Well Sup Forums

Well Sup Forums

If you're so smart

What does my map show?

The world

western and non-western countries


and I fucked it up
It's fixed now

Green countries and red countries, obviously.

My serious guess is countries which Mostly use a Latin influenced language, but indias red so idk

countries that use latin alphabets.

Why is Portugal green

not memes quiet obviously

Solar time vs standard time

The world in green and red.

>the literal faggot that reverse searches everything

Or This

>Greenland, a part of Denmark, is not a Western country
>Neither is Poortugal or Greece
>But random pacific islands, African, South American and Eastern European countries are

Makes sense. I am greek, btw.

turkey, azerbaiajanm greenland (and prob others) use latin tho

The Latin Alphabet, AKA civilized vs barbaric countries

>mos of Africa

Christian and Non Christian world

White countries

Red countrys are fuckin shit nuggets.

Catholic/Protestant Christianity in Green.
Muslims, Orthodoxs, Induism, Budism, Judaism, etc. in red
