
bf ed. 2

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if yer arse is rare prepare for the chair


no sauce or rice/noodles?

No longer believe in freedom. People need to be ruled with an iron fist.



start taking cold showers

glad you're seeing the light

makes me think

haha alri stalin

That paki buinesswoman who's trying to block brexit is going to be hounded by rorkes for the rest of her life.

'tis an 'spensive 'v

Fuck off, I'm not a commie.

uncle joe stalin did nothing wrong

te quiero, velas...

this desu

Alri Mark Corrigan

good job, boiler's packed in

*is pride of the midlands*

what the FUCK did he mean by this?


Will I always be alone?

Shit gimmick, no one cares about Aston Villa

he's truly gone off the deep end


el canadiANO

why do people bend over backwards to appease mudslimes?

Why. What's the big deal with cold showers? Very uncomfy imho

personal liberties are not too shabby imho
kulaks deserved it tho

increase your self-control, makes you less of a pussy

also wakes you up, is good for your skin+hair, and apparently increases test

loooool white people are mad cuz

What the fuck are they trying to achieve?

>why do people bend over backwards to appease mudslimes?


because it's what all the cool kids do

literally one of the most relevant teams on Sup Forums and /brit/ despite dwindling in size


there was some deano literally wearing grey tights at the gym last night

like they didn't even look like compression pants or whatever, they looked like yoga pants that girls wear

doing sudoku lads

was he a bender?

been making serious gains since I bought my new gym trousers lads

caught some bender eyeing up my bulge as well

What does /brit/ think of Pie?

no he was there with his gf and 2 other friends

it's delicious


Back from work

classic german

[Citation needed]

upset at my lack of friends and willy ports

tastes pretty good

Should babies in the womb be considered parasites?

*relocates your job to china*

going to HAVE to get a fat chippy tonight lads x


jokes on you my job can't be relocated, it's already technically outsourced

yes, and neets

I appreciate your concern, and things are bad, but fortunately we're still quite a ways from being fucked. Trump's approval rating is in the mid-thirties. I don't see that improving a ton, even if he begins to stir up international conflicts. There is a very real potential for something beautiful to emerge in the resistance. If you attended one of the womens' marches, the feeling was electric.

We are in dark times. Our world faces real threats. Inequality is killing tens of thousands of people, climate change threatens global stability. We need to band together, to bust up and take back concentrated power. I think the hatred of Trump can help accomplish that in a way that a friendly face never could--even under Obama, inequality increased, power concentrated and we didn't move on the climate fast enough. We need a new power base, and I think it's waking up. The time is now to dream big and organize locally.

First step it taking back statehouses. In 2020, these will be the bodies of power that will decide control of Congress (via redistricting). Were Hillary Clinton POTUS, Democrats would continue to get devastated in state elections. With Trump's numbers down the drain, we have a real chance to take control of our country. These will be utterly insane and quite possibly dangerous times, but we also have opportunity like we've never had before. Find out who is doing good grassroots work locally (here is one link for local organizing groups, there are also plenty of national groups). We can do this, but we must be involved, we must get out in the real world, and we must work together and not allow ourselves to be divided. We can win, and we can win big.

Are you gassed?

Reminder: The only people that say "yes" to this question are sociopathic women (redundant), their beta orbiters and Rasheeds.

gf just sent me her acting debut

post fucking machines

Anyone been to Budapest? whats it like?

GOOD post

yea good

HEY, HEY, this is library

why do people eat that shit-tier food?

>Reminder: The only people that say "yes" to this question are sociopathic women (redundant), their beta orbiters and Rasheeds.


nigs have no taste

its almost certainly going to grade-F halal meat so not sure what you meant by that.

nig nogs like cheap shit and any fried chicken

t. beta orbiting rasheed

gf's brother went there on a massive drinking binge, came back shitting blood
said it was decent though


>tfw you realise women like cock

bent as fuck

>t. beta orbiting rasheed

it's cheap and not everyone is a middle-class toff

hilarious mate



>nig nogs

Bad luck hun ^_^ guess again... there's only one option left :) x

are you mocking me

imagine being a smelly aussie with a dead uncle but you're also a beta orbiting rasheed

Sup Forums is full of mongs these days who spam APOLOGIZE or EXPOSED whenever someone scores

who triggered Rorke?

not cheap though is it. a fiver or whatever that greasy halal mess costs isn't cheap.

shit-tier food for shit-tier people 2bh.

the board is dead, yes

but let's not forget that villa were a large part of what made /epl/ and /trb/ threads great 'ack 'n 'he 'ay

He's a comedians character. A leftist news reporter that likes to shit on both sides

/epl/ wasn't around when the board was good

>have to go to class


>rasheed is here
Oh dear.

So apparently we're staying in the EU now?

Cool, I guess

>thinking a fiver for an entire meal isn't cheap
>being negative about the chippy

can't tell whether you're a middle class toff or just an autist who eats pot noodles


he's angry again lads

Italian guy on the bus sitting across from me, looks like an evil version of Joey from Friends and he's perving on all the student girls.

*bangs the doldrum*