Do women in your cuntry have GOAT jawlines, Sup Forums?

do women in your cuntry have GOAT jawlines, Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:

what is she saying

Why do white people make such annoying facial expressions all the time

>GOAT jawline

its called weighing 105lb you should try it fatass.

>GOAT jawlines
you mean manly jawlines?

you sound like a weak jawed pleb


top qt on the right

she shuts the "reporter" down too, the only words he can muster are "b-b-but you're the real racists smug pepe haha Sup Forums represent"

Probably a HAPA desu

>antjespamming faggot is a leaf
color me surprised

>lol you're racist for bring up racism

baka are these neo nazis this delusional

I'm also the head honcho of the mommy posting on this site, pham


Man, I want cookies

What is the context here?

die a hot, fiery death pretty please

so rude
an antifa girl like her would make anything and everything appetizing

Everybody has a good jawline here compared to the rest of the world

lmao who cares

What is this from you chinese fagot?

What is this from you chinese fagot

why are you so rude

found it lad. fuck the leaf

I have asked you directly like 4 times, only on the third was I rude.

jewy faces, why are big jaws so common on jewesses/celebs ?

Thank you gents

Lefty activist girls are the best girls, it's not even close.


she's got a cute face (although manjaw is still a turnoff)

but her dyke haircut really ruins it

>t. low test jawlet

>tfw no stronk jawed antifa gf




Mind posting links? This is literally what I get searching her.

She's blowing a nigger as we speak

You know this because it's your job to watch?

One on the right?


No the main girl in the Middle.

>tfw no Trump protesting, bra burning, Seven Sisters college attending, pussy hat wearing, Jezebel reading, Buzzfeed watching, Planned Parenthood donating, Tumblr posting, man hating, woman empowering, Sylvia Plath reading, riot grrl listening, student union organizing, vagina goddess worshipping, Democrat voting liberal gf

>tfw no antifafu gf


The best roommates I've ever had were lesbians. She seems alright

>that hair

lul. I'd take the qt on the right.

Here's a pic from 2012

>what the fuck do you mean knee capping and scalping fascist pigs is immoral?
>what are you? some kind of luke warm moderate?

>That "oh yeah, I am going to be doing that" said in a macho, sarcastic way
I don't mind tough women, but I hate when they copy mannerisms of men to look tough.


You need to start considering the possibility that you might be gay. You can start by taking a cock or two

>using gay as an insult
>falling for the abrahamic sexual orientation meme

are you 12?
