>tfw we threw them all in your country in the 90s

I understand you. It's funny when they actually try to apply for asylum.

Guy on the left looks Argentinian desu pham.

>expecting an italian to make a decent move

Well, I gave that up long ago. I fucking hate Italians almost as I hate Albanians. They're just about the same thing anyway, so go figure.

RIP your national football team

I don't give a flying fuck about football, I do give a fuck about the purity of my country.

Fun fact: We owe most of our niggers to you, France. You can fuck off as well. Your nation is unironically even more cucked than Germany or Sweden and that is saying something.

>I do give a fuck about the purity of my country.
aren't you a fucking serve

Back to your containment board

>literally the sneakiest country in the world
>gets pissed with us brown people

i think that serbian diaspora is even worse
whats wrong with shqips ?

t. Bilel

there is nothing wrong with wanting your country to be full of your countrymen and not disgusting apes like Al*anians

pls don't steal my kidney
you fucking cuckold.
Keep being jealous, Mario di Santo.


do you consume alcohol
how old are you

Can you please just finally get the fuck out of my country? That's really all I'm asking of you.

Albania for Albanians. Switzerland for the Swiss.

you know the moment they leave you're just gonna get more middle easterners so good luck

>implying there's a difference between albo shitskins and sandniggers

there is a lot
some do crime but majority integrate

albanian ERASMUS students are qts, can confirm
especially because the ones I've met could speak a few words of portuguese

So much this. Deport all Albanians, they are the worst islamic scum.

Some Albanians are alright.

don't go to Albania tomorrow

don't go to Tirana tomorrow