
cheese fries edition

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Sissy americans

nth for incest

How about this one Mexibro?

My lesbian cousin once said I was the only man she's ever loved. Talk about awkward. I played it off well though.

>this is the democratically appointed leader of Canada

>crinkle cut
my nigga
>someone from the boislut country calling anyone else sissy

What about Cheese steaks edition?

put my cheese in yo mommas fries

ho ho ho

test 2

dont test your trip/proxy here spaghettinigger


is obvious that she did it as a joke

guys look, A Finn and Jap are interacting and its just as autistic as it sounds

tell us more

what did you tell her?


Paulie please

I told her that I love her like a sister.

afk, brb please
pause everything
until I get back

thatd be good too, cheese steaks are god tier

What's wrong?

Oh, j'aime le cock. Je pense que le cock c'est très beaux. Un jour, j'aimerais sucer un cock. Je pense que le cock est le symbole de perfection.

>friend made slut fall in love with him


>not making out with your cousins
>anno domini 2017


you cannot stop shitposting anymore than you can stop a mudslide of diarrhea from drowning an indian daycare

dumb oreo poster

cheesesteak is one of the worst sandwiches Ive ever eaten

*roughly fucks finland*

>No peppers

bit gay lad

It's over Mexico. Turn signed an order to renegotiate NAFTA. No more ripping us off.

fuck off

You are so dumb iroqua and you keep using google translate.

t. i speak french.

What does kys stand for?

They're fags is what's wrong

you have to wait until
I am back
It's very important
afk for realzies ;)


I don't speak the language but the message is cleare

Because you had a shit one you bastard

>not knowing basic memes

>He doesn't know what it stand for

testalo su /ita/, fa così schifo che in confronto questi post sono 10/10

theyre all shit

How else do you defuse a situation like that? I wasn't about to fuck family. She's a crazy NYU feminist now btw.


>theyre all shit

Kll yourself

you could have made her bisexual

"kill yourself"

yes, thats what I said

zitto puttana

Anyone got any manime to post? Feeling a little randy.

>not fucking your family


american "intellectuals"

gonna go donate some blood to the draculas so they dont kill me buds

>yes, thats what I said

seems photoshopped

There's no such thing

allora ti denuncio



Go test spaghetti nigger proxy elsewhere

is this a fair representation of african american people?

Stai zitto mulignans

>a-user I can't hold it in any longer! leave the room, quick!

red deer: the butthole of alberta

They prefer Popeyes. KFC is the white mans chicken.

> cheese fries
> putting fat on carbs
enjoy never getting /fit/, norteños


is missing grape soda.

it just looks like the usa

ti sgozzo porco

i want to hate fuck kellyann conway

why are streets so wide?

only if you pay for dinner

el guatemalteANO


Of you eat carbs you should have some fat with it because it causes you to digest slower thus preventing a blood sugar spike. Get your outdated science out of here.

big cars + big country

it's really only main roads that are 4 lanes, most residential streets are 2 lanes only

Yes that's what an intersection looks like

t. pic related

>lived there for 6 years
its p good get fucked hippie

For a shithole that doesn't look bad at all. This is my local shithole

imagine if your entire city was a strip mall and some cardboard house suburbs

you're really just imagining red deer

thats a major intersection, 3 lanes + 2 turning lanes

rip magician red

>living in an area devoid of maountains and hills

Should probably commit sudoku if you live in such an area.

>5'11's at the gym

> still /fit/

>strip mall
2 full malls get fucked
plenty of oilfield shit
small enough to not be busy as fuck all the time
big enough to have everything you need
>used to live 2 blocks NW of your pic

are you done with pt 3 yet?

this is what the entirety of my city's outskirts look like

it's actually quite comfy in the prairies, especially in the summer

nothing to block your view

>being such a cuck that you don't live near mountains

wish i could stay and argue but i gotta go
real outskirts are trees + foothills, or mountains


is there anything comfier than a 90% mormon southern albertan small town?

i don't think so

Mississauga: The Dickhole of Ontario


>is another "first worlders complain about they perfectly planned and clean cities" episode

Almost, I'm at the part where they are about to fight Dio, I actually watched the A.P.P.P dub of pt 3, for some reason the last episodes were dubbed but they missed a lot of the parts in the sub


I hope you aren't implying Mississauga is perfectly planned or clean

Is this manime?


butthole of alberta: red deer
dickhole of alberta: grande prairie
butthole of alberta after eating taco bell: fort mcmurray (because it's on fire)