Brazil is white

Brazil is white.

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Wow, breaking news, a white looking random whore.

>Eu posso ajudar á aprender a língua portuguesa

What a fucking retard. I wouldn't fuck her not even if you paid me.

What's wrong with á

>not posting actual legimate real legit 100% native original true brazilians

It's wrong. She probably wanted to use "à", but it'd still be wrong, you can't use "crase"(à) before verbs.
Translation: "I can help you learn the Portuguese language."
Well, I don't think so.

Also, she talks like a retard. She should've said:
"Eu posso TE ajudar a aprender a língua portuguesa."
It doesn't matter how you look if you're retarded on your own language.


Average white Brazilian, just light skin with hair straightening to hide mixed features.

she's cute as fuck. Would bump

Nothing wrong with that. Her eyes are her best feature anyway.

>Average white Brazilian, just light skin with hair straightening to hide mixed features.
Lower your standards bro...

>he thinks these girls would fuck a greasy nerd from Sup Forums


Their plan is to marry so they get citizenship, she would fuck anyone that could be fooled into marriage

What app is this?

Womyn are dumb you fucking faggot. Now stop bitching and fuck her.

Wow, that's really cute, got a name?

yeah, I was about to post the same thing
damn women

Prove that you are whiter than me.

nice negro nose, my pardo friend

I, too, would like to know what app this is.

Prove that you are whiter than me.

Unfortunately no user.

I will not post some picture of myself, but you and I are just pardos, narizinho de preto.
also, are you in a classroom?

It's not a negro nose you disgusting pardo, look at the nose bridge.
It's a college room.
Prove that you are whiter than me

kys you fucking nigger loving nigger

Do you even know what a negroid nose is, negro?

What app is this?

You unironically look like a moor, you are probably some Iberian shitalian.

Prove that you are whiter than me.

Also fun fact: I knew a mulatto guy that looked whiter than you, both in skin color and facial features.

But I guess in the land of the black the brown is king, but your shit skin wouldn't fly in my city.

i wonder if this kind of retarded post is made in earnest or just to further the memes. i can never tell with brazilians on here


I'm not a retarded attention whore but I can say with utter certainly that not only I am whiter than you but so is most of my city.

Then prove it, nigger.

I wish.

He challenged you for a "who is whiter?" battle, now you have to post your picture bro or you automatically loses the white battle.

At least a pic of your hand. Prove it, negroid.


ugly nails

Not whiter.

I taught that was face paint, still pretty cute.

what app

no, i don't think it's whatsapp



>OP has abandoned the thread
Leave it to a leaf

>brown hair
>green eyes
she's black.

I know that it sounds funny to meme like this on Sup Forums, but if someone finds out who you are, you could get arrested for racism and that could ruin your life.
Think before posting this kind of crap here.


She's cute tbqh

The same way there are extremely white people. It just happens.

i wish brazil got nuked

Let me outta here first, please. I don't deserve to die.

no fuck you

Y-You too...

>arrested for racism on Sup Forums
This isn't Germany senpai.

Alright, then keep posting your face on Sup Forums and see what happens.

I'm not him, I wish death to all att whores.

not OP but the app is "tandem"

thanks friend
