
It's the rage
the cosmic rage
the cosmic rage of astrel dwarves from Aberdeen
from their mines
they shall arise
and fight
the rage of the dwarves is tonight

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call centre tomorrow

call centre tomorrow

call centre tomorrow

call centre tomorrow

centra tomorrow

mom is making me go to the call centre tomorrow

Why are canadians so desperate to fit in with brits? Is it because they have no unique characteristics?

Wow wtf this article made me realise the nice attack wasn't because of Islam at all!


forgot to mention

doing a read of this btw

call centre 'morrow

>be yank
>get shart

She wants to meet in public and she broke up with me bud I'm not sure she'd want to have sex

>They'll also give you painkilling medicine into your veins, so that you're comfortable when you wake up.

please be morphine please be morphine please be morphine please be morphine please be morphine please be morphine

what's morphine like lids?

ah, your biography??

ironic considering leafs do terrible shit posts on purpose and are generally proud of themselves yet yanks act uncharacteristically docile in an attempt to seem like they belong in /brit/

>be yank
>get shart

micks BTFO

hmm i misread

>expecting me to read that

gonna need bullet points lad


>i just started reading: the book
good, la

Housemates sister said she'd rather feel the pain of a broken leg than take morphine again

>be yank
>call centre tomorrow

like a warm fuzzy blanket around your soul

whats supposed to be the appeal in womens bums agains?

literal paradise

people risk dying for it as a recreational drug it feels so bliss


anti-leaf yank's persistence is quite honestly charming to say the least

shame he's such a thick cunt

would that not be more crime and punishment

if I don't make it into any grad schemes I think I'll just move to aus and smoke weed at the beach all day 2bh

if you go then it's the ultimate sign you're a bitchboi and as whipped as ever

And admit that she's still ruling my life?

Might do a cide' n 'cide

terrible canadian's posting mindless nonsense and their opinions and terrible shit posts


yanks acting docile in an attempt to befriend fit in with actual brit lads

Comprehensive list of leaf contributions to the world:

See Bruce I can't tell what's more beta
>saying I don't want to see her (which means I'm still devastated asf about the relationship)
>going and being distant and business oriented and getting the stuff and leaving

I'm scared she'll see the pain in my eyes

leafs are secretly playing 405d chess in front of your own very eyes yet you SHEEP are too stupid to realise

ffs no idea how I'm going to explain this one to the landlord


isn't heroin just refined morphine?
or the other way around

Canadians invented quantum computing and deep learning, which are poised to be two of the most significant technologies of this century

I'm coming with

Alphas who don't give a fuck what you think


Beta spineless yanks

Hmmm ooo hard choice

why do people in the worst circumstances have such a strong will to live, but middle class folk seem apathetic about it all?

I've read about prostitutes in moldova who get kidnaped and shipped to turkey, forced to work in brothels. and yet they don't give up and many manage to escape and shit and come back home and have kids and a family.

and you look at Sup Forums and it's full of lads with potential who've all but given up on life because they weren't handed a perfect life on a silver platter

you need to find a stud

and the support beam for the wall :^)

Lads is cheese craic?

or doing neither and just say you're busy and don't want to be stuck carrying clothes around all day.

if you tell her you don't want to see her, she's won and if you go and see her, she's won. just say no, i'm busy. leave them on the porch.

Comprehensive list of Iceland's contributions to the world: Björk, Lazy Town


it's joyful I suppose

>imported from England

you've been gypped lad

no that was us

GOOD post

Where are all the brits at?

I didn't buy any I just saw it at the store.

looking for a new job but I'm not qualified for fuckall and have experience in the wrong areas

beating england in the euros



Same desu

Peng ting called Maddison

who cares! asserting yourself would be a nice change i'm sure

ah yes i'm sure he's most qualified and wasn't chosen simply because he's black

Why do Micks always steal our food
>Full Irish instead of Full English
>Irish breakfast tea instead of English breakfast tea
>Irish cheddar instead of... cheddar

You had the first openly gay head of government

heroin is just morphine synthesised to be stronger

they use morphine since much less chance of dependence growing, essentially the same effects though

She gave me a time tomorrow to meet and I said I had the class at that time(true) and to do what I originally asked or forget about it completely

Will let you know if she replies, thanks lad

I asked /cum/ earlier but they're all card carrying virgins and were no help

hmm might do this
don't even know what I want to do, I have no interests

feels good senpai

still, high is high
they better use it goddamit, even though the situation doesn't really call for painkillers
I mean, the goal of this surgery is to stop pain

it's in their nature

That was just a lie to trick foreigners into liking us

Love mozzarella

the need to reinforce that they, are indeed, not english


any kind of invasive surgery is gonna leave you sore lad

konosuba episode 3 desu

I followed your advice somewhat but I didn't sperg out and say "I don't want to see you"

Lads I was watching the highlights from that Shia Labeouf livestream and im blown away

80% of the Sup Forumsacks that came round to take the piss out of the thing are actually very attractive and not autistic at all, quite good banter

I usually hate those fucking dafties, didnt expect that


will you link me to the video?

Why do the faggot mods keep shutting down /hwndu/ threads?

Megumin best girl

'eroin has an extra methyl group attached to the molecule allowing it to cross the bbb (blood-brain barrier) faster and provide a quicker high

uhm no sweety, the sjws are the good looking ones :)

Did you see that crazy guy that shouted out hackerforum and then said Hitler did nothing wrong?

lots of lads on Sup Forums are quasi normies, minus their political opinions

he's trolling
they were all autists except for one fat mexican guy


if you're going under the knife no doubt they'll hook you up lad

*Injects some methyl group molecules directly into my brain*
Ah. That's the good stuff

Need Jesus in my life

Currently watching two well dressed lads dance about like spastics to shadilay, skip into 4:40


Watch them all, they are hilarious. This livestream is literally going on for 4 years. 4 years of utter pisstaking. Cant wait for some sted head from Sup Forums or /fit/ to come down and throw hands with Shia. Bound to happen.

Yeah, he was an ugly little spic twat and not humorous at all

This chap here

Watch the videos

just filtered yanks and canadians

ah yes
not autistic at all

yeah you'll have a tap in your hand for the general
they'll hook you up to pain med dispensor
they'll probably even dope you before you wake up, they did with me

No la the guy im talking about was completely white and didn't really say much

to whom it may concern: shia is jewish

thats charls in a wig

expected alot worse, actually watch them. they are mostly normies.