

She's not an 8/10

The american Census Bureau defines White people as follows:

"White" refers to a person having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, the Middle East or North Africa. It includes people who indicated their race(s) as "White" or reported entries such as Irish, German, Italian, Lebanese, Arab, Moroccan or Caucasian

Additionally, people who reported Muslim (or a sect of Islam such as Shi'ite or Sunni), Jewish, Zoroastrian, or Caucasian as their "race" in the "Some other race" section, without noting a country of origin, are automatically tallied as White


yanks are irritating
have to drive bloody everywhere
far too hot
have to eat yank cuisine

how long does it take for a normal person to get over their ex

i think i've fucked myself over lads

spent all of last night crying and it's been 6 fucking months

>Irish are classed as white in the US


America has objectively better cuisine than britain

how long were you with her for

if you lads had the opportunity would you ditch britain and become a yank?

everyone seems to romanticise america nowadays and talk about how badly they want to leave england, was wondering /brit/'s opinion on the matter

Absolutely howling

This American thinks that because he's not one of those destitute yanks that lives out of their car and works at Walmart that nothing could be better

ur a dumbass bud

no lol stop hanging around ameriboos you twat

>shia labeouf started some weird "protest" where people say "He will not divide us" into a camera
>It's been like 3 days and Sup Forums have had someone show up to say "We must secure the existence of white people" to trigger Shia
>Had someone put their arm around Shia and record themselves saying "Hitler did nothing wrong" to trigger Shia
>and had a weird white nationalist "party" last night where most of the white nationalists weren't white to trigger Shia so hard that the stream was shut down
Next 4 years are going to be fucking bizarre lmao

Is this a nice house?

I was talking about all of the fat, sugar and chemicals that get pumped into everything you eat and drink, even the water
no thanks mate

doubt that's britain but still well comfy

>tiny dicked, obese """white""" americans

anyone ever go onto google maps, find a road, and just go down it for as long as possible

Doesn't Jones is extremely flawed and basically useless, it has a bizarre selection of companies - doesn't include some of the biggest in the world such as apple or Google

Also it counts all shares as equivalent so if company A and company B are worth the same amount but company A arbitrarily decides they split theirs into 100 shares and company B splits theirs into 1000 shares each of those is counted the same

The S&P 500 is the proper one in America

difficult to put a date on it desu

we were mates for yonks beforehand though. as in she's the closest friend i've ever had by a fucking longshot

I haven't heard anyone romanticise America since before 2001.

>starting a /**it/ thread
>canadian flag
suck Up Chang over here

Shia LaBeouf more like Shia LaCuck

What kind of a dumbass Jew invests in stocks for their kids education? Might as well play blackjack. There are actual programs meant to give decent returns and protect the principal

used to do that, now i've evolved into looking at houses on rightmove

i recommend doing the same with whatever website you leafs use, it can distract you for hours

S&P 500 is also at a record high

did you ever ask her out
if so when abouts was it
all of the pol runts i saw from it have been either asian, mexican or proper skinny manlet spackers

no but its ok

Do Canadians get their cocks mutilated at birth like Americans?


>trusting an ex-polytechnic with your life

have never felt as ill as i do right now
genuinely think i might die.
Have a banging headache and every half hour i'm throwing up, but there's not even anything to throw up any more so i'm just vomiting stomach acid.

Unironically downloading kik just so I can talk 1 on 1 with a findom girl and get me rocks off. The absolute STATE of my life desu.

Should have put that in the screenshot then desu

Official rate is like 20-30%

Rare among millennials and gen z

Eating chicken and watermelon

new grand tour episode is very reddit and racist

no idea how it hasn't been called out yet

Their penises are ceremoniously clubbed to a pulp at the age of 14

sounds like you need to get to the hospital lad

Cowboy cerrone is a true American hero lads


dow 20,000 is considered more significant

You better hope you don't have a tumour


genuinely quite dissappointed that dakota access is being built

Gf just sent me this

oh well thanks mate that hadn't even crossed my mind but now i'm thinking it. Thanks icelad. Top lad.

i like to screencap the mentalists i come across online sometimes

>TV and radio star 'was blackmailed for £18,500 by a rent boy who he had paid to TRAMPLE on him in a bizarre sex game'
Which one of you lads is on telly then?



That's clearly a bot

The point is: see a doctor

in the paki barbers watching an arabic tv channel ama

for what purpose though

the era of white people is over!!!

haha are liz

clearly a reptilian space creature

Why do people watch MMA? It's fucking shit compared to boxing

What mosque do you attend?


Holy shit this lecture is painfully boring

decided to treat myself tonight, got some tesco finest jumbo king prawns and am making a nice thai red curry tonight lads

none of that miniature frozen tasteless shitty prawns for me this time

Wojak is far prettier than i

Wojak should NOT be the de facto personifction of representative of depressed NEETs desu

I really like MMA as a fan of violence and Homoeroticism

i will, but it's a virus. 2 of my flatmates have the same thing, think it might be norovirus

ffs cant even write properly

- literally mong tier

draw a picture of your face in paint and we'll all use that instead then

do you rate him?

Looks like a beta test
He'll debug/tweak it based on how it ran there and then try again and then repeat until he has it where he wants it to be

Lecturer here, one more word out of you and I will lob a ninja star at you


I've decided that arguing with trannies is punching down.

Give me an adversary that will allow me to flex my brain muscles.


Still BITTERLY, BITTERLY COLD, lads. I feel like I'm in Siberia here.

Sure, he looks like a decent bloke
No idea who he is though

that caliper is fucked

no bully

You should be grateful mate, don't want it getting anywhere near 30C or you might die

i lived in america for a few years so they gravitate to me to ask me how it was
they always get surprised when i tell them i hated it and am happy to be back home
that being said america's a mad place, your experience depends on where you go i suppose


I fell for the STEM meme and then realized that I find all of my courses to be exceedingly boring especially physics except for my maths courses

i see
have some choice interpals caps then
half of them are this guy commenting on the profiles of girls way too young for him

He's going on about seals breathing holes mate don't think this lad has ever been violent in his life

Usually, I answer the phone when telemarketers call and immediately start wanking.

I don't make noises into the phone though, I wouldn't want them to hang up. I just really crave an actual human interaction, even if it is with a middle-aged Indian man.

Can someone please describe the warm rays of the sun to me?
I have entirely forgotten the last time I saw the sun

>tfw can't even spell

what was wrong with it?

I'll tear a new breathing hole in you son once I'm finished with this lecture

my mum got exposed to cringe facebook memes and thinks they're the funniest shit ever


based moderators

*considers entering thread, then changes mind*

His name is Birkir Bjarnason and he just signed for my local team

literally me

Fell for the engineering meme and the only thing I like is maths and fluids, everything else is so painfully boring and taught by Chinese or Russians with such shite English the lectures are pointless and i just learn from textbooks

there's distance between us so there was never a definitive "let's go out" moment
we just naturally started becoming romantically involved

>eat the SEAL or WALRUS

I never answer the phone unless I know who it is and then I block them