
blown the fuck out edition

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Thoughts on this image btw lads?

life is high school

Northern Ireland IS British though
Present tense

good edit tbqh

i'm more edgy than edge lane mate

would fucking heem every single one of you


when i don't wank for a day, i shoot out like 6 loads
it's a blessing a curse desu, girls don't really like it because it's quite messy

didn't have my first wank until i was 19 iah

take the extra debt
student loans aren't real debt anyway

>Why can't it see it, Doncan!
See what?!
>The future, my vision is incomplete!
You've taken too much spice again!

Ah yes "full fash" with Marie Le Pen who has a Jewish boyfriend.


British universities have no debt you fucking retard you pay like £2 a day when you start working

I will fucking kill the next person who complains about the tuition fee

its literally fucking free. everything is paid for by rich chinese students

wrote a massive cover letter to get a reply five minutes later saying they'd let me know when my interview is aha

lost the ol' tweezers so can't pick nose hairs out anymore

*stabs ur nan*
beat that

Mike "If They're Camp, Turn Up The Amp" Pence

*smiles at you from across the pub*

at some point in history a scientist did experiments and discovered the chemical which makes bellends and fannies smell a bit fishy.
he probably bottled some of it too.

same except instead of nose hairs for me it's my monobrow

>tim approaches you from the darkness and threatens to put you out of business

what do?

who cares about Jews? Nonwhites are this centuries target

>its literally fucking free. everything is paid for by rich chinese students
and arab students too

sry, the current /fr/ is actually there

Mike "soap dropper meet live copper pence"

Mike "Like men in Nylon, become a human pylon" Pence

Mike "Man wants a penetrator, i start the generator" Pence

Mike "Electric medicine from Thomas Edison" Pence

Mike "follow God's path or feel Tesla's wrath" Pence

Mike "LGBBQ" Pence

Mike "if to men you Jerk it, you complete the circuit" Pence

Mike "have men in your bed, find electrodes in your head" Pence

Mile "Blast gays with Tesla's rays" Pence

Mike "if dick you admire, fear the electric wire" Pence

Mike " act camp then you get the Amp" Pence

Mike " an electric shock for sucking cock" Pence

Mike "if dicks give you an erection, i'll complete the connection" Pence

Mike " to deal with queers, use volts times amperes" Pence

call the police

You're first on the list then.

>british universities give an extremely fair, practically free university system

>leftist retards still complain when cameron increases the tuition fee by 50p

Best line Tbh

FUCK getting on any of them next carriages. I'm 6'5 and on the central line I can only stand in 1 spot because I don't fit anywhere else

this 2bh

>its literally fucking free
£9k per year plus all the other money to support you says otherwsie

mike "pride parade through electric avenue" pence

Well, clearly not this (((Irish))) poster.

a lot of people don't seem to understand the student loan system
it's about as far from a traditional loan as possible
I think it would just be easier if the tuition fee was "abolished" but the government still pays £9000 a year to universities and a "maintenance grant" or whatever to students, then when they graduate and get a job earning over £21,000, they get a graduate tax

it would stop a load of people moaning

>tfw nature hasn't made a man out of me yet

it's literally a belated tax

*kicks your fucking teeth in*

it never will

Mike "if to men you fap, you'll get the zap" Pence

ughhh tories ughhhhhhh tuition fee they want to stop us ordinary people going for education ughhh I feel sick ......... omfg Did you hear about trump ?!!!!!!

they're such a small minority in Ireland they aren't worth targeting. Maybe the UK is different but our biggest media owners are Irish, theres barely any jewish politicians or NGO's here either






>Graduates have an average of £44,000 of debt: Students leaving English universities now owe the most in the world following tuition fee hikes



Virgins may be completely inexperienced. Your virgin client may have a wealth of knowledge about sex through watching porn or reading erotic literature. However, when it comes to the physical aspect of sex, he may be completely inexperienced. He may kiss like a dead fish or come at you like a rooster pecking for a worm. His idea of caressing your breasts may feel like you’re being groped. If you can, guide him carefully by giving him simple instructions and positive reinforcement. Condom use is an especially important topic to address with your virgin client. He may not know how to use them and will ask if he can go without wearing one. Even if he IS a virgin, do not allow it.

I was sitting in the haze of a drunken night, and heaven knows i'm miserable now

this train has a serious disability

if you laugh you are being trainsist

here unis are always less than 500 euro and even then you can get free money from the state to help you pay based on your social origin
+ free money during your whole tuition to cover for expenses

ah yes, another remarkably shit post from the halifax region, carry on

>punishing people for educating themselves

Ah yes, we should all become brickies then shall we

it's urea lad

reminder that universities should be free primarily so they can become more selective
at the moment every student is a profit so they let dumb cunts get into uni when are by no means smart enough

Stop using words you don't understand. Fucking shelf stacker.

woo lads come on

Is this possibly the most retarded poster of all time?

but it's nothing like a traditional loan
go and take out a £45,000 loan from a bank and then you'll realise how easy you're getting it

corbyn wants to eradicate tuition fees

cmon REALLY makes you think

is it trainposting hour again?


well yeah

far too many people have degrees in this country

what this does is causes the value of a degree to decrease

if everyone has a degree, nobody has a degree

won't be getting my vote

see what you spastic?


what's the point when the internet exists

literally, LITERALLY, me
the only reason i go clubbing is in the hope of getting laid but i have no clue how to approach women in a club

what you mean just like nick clegg did as a way of getting the student vote?

Road, Rail and Air Power Hour

think i might actually have a seizure and die from my benzo abuse

thank god

>tfw Scottish
>tfw paying nothing to attend top 20 worldwide uni

A friend's down at Oxford and gets a pretty substantial bursary for being Scottish kek

>to deal with queers, use volts times amperes

the fact that tuition fee is almost near zero doesn't stop the fact that you won't move up from your social class though

Chinese/Arab students have to pay £44,000 upfront in one go

John Smith pays £2 a day once he starts earning above £21k. His ""debt"" is cancelled by the age of 30

big data will pay for it

I know what literally means.

I'm using it correctly

the british student loan system is literally a belated tax

corbyn wants to actually invest in trains and not price gorge travellers

*tilts into the thread at 125 mph*
did someone say trainposting?

Where did the report argue it was like a traditional loan?

Have you just devised this to counter the argument that this +£40k debt somehow doesn't exist?



Fuck off British scum, this is my thread now.

>His ""debt"" is cancelled by the age of 30
it's 30 years after the course is completed

corbyn wants to eradicate the surveillance state

cambridge powerhouse

Got called order 1182 at McDonald's today

corbyn wants to reinstate cotton mills and get rid of child work laws

Tuition fees has seen all kinds of spackers go to uni who were to feckless to approach other career choices and just wanted to piss about with their mates for another 3 years

seizures won't get you killed lad

The Midlands Engine?

The Northern Powerhouse?


Far too many people go to school

What this does it causes the value of school to decrease

If everybody goes to school, nobody goes to school

It's because college students think only other people should pay for things, not them.

They pay a caretaker a substantial bursary?


ah yes

modern britain

corbyn will put the footballers on bricklayers wages

This is an absolutely disgusting comment, and shows the toxic mentality that's driving me away from this sub. I've been a part of this sub for several years now, and I've had some outstanding discussions with many of you, both current and past users. It was always a good place to come for a roundup of any news and to discuss with people passionate about this sport and mostly knowledgeable about soccer as well. You don't often get that in an online community. The biggest thing that /r/soccer used to be compared to most social media & forums, was inclusive & respectful of all soccer fans - those from Europe & those from America, those who became fans in the 70s and those who became fans after the last World Cup. One of the only rules, one that everyone enforced as a community & abided by, was essentially "don't be an asshole". Everybody respect everybody's opinion, disagree but respect. That's just no longer the case anymore. And this isn't about anyone getting the downvote brigade because they're from America. There isn't any feeling of good humored banter anymore. It's gone to a very anti-foreigner, xenophobic atmosphere particularly towards Americans - myself included, but many others as well. Downvotes don't really matter, but the amount of "most American thing I've heard today" and the like are just beyond silly ignorance. Many of the good-natured fun people have gone, but many of you are still here, yet you do absolutely nothing to combat this, not like you used to anytime someone was being a dick for no warranted reason. Your mods may not have the role of policemen, but they are certainly guilty of standing by and enabling this behavior just like everybody else. I guess at the end of the day, this sub is a microcosm of reddit as a whole. This isn't really a message "fuck off" to the people who are saying the anti-American bullshit, as much as it is a message to those of you who aren't to make it unwelcome, Cue the top response being "fuck off you American cunt"

>become educated so you can make lots of money for someone else
>have to pay for the privilege
wow arrogant students!!!

really don't understand how this works? doesnt this damage the tyres?

*jumps in front of a train*

I've overdosed on life

You don't.

Make sure the labels face the front.